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6 hours ago, IceWings said:

In recent interviews where he talked about training 4A, he said that he cannot go into the jump with too much speed because he might hit his head when he falls, so he is definitely trying to protect himself while training that monster. 

Do you remember the source, I would like to read the full interview:dancingpooh:

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has this already been posted? (if so admins feel free to remove my post)
let's cover the sns in beauty ;)


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1 minute ago, Yuzuwinnie said:


Hello Gaia , for the first time , i try to writte in English ( sorry for my fault :softYuzu:) and i never see that and i learn it's from your country Italy FANYU  , il's great and funny so and what is " sns " ? 

hi, thanks for your effort <3
you can practice english here with us without worring for mistakes ;)

sns stays for social network system
the orginal idea is by elena costa who has a lovely (and really detailed) italian blog on yuzu and also is an admin of the italian fan group on facebook
if you would like to join, as long as I know you don't have facebook or twitter ecc, you can post here and I can share on socials 
elena said anything will be ok: art, music, cakes and bisquits... so if you wanna join just let me know ;)


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17 hours ago, Sha said:

Ah, I found it!




He describes how he was very sure he had no concussion at that particular crash. Although it is indeed worrying that he probably had some amount of concussion when he was younger... 


I don't think he takes injuries lightly or anything. He takes them very seriously. In fact in an even later interview, he said that he acknowledges that if either of them hadn't done some last minute maneuvering, he might have died (https://31translations.wordpress.com/2016/09/03/【figure-skating】hanyu-yuzuru-talks-about-the-incident-and-his-goals-for-nhk-trophy-・nhk-trophy-press-conference-transcription/). 


"An Australian cricket player passed away on the 27th after having a ball strike him in the head. In China, you seemed to have the possibility of a concussion. Do you think that not taking the risk would have been better?

“I did not know about this news, but in reality, sports mean to constantly continue challenging your physical limits. In a way, it means that you’re constantly side by side with death. To tell the truth, if the timing had been off by even a fraction of a second, I might have died. Even so, it was very fortunate that we did not get too heavily injured. We had collided when we had turned around, so we were able, to some extent, turn our heads around [to avoid direct collision]. Also, because I was able to shoot my arm out in time, so I was somehow able to avoid some of the shock.  


My chin had hit the ice, and the side of my head had hit Han Yan’s shoulder or chin, but even so, there was not a lot of blood. From the force of the impact, it didn’t feel like my head had shook much. It was because of this that I had believed that my body would be fine. 


In addition, it was really fortunate that there was a doctor present from the American team who had immediately rushed to my aid, and had did a careful checkup of me, and had also interviewed (*This word is used in a medical sense where the doctor asks the patient for symptoms, etc.) me. Through these examinations, it was decided that I did not have any symptoms of a concussion, and both my coach Brian [Orser] and I had understood this. 


I had understood that there were risks, but we had decided to believe in the doctor’s words, and had thus skated with that kind of feeling in mind. 


I know that there are risks. For me to be able to be here right now is a miracle itself. A lot of people had said that it was too reckless, and too dangerous, that there is a risk of a second impact, that I should be forbidden from competing, and have used this chance to criticize my coach and the members of the skating federation. However, I am very thankful of Brian and the members of the skating federation for allowing me to compete in China, and to allow me to be here today. I would like to thank my body [for persevering and recovering]."


He judged based on the information he had at that time what was the best way forward for him. If the doctor had diagnosed him as having a concussion at that point, he would have maybe made a different decision. Likely he would have withdrawn. Or Brian/JSF might have forced him to withdraw, since you can hardly make coherent decisions when you have a concussion. But since the doctor said he did not have a concussion, he wanted to go ahead. Maybe we can say we don't trust the doctor's diagnosis or something and that it is hard to find out if someone has a concussion or not (I am not a medical doctor), but Yuzu chose what he did because of the information he had at that time. He chose to trust the doctor. He chose to trust his own assessment of his body. 


Thank you for finding that! Well, the big danger of head impact is that the brain literally bounces against the inside of the skull and bleeds. I had a concussion once. It was a very particular feeling. You can actually feel your brain bounce. It's very very alarming. Since Yuzu had a concussion when he was younger, I'm sure he recognized that this didn't feel the same. 

