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I see six new pages and am all giddy, "oh, maybe his short program music was leaked", "maybe there is an official statement that yes, he did land the 4A", something good must have happened......................AND THEN THIS.

Damn, life is just not fair. Can't the universe let him achieve his dream without any other obstacles. Hasn't he suffered enough?!

Of course I hope that he will have a good and fast recovery (Yuzu, please let this ankle heal properly), but I worry more about his mental state.

He just was at a good place again, felt good about his skating and then this has to happen.............I'm really glad that he is with his family and has their support for this.

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I am terribly sad for Yuzu and for all of us. This is very hard to bear, especially since our hopes were so high for the emergence of Nessie. I mourn as I send him all my love and support and wishes for a full recovery.


I would never say Yuzu brought this on himself. By virtue of who he is, however, of his stratospheric goals, his incredible perseverance and the inherent danger of the sport, injury is a risk he has willingly assumed and accepted. He has already talked about being injured repeatedly as he sought the proper technique to conquer the 4A. He is, after all, in wholly uncharted territory.


We have no idea how serious any of those earlier injuries were, because he's been training alone and none of them prevented him from competing in the few competitions he's been able to attend. I pray that this injury is not as serious as in '17 and '19. Time will tell. Loving him is a hell of a ride, but one of the best experiences of my whole (very long) life. He's worth every tear, and I'll always be there for him in whatever small way I can. 



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I don't remember last two times but this time he really wrote a lot of comments to us.


I still can't properly process the news, or his comments. I don't understand what he meant, or what this injury means to him, to us, to the figure skating world. TBH I'm terrified and just couldn't process anything. 


Reading all your discussions above is calming me down a bit. Hope I can come up with something meaningful soon. 

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Only one person has said this in this super long thread of reactions to this new injury, but I feel it would be the absolute wisest decision for Yuzu to get back to Toronto immediately, where he can get the treatment he needs and the coaching he's been missing.  Don't go to COC - just heal and train, with the proper medical people and actual coaches.


I am devastated for him, but not actually surprised.

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I have been thinking whether this injury is recent or not.Based on the statement he said about rehabilitating on ice...maybe he had the fall that causing the injury quite some time ago but just now made a statement since its still unable to completely heals by NHK.The video about him wanting to jump quad axel i think was recorded some while ago

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3 minutes ago, barbara said:

Only one person has said this in this super long thread of reactions to this new injury, but I feel it would be the absolute wisest decision for Yuzu to get back to Toronto immediately, where he can get the treatment he needs and the coaching he's been missing.  Don't go to COC - just heal and train, with the proper medical people and actual coaches.


I am devastated for him, but not actually surprised.


In my mind this is the perfect opportunity for that to happen. Go back to his bat cave, get treatment from the folks who actually know his ankle better than anyone, get some supervised coaching and technical tips (and be able to work on choreo in person!!)... if he isn't going to be doing Russia then this is a big block of time for him to be in Toronto, where he's worked and successfully been treated before. Being home has been great for him, but things are a bit different now. But, Yuzu knows all of this himself so I trust he'll do what he thinks is best.

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5 minutes ago, barbara said:

Only one person has said this in this super long thread of reactions to this new injury, but I feel it would be the absolute wisest decision for Yuzu to get back to Toronto immediately, where he can get the treatment he needs and the coaching he's been missing.  Don't go to COC - just heal and train, with the proper medical people and actual coaches.


I am devastated for him, but not actually surprised.

I dont know about him going back to Toronto..i think its depends on what he wants in the future/ahead.From based on the interviews that we get from his he just want to land the 4A  and one of the reasons he participates in the gp was because of that.If he really wants to be competitive and goes to the Olympic he will have gone back to Toronto once the border was open.I had the impressions he had already give up the idea of going to Beijing when he wished Nathan good luck for the Olympic during the last Worlds press conference.Because he knows it is impossible to win now with how  the judging/scoring  was now against him and in previous interview he said only if he thinks he can win that he will go to the Olympic.So in my opinion what Yuzu doing now is just to continue skate and fulfilling his dreams of landing 4A.Im sure he knew the risk of attempting the jumps especially if its resulting in injury and preventing him from winning the Olympic.I think since going to the Olympic is not on his minds now thats why he is more freely to practice the 4A

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1 hour ago, birnasan said:

This is my first year as a fan, and I have no idea how those of you, who have been following him for longer, have survived his rollercoaster career. 


