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3 часа назад, birnasan сказал:

I haven't found a translation of the latest Ice Jewels yet, so I tried my best to make an automatic translation with OCR text recognition and deepl translation. 

I don't speak Japanese, so this is not a proper translation, but maybe it is better than nothing. I still hope we will get a proper translation by some kind fans. 



ICE JEWELS Vol. 14 (June 2021) - automatic translation









The Future of Yuzuru Hanyu


In the 2020-21 season, many competitions and ice shows have been cancelled due to the Corona disaster. Even during this difficult time, Yuzuru Hanyu appeared in three competitions and an ice show, showing his brilliance as a pioneer who has always led the figure skating world.

We asked him to talk about this season's program, which he performed at the competitions, as well as his commitment to ice shows, which he has been performing since he was 13, and his efforts to perfect the quadruple Axel, which everyone has been waiting for.






ーシーズンの2試合目が世界選手権, そして国別対抗戦がありました。現時点で振り返って、今シーズン3回滑ったショートプログラム、フリースケーティングの両プログラムについて総括をお願いします。








This season's programme

Looking back


 - Your second competition of the season was the World Championships and then the World Team Trophy. Looking back at the moment, how would you sum up your short program and freeskating program, which you skated three times this season?

 - Hanyu: In the short program, I think I was quite nervous in every competition. I was supported by the music, and I was carried away by the music, and I think I learned a lot. There were times when I lost my balance. I was relieved every time (after every skate) because I finished all three routines without any big mistakes. Also, it's really fun after the last jump in this kind of music. I could feel that people were enjoying it with me, so I was really happy to have this program.

As for the free skate, after the good performance in Japan, I wanted to do better. I was actually able to make no mistakes from the beginning of the practice, and the atmosphere and the power of this piece was really good, because the mood and power of this music suits my breathing and skating. I think that's why I was able to skate to the end at Worlds, without collapsing.

At WTT, I was surprised that I lost 4S, but I felt that the program brought me to a good state of concentration right away.

I was working hard before the Worlds to get the 4A in as soon as possible. But it's not so easy, so I want to do it next season, step by step.






国別対抗戦の練習で、4A を練習されていました。2019年のGP ファイナルでの練習のときよりもかなり進化した4回転半に見えました。ここまでの過程で何度も壁にあたって、練習の工夫などで乗り越えてこられたと思います。その過程を詳しく教えてださい。




未知のことへの挑戦では、できる?できない? の自問自答の繰り返しかと思いますが、いまでは、かなり手応えを持っていらっしゃいますよね?





の場で成功させたかったというのが本心ですが、試合での体への負担は思っていた以上にあって……、悔しいです。心配していただいている声もたくさんあると思います。あの練習での膝のケガもありましたし、ケガのリスクはかなりありますが、2019 年のGPファイナルの頃のような恐怖心はありません。がむしゃらに、ではなく、考えながらできています。



Response to the quadruple axel


 - You were practicing a quadruple axel at WTT practice. It looked much more advanced than the one you practiced for the GP Final in 2019. I think you've faced many obstacles in the process of getting to this point, and you've overcome them by practicing in a creative way. Could you tell us more about that process?

 - Hanyu: It's frustrating for me, because normally I could have done something better. I had been practicing a lot before Japan Nationals, but I hurt both of my feet, and my rotations didn't go as well as I wanted, and it also affected my other jumps and performance. About a month before Nationals, I gave up 4A, and prioritized to complete my programs. After Nationals and until the World Championships, I practiced with a strong will to jump 4A, and until the beginning of February, I practiced my program at the same time, but I knew that I would not be able to reach 4A, so I concentrated on 4A only until about a week before the competition. In the end I couldn't jump it, but I think I was the closest I've ever been to a quadruple and a half.


 - In the challenge of the unknown, can you do it? Can't I do it? But now, you have a good feeling about it, don't you?

 - Hanyu: If you ask me if I think I can do it, I feel strange, but I'm practicing to jump. I want to jump as soon as possible, but first of all, I want to take care of the damage on my legs and hips, and then practice to avoid unnecessary injuries.


 - How do you feel about the support you received from the public when you showed your 4A practice?

 - Hanyu: Of course I'm happy. I really wanted to succeed there, but the burden on my body in the competition was more than I expected, and I'm disappointed with ....... I know there are many people who are concerned about me. I had a knee injury during that practice, and there is a lot of risk of injury, but I don't have the same fear as I did during the GP Finals in 2019. I am able to do this while thinking, not recklessly.