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8 hours ago, barbara said:

it wasn't Brian's decision and no one NO ONE should have left the decision to skate to an injured teenager who is known to shake off injuries.  Someone with a concussion does not know they have a concussion. Period.  Your brain can get snapped around inside your skull and consequences of that injury are unlikely to appear immediately but can be devastating.  I am grateful that Yuzu doesn't seem to have suffered any permanent damage from that collision but everything about how that was handled was wrong (and not because of his coach, who, oddly, had no influence over the decision to skate anyway.)


Today (and in almost any other sport) he'd be sent to a hospital to be properly evaluated. 


Yuzu was turning 20 in only 1 month at that time. As an adult, he had a right to make decisions for himself. I've had concussion before. It feels VERY different from other head injuries. Since Yuzu also had a concussion before, I'm sure he could also tell the difference too. He was also never unconscious, and he rolled into multiple different positions on the ice before the medics got there, so he obviously didn't have a broken neck. The medics probably spoke to him as they approached on the ice, so they didn't just go grab him and pick him up, either. So I totally disagree, I trust Yuzu's decisions. He was very intelligent and analytical even at almost 20, and he had the help of a Doctor in making that decision. It was the right decision for him.

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On 7/4/2021 at 7:18 PM, IceWings said:

Thanks for the upload. Such great memories! :tumblr_inline_nhkf04zUM41qid2nw:

They ran the fog machine to give the gala some "atmosphere". It didn't make for good pictures or videos though! Lol.



And I think some people are just not bothered by pain as much. My brother often crashed and burned on his skateboard, bicycle, mountain bike, dirt bike, etc. It never stopped him from launching himself into the air off of some ramp, etc. A trip to Urgent Care for some stitches and wounds bandaged and as soon as he was healed, he was back at it again. I'm sure my mom has lost many years of her life raising him. Mama Hanyu probably relates.



I heard that China was going to see what happens with the Tokyo Olympics before deciding, but that really doesn't give them much time to make arrangements. I also heard that it's likely they will keep pandemic restrictions until the end of 2022, so Beijing Olys is really starting to look impossible. :(


With Japan comps also looking impossible, the most likely opportunity to see Yuzu would be COR :Poohgaveup:  But even that, Russia needs to lift travel restrictions too, and there's still the ticket battle. Plus sitting inside an arena with thousands of unmasked, screaming fans during a pandemic is not really the best thing. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:  

How's the vaccination rate in Russia? :P


I really hope Yuzu will continue after Olys, because it will be too cruel for it to be his last season with no chance to see him! :sorrow:



I still think he will do PW because he knows the Sochi audience will love that, and it may be his way of thanking them.



Skate Canada has adopted a Concussion Protocol although they don't always follow it. :/

There definitely should be a standard protocol in place for all competitions and not left to each Fed, or the athletes and coaches.



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This is not good. Repeated head injuries can also lead to Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), and this can only be diagnosed from doing an autopsy on the brain. CTE received a lot of attention after a young football player (I think he was only in his 20's) committed suicide. There's a lot they still don't know about CTE, but they think that repeated hits to the head even if it doesn't result in a concussion can still lead to CTE many years later.



Unless Japan opens up without quarantine time for vaccinated travelers, it looks like my only opportunity to see Yuzu live in competition will be ACI - IF he goes back to TCC, and IF they hold ACI with an audience. So I, too, really hope he skates for another season, but I don't think he will. I think he's going to retire. He may even give up his Olympic spot if he already lands 4A by then. BUT, he's so popular, he may tour with ice shows around the world afterward, so cross your fingers. 


Your logic is very sound. PW makes perfect sense for the Sochi Gala. 

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On 7/4/2021 at 6:27 AM, yuzu-san-fanyu said:

Seeing his breath when he skates is so cool... That rink must have been pretty cold!

then you MUST watch all the other 24h TV performances! Rink isn't foggy in all of them , but the setting always feel more intimate and often camreawork more up close too!