Rollercoaster career is such an understatement, to be honest.



But you know what? I was earnestly worried that this load of new CMs and never-ending push from Beijing Olympics would pressure Yuzu to compete at the Olympics, even if he didn't want to go. Maybe now that this setback happened, they will quiet down at least a little and give him a fair chance to decide himself what he can and what he wishes to do. He is a human being and not a marketing puppet after all. Especially not for a sport that has treated him so badly over the years.


Whatever happens, I wish him a speedy recovery and a lot of positive energy. Also hope that he will skip COR with all the covid cases going up, and return to competition when he himself feels that he's ready to return.


And please don't worry about us, Yuzu. We will wait for you  :grouphug:

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2 hours ago, Yuzurella said:


S'il y a une chose que j'ai apprise au cours de toutes ces années où j'ai vaincu Yuzu, c'est que d'une manière ou d'une autre, l'Univers semble lui causer le plus de douleur et de chagrin, mais il semble également lui ouvrir la voie pour réaliser ses plus grands triomphes et en d'une manière qui surpasse tout ce qui a jamais existé auparavant. Qui sait ce qui est encore possible pour lui.


If Yuzu recovers quickly - and I still hope his injury is not serious - I think he will compete in the Japanese national championships. Either way, I'm pretty sure if Yuzu wants to compete in the Olympics and if he sees himself in the mental and physical shape to do so, he's probably going to get his spot.


For now, the most important thing is that he gives himself the time and rest necessary to recover. Get well, Yuzu!: smiley-angelic001:

Let's all try to stay positive for Yuzu and send our love and support to him. : love shower:



According to Google Translate, the tag means "May the wound of Yuzuru Hanyu be healed"



I confirm for the translation, since I have to do it anyway and here it is for Yuzu his dear Winnie who could console him  :puddingpooh:    :POOH:  and he really does not deserve, this nasty twist of fate ..... 

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23 hours ago, barbara said:

Only one person has said this in this super long thread of reactions to this new injury, but I feel it would be the absolute wisest decision for Yuzu to get back to Toronto immediately, where he can get the treatment he needs and the coaching he's been missing.  Don't go to COC - just heal and train, with the proper medical people and actual coaches

The absolute wisest decision for Yuzu is to stay at home, which he does.  In Sendai he can get the treatment he needs. And he's been missing any coaching this yeas. 


23 hours ago, liv said:

but not actually surprised

Reading this from you after hearing about Yuzu's injury doesn't surprise me either. Is that what you've been hoping for two years?


[Admin edit: Please keep your tone respectful]

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Guest Mary_kyo

Unpopular opinion here but saying Yuzu needs his coaches or implying this happened because he wasn’t training in Toronto makes me a little uncomfortable. But I respect other opinions too. He got the same injury twice in the past when he was coached as well and in presence of his coaches to be precise. We just need to keep in mind that he is indeed training a “risky” jump and sometimes injuries are unavoidable. Also I’m sure Canada has great medical system but Japan has good doctors/physiotherapists as well and Yuzu will not have any problem to access them. But of course a medical team who is already familiar with his injuries might be beneficial but not absolutely necessary in my opinion. 

If he could do performances like nationals last year and could finally master 4A as his interviews suggest, I’m sure he will be alright on his own too. Afterall, he is challenging “unknown” which is not known to his coaches too.

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3 minutes ago, Mary_kyo said:

Unpopular opinion here but saying Yuzu needs his coaches or implying this happened because he wasn’t training in Toronto makes me a little uncomfortable.

Not unpopular. I fully support it, but it doesnt make me a "little" uncomfortable, it makes me uncomfortable, period. You raise several good points, stand by them. :)

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Just came from TW-verse. I must say it amazes me how much positive energy and love can Yuzuru always generate. People full of support for him.


I wonder if people in certain bizarrely working fs institutions and some coaches see this and self-reflect on what they are doing wrong, since they usually generate the oposite feelings in fans who would love to think only positively about the sport.


Anyway, if Yuzu had to get injured this season, it's better now then later, as he still has a chance to recover in time for Olympics. Since 2017/18 season, I am viewing every competition where he apprears as a gift. Hope to see many others. Let's continue to send good thoughts his way.

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