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17 hours ago, IceWings said:

Christina Aguilera had the same problem. She used to win all the talent contests in school, so the parents of the other children tried to ban her from entering the contests to allow the other kids to win

Jessica Simpson said the same thing once in an interview - in high school no one wanted her to participate in school events requiring singing, because she made all the other kids l        ĺl




Edit: no prizes for guessing that I fell asleep over my phone while trying to post this, I guess! :roll::bed::indifferent0029:


What I meant to say was, she made all the other kids look bad. 

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50 minutes ago, yumeaki said:

Expect to see more BTS choreo movement.



What is the possibility of someone streaming this live next Sat? 

Lol all I understood was BTS-san and was wondering what else we'd get to see regarding his newfound music group. 


So many emoji to decipher but here's a summary of the possible content. 


This is easier to digest


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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1 hour ago, amylance1215 said:

Lol all I understood was BTS-san and was wondering what else we'd get to see regarding his newfound music group. 


So many emoji to decipher but here's a summary of the possible content. 


This is easier to digest


That brings me back to when Shizuka asked him which body part he liked the most and he answered her with "well, if it's earphone..." (And she cut him off immediately by saying "I'm not asking about earphone) :rofl3:

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6 hours ago, yumeaki said:

Expect to see more BTS choreo movement.



What is the possibility of someone streaming this live next Sat? 



Ahh this is great. Again something to look forward to :girlsigh: The little girl is so cute. :tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg:




The shooting time was end of May.




Here is the translation of the article

Credit: @ShuPa93156524 on twitter



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On 7/11/2021 at 3:49 PM, Melodie said:

Here comes the man, the myth, the legend 😂😂😂


We were wondering where he was the whole time. And boy, did he show up on time, after that earth-shattering Masquerade number 🤣🤣🤣


Edit: Translation of his heartfelt message on Instagram. All credits and thanks to Shu-pa! - san (@ShuPa93156524) on Twitter 🥰


Yuzuru-sama, also known as Masquerade-sama. You have infused new breath into this song, Masquerade as well as new breath into myself. It was so moving, and you have given joy and happiness to many fans including me. I am so grateful from the bottom of my heart. Truly, thank you!


toshl has spoken: yuzu-sama. nothing else to add! toshl, beautiful soul, thank you <3 


On 7/11/2021 at 9:23 PM, rockstaryuzu said:

To be a required element for senior men's FS in 2023...competitors to be judged on volume, pitch, vocal projection, emotional content, whether the scream fits the theme of the program, and sincerity of effort. 



BV? :D

14 hours ago, DancingFeather said:

I confess it's not the new CM that touches me deeply. He is beautiful, of course (as always), but his facial expressions are less relaxed than in interviews - just my opinion of course, I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings.


No, for me it is that scream. Brutally exposed, genuine, determined yet vulnerable. It shakes my innermost and I still don't know in what way.

that scream! sometimes I can see dark shadows casted on his vibrant soul, that scream was the nuclear explosion that in that moment blew them apart. anyway it somehow broke my heart. he is so precious and that scream, so deep and raw, it's still roumbling in my soul. I felt like embracing a sword and go fighting whatever may hurt  him.
tiny boy with precious immense soul, all I ask is for you to be happy and serene. go and catch your dream, whatever they might be. <3

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forgot to mention:

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to planet hanyu's staff
my first skating party was so much fun!

love you all :*

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1 hour ago, Anni said:



Ahh this is great. Again something to look forward to :girlsigh: The little girl is cute. :tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg:




The shooting time was end of May.




Here is the translation of the article

Credit: @ShuPa93156524 on twitter




'Recently, he has been training at 2 or 3 AM'... Yuzu...I wonder if he owns the rink so he can just go at strange timings. Or if ice rink manager-san has to stay up with him too :O

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