I have a huge soft spot for foggy Hana ni Nare with live choir and foggy Requiem from 24h TV 2015 (here the subbed vid and here 1080p but no subs), and also (not foggy) Notte Stellata in 2018 (he did foggy RJ1 in 2014, and in 2017 the live collab with Go Hiromi and then in 2019 HYK collab with singer who was very emotional so not flawless voice performance but still moving and beautiful Yuzu skating)

it reminds me that I should add 24h tv to glossary with links, since the vids in video section are in different folders, though most of them are in Yuzuru's journey - charitable acts subfolder. Some/additional links can be found in the Documentaries&miscellaneous compilation too, but I've just checked and some YT links have been removed or private :/




On 7/4/2021 at 12:08 PM, sweetwater said:

I came here to post something else, but here is a gist of how things happened from Brian's point of view based on チーム・ブライアン 新たな旅(Team Brian/New Journey) released in 2018 and an interview aired shortly after CoC:


After the collision, Brian wanted to run to Yuzu and see if he was OK, but he couldn't because there is a rule that bars any coach or staff from getting on the ice during 6-minutes warmups. The organizer didn't interrupt the warmup or send medical staff immediately, so Brian yelled, "He needs medical staff!" "Call the medical staff! Get him a doctor!" again and again. 


After several minutes, the Chinese medical staff finally got on the ice, but to Brian's surprise, they tried to get Yuzu up as soon as they got there. Brian was upset because it is dangerous to move someone when they fell on the ice and hit their head. What they should have done was to ask Yuzu if he was OK first, then see if he could get up by himself and check if he was really OK. So Brian asked the U.S. team for help, and their team doctor came and checked Yuzu's condition.


She examined him mainly by an interview and diagnosed that Yuzu was not going through a concussion and that among all the injuries, the left thigh injury was the most severe. However, the doctor didn't make any suggestion as to whether Yuzu should compete or withdraw, because such a decision should be left up to the skater and their coaching team.


Withdrawal meant no GPF, but Brian thought Yuzu's physical and mental condition was more important. Brian told Yuzu not to strain himself, that there was no need to worry over withdrawal because it was not a big deal, that there was no need to be a hero there. However, Yuzu was determined to compete no matter what. Yuzu's mother was also upset and worried about him, so Yuzu went to talk to her after receiving first-aid treatment.

(I am not sure if there is footage on YouTube, TV Asahi camera also captured Brian trying to persuade Yuzu to reconsider, to prioritize his health, saying, "Only you know (your real condition.) You don't have to be a hero. Your health comes first" during resumed warmup)


By skating through the FS with numerous falls, Yuzu finished 2nd and qualified to GPF. However, Brian could not be relieved until Yuzu went back to Japan to get a thorough check-up and told him that there was no brain damage and that the other injuries would not affect his career as a skater.


Later, ISU discussed how they should respond to such accidents, and Brian suggested that ISU should not leave the decision to continue or withdraw up to the skater or the coaching team. In Yuzu's case, the decision had not been made when he got back on the ice to resume warmup. Before resuming the warmup, Brian told them that Yuzu was not necessarily going to compete even though he took part in the warmup and that Yuzu and his team would make the decision after seeing if it would really be OK. However, once Yuzu came back on the ice, the audience cheered for him loudly and passionately. Brian thought Yuzu would not be able to say, "Actually, I withdraw because my body hurts" after receiving such support. That is why Brian suggested that the ISU should not leave the decision up to the skater and their team. He thought it was difficult for skater and their team to make such a decision after such an accident.


Yuzu's take on this accident and what he went through afterward can be read in Aoi Honoo II. His description regarding the decision here doesn't contradict Brian's so much. According to Yuzu, the doctor also said that he could skate because he didn't have a concussion, but she would not recommend it.


Aoi Honoo II has an English translation by a fan.


Because of the pandemic, it may be hard to order a book from Japan now, but I hope you read his autobiographies when you have a chance if you haven't read them already, not because you can consult it when you do some fact-check, but because it truly is a good read.

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

thank you for sharing this piece form Brian's book, it was new to me and useful to complete the picture of what happened.:thanks:

I also wanted to thank you for uploading The Ice 2012 videos - somehow I had missed when you added them to the video archive, I found it only today searching for video links for the Glossary:tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw: Thank you for the content list too!



14 hours ago, IceWings said:

In recent interviews where he talked about training 4A, he said that he cannot go into the jump with too much speed because he might hit his head when he falls, so he is definitely trying to protect himself while training that monster. 

iirc Yagudin reportedly tried all types of quads in training but got scared when he feel on a 4A attempt and almost(?) hit his head and said it that jump was too dangerous...

And this is actually why I think that, of all the skaters who can theorically achieve a 4A, Yuzu is the one with highest chances to succeed, because he has the most informed approach one could ever possibly have about a brand new and very risky element.



8 hours ago, Yuzuwinnie said:



Certainly Barbara : it was in 2014 and the unconsciousness of the Drs who came on the ice and lifted him immediately :  never to do (that was written by?) They should have kept his head in the position where he was (I took first aid courses and this is part of the 1st module) and put on a neck brace and carried in a stretcher     and, as you wrote, there could have been displacement of the brain and, therefore, Yuzu was somewhat fortunate not to have suffered any damage in this post-collision and I agree that in 2021 he and Y Han would have been to the hospital for an MRI 

tbh even with my 0 first-aid training I know that someone who is at risk of brain (or spinal cord) injury should not be moved carelessly, so it was surprising to see paramedics not make at least a first check before letting him get up.

Probably the fact that in FS skaters routinely fall and get up as if nothing enforces the idea that one is expected to get up, which would make people underestimate how serious an injury could be. Even the fact that referee waited entirely too long to stop the practice and make the other skaters leave the ice says a lot about FS people being used to shrug things off. But paramedics were supposed to know better...

And it's not only about Yuzu. Han Yan too, at first it looked like he was somewhat fine, he got up on his own and left the rink on his own, but then he had barely gotten off ice and he had to lay down. :/



In COC14 Yuzu was 19, not legally adult in Japan but still very experienced (though not as experience as he was, say, in CoR18, another comp where he chose to skate injured, thoguh of course very different injury). But in FS there are literal children, and both them and coaches&team (and sometimes even families) have usually very strong reasons to have them compete no matter what (and for young skaters it would also be hard to really grasp at the possible long-term health consequences of skating on injury. As a teen, it's hard to imagine how your life can be at 40yo or even 30, and what could mean living decades in constant pain...).

The choice to compete should never be left entirely to skaters or even to their coaches, it should be on people with actual medical knowledge.

Anyway, ISU health protocols and especially (but not only)concussion protocols s*ck and still s*cked in 2018, 4 whole years after that unfamous COC crash, when Ashley Cain had a really scary fall


Gosh I had heard of it but never really seen it myself, should have better left like that. Head down on the ice... and her partner immediately tired to help her up wtf. And they continued their routine... without evne ONE medic checking first if she was concussed. It was so much worse than COC14, I'm angry and appalled and disgusted by ISU.

I remember seeing another scary pairs fall, Tomtianina sometimes around 2006, and there too her partner didn't know he should have not moved her... but for god's sake that was 20 years ago, how is it possible ISU still hasn't fixed this?

COC14 crash involved the then most famous skater, it was all over the news... and what did ISU do?

They rushed to introduce a harsher deduction for multiple falls

As for a semi-decent concussion protocol...crickets.

Still crikcets now.

It says everything you need to know about the ISU.



On Yuzuru's choice to compete, I'm conflicted: on one hand, it looks like he took that decision based on doctors' opinion and his own knowledge and experience, and I reckon that his career might have taken a very different turn if he had WD and let the "fear" from the collision fester in his mind.

On the other, I'm terrified about all the "what if"s...


Skaters have talked about concussion, Ashley Wagner mentioned how it's hard for her to memorize things, and Gabby Daleman's issues are at least in part linked to her suffering a bad concussion. And then there's Joshua Farris. Ok, his accident didn't happen in comp, but all the more reason to enforce the strictest protocols.


By the way, it's true that skating is hardcore sport that puts skaters' health at risk. Not only the wear and tear, back issues, injuries from falls. Even spinning can actually cause brain damage, because when spinning is like a centrifuge for the brain. Famous spinner Lucinda Ruh suffered from concussion because of too much spinning (article about this)

Skaters of course train, but there's still a physical limit to how much your brain can take without suffering.

(all in all, one gotta be relieved that Yuzuru doens't spend an excessive amount of time training spins...:tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:)





On a more lighthearted note, guess what I found when googling Yuzuru Hanyu toe socks (I only wanted a short snippet of Zu's toe socks for the Glossary LOL yes I've added toe socks to Glossary, but still not added some programs acronyms. #priorities)? :eek:




I had to share, I was so flabbergasted at first and then just LMAO about how RANDOM it was. I had to double check it was the real person too, because it was just so unexpected!:10814716:

I've posted a screenshot instead of embedding the tweet directly because wouldn't it be weird if suddenly we swarmed to such a weird tweet from 7 years ago? (of course you're free to search for it)

also LMAO less than 30 likes, I guess fanyus missed the tweet back then, or they just couldn't care less about Tom Z

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3 hours ago, LadyLou said:

then you MUST watch all the other 24h TV performances! Rink isn't foggy in all of them , but the setting always feel more intimate and often camerawork more up close too!

I have a huge soft spot for foggy Hana ni Nare with live choir and foggy Requiem from 24h TV 2015 (here the subbed vid and here 1080p but no subs), and also (not foggy) Notte Stellata in 2018 (he did foggy RJ1 in 2014, and in 2017 the live collab with Go Hiromi and then in 2019 HYK collab with singer who was very emotional so not flawless voice performance but still moving and beautiful Yuzu skating)

it reminds me that I should add 24h tv to glossary with links, since the vids in video section are in different folders, though most of them are in Yuzuru's journey - charitable acts subfolder. Some/additional links can be found in the Documentaries&miscellaneous compilation too, but I've just checked and some YT links have been removed or private :/


Ooooh thank you so much!! I'm so excited to watch all of these :clapping-smiley:

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Seems to be good (and non-shady) stuff to look forward to :) 


Clean versions, courtesy of @poohzuru on Twitter :7562096:






1. The video will be released on the same day as the magazine (Jul 13)



2. It seems the magazine is sold out already :xD:  Fanyus are fast!!!!!!


3. Yuzu will be featured in 10 pages. In addition to the interview, there will be special postcards as bonus :) 

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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2 часа назад, Melodie сказал:


Seems to be good (and non-shady) stuff to look forward to :) 


Clean versions, courtesy of @poohzuru on Twitter :7562096:






1. The video will be released on the same day as the magazine (Jul 13)



2. It seems the magazine is sold out already :xD:  Fanyus are fast!!!!!!


3. Yuzu will be featured in 10 pages. In addition to the interview, there will be special postcards as bonus :) 


How beatiful! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: I saw these photos when I've just woke up and I thought that I'm still sleeping.  :embSwan:

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20 hours ago, gaia said:

salut, merci pour vos efforts, <3
vous pouvez pratiquer l'anglais ici avec nous sans vous soucier des erreurs ;)

sns reste pour le système de réseau social
l'idée originale est d'elena costa qui a un blog italien charmant (et vraiment détaillé) sur yuzu et est également un administrateur du groupe de fans italien sur facebook
si vous souhaitez rejoindre, tant que je sais que vous n'avez pas facebook ou twitter ecc, vous pouvez poster ici et je peux partager sur les réseaux sociaux 
elena a dit que tout ira bien : art, musique, gâteaux et bisquits... alors si vous voulez vous joindre faites le moi savoir;)



You must have seen that my writing is basic and words simple and I only did my memory and without the help of a dictionary or others !!!!!  , eh YES before translating I read English, but there are words and expressions that I no longer understand  : / :yznotimpressed:  : I live alone and my 2 grown children left, a long time ago and my little girls are too young  and this 'is a good way to get back in the bath ..... and  :thankssign: for the info on this lady's blog and THANK YOU for being understanding and I appreciate this gesture 

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