羽生考えてみれば振付らしい振りをっけたのはFantasy on Ice (2018年)でのCHEMISTRYさんの『PIECES OF A DREAM』でした。ジェフ(オープニングの振付を担当したジェフリー·バトル)に「ここのパートを滑ってほしい、ノプ(織田信成氏)も途中から滑るから、そこもよろしく」って言われたのが始まりでした。それまでも自分のパートが存在していて、音に合わせていろいろ考えてはいたのですが、ノブくんも滑るとなると、完全に振り(振付)にしなくてはいけないなと思い、眠れない日がありました(笑)。

音楽をダウンロードして一晩中考えて、歌詞の意味とか、リズムの取り方や強弱, CHEMISTRY さんならではのおふたりのハモリをどのように表現していけばいいのかとか、いろんなことを考えました。そこからどんなエキシビションでも、オープニングもフィナーレも、自分だけのパートではない部分も録音して、練習したり振りをしっかり考えたりするようにしています。



Ice Show

The "Yuzuru Hanyu" style


 - Please tell us what you felt when you performed in the ice show for the first time in two years (the show was not held last year due to the Corona disaster).

 - Hanyu: It was very, very fun. Until just before the show, I was wondering if it was okay for me to skate in a show while the world is in such a situation. It's different from competitions, because it's not a competition. However, as I felt at the World Team Trophy and the World Championships, I realized that there are things I can do to support people directly, more than just emotionally, and that was very important for me. I felt very strongly that I was being given a special opportunity to skate, even though I didn't know whether or not I would be able to do an ice show in the future. There may be no such thing as a perfect barrier against infection, but I was more conscious than usual to do my best during that special time (the show).


 - I heard that you choreographed the opening of the ice show yourself. You have participated in choreographing your own programs before, but how do you decide on the theme and prepare for the choreography?

 - Hanyu: When I think about it, the first choreography I've done was CHEMISTRY's "Pieces of a Dream" for Fantasy on Ice (2018). Jeff (Jeffrey Buttle, who choreographed the opening) told me, "I want you to skate this part, and Nobunari Oda will be skating in the middle, so please take care of that too." Up until then, I just did my own part, thinking of various ways to match the music, but when Nobu was going to skate, I thought I would have to do a complete choreography, and there were days when I couldn't sleep (laughs).

I downloaded the music and thought about it all night long, thinking about the meaning of the lyrics, the rhythm, the strength and weakness, how to express the harmonies that only CHEMISTRY can provide, and many other things. From then on, I recorded the opening and finale of all exhibitions, even the parts that were not mine, so that I could learn and think about the choreography.



今回は初日から最後までだいぶ変化したのですが、初日は当日に現地入りして、オープニングとふたつのフィナーレを15分ぐらい口頭で説明していただいて、その後1時間半ぐらいの全体練習でみんなの動きを見ながら自分の立ち位置を確認して覚えて、その作業をしながら音をiPod で流して、自分のパートの振りを考えていました。その1時間後には本番だったので、自分の少ないレパートリーからなんとか振付を絞りだしました。それから毎晩、何度も聞き直して、振りを練り直したり、音のハマり具合を確かめたり、もっと体になじませたり、腕の位置や体の使い方などを練習していました。





On the first day, I arrived at the venue on the day of the performance and was given a 15-minute verbal explanation of the opening and the two finales. While I was doing this, I played the sound on my iPod and thought about the choreography for my part. An hour later, the performance was to begin, so I managed to squeeze out a choreography from my limited repertoire. After that, I practiced every night, replaying the choreography over and over again, making sure the sound fit, getting more comfortable with my body, practicing the position of my arms and how to use my body.

In the choreography process, I just focus on the sound, lyrics, and rhythm. This time, the song was in English, so I thought it would be difficult for the audience to grasp the meaning.

So I focused on the sound and rhythm. Also, since it was originally a North American show, I had to consciously improve my posture and change the lightness of my skating. But the most important thing I thought about was "what kind of choreography is Yuzuru Hanyu's own style", "what kind of choreography shows Yuzuru Hanyu's quality". I was thinking not only about my favorite moves or flashy techniques, but also about whether or not the choreography showed the best of Yuzuru Hanyu when viewed from the outside. It's not about pretending that someone else can do the same thing, but about making sure it's unique to me.



ーアイスショーでは、一緒に滑った後輩たちから、とても勉強になったとの声がきかれました。羽生選手ご自身が先輩スケーターから学んだことはどんなことがありますか? また、いまも生かされていることはありますか?

羽生僕なんかで勉強になっていいのかわかりませんけれど……。でも、そういう風に思っていただけていたらうれしいです。僕の最初のアイスショーは、13歳のときのMedalist On Ice だと思います。ショートで「SingSingSing」を使っていたのですが、大好きな曲なので、違ったバージョンでエキシビションも(振付を)作ってもらいました。緊張して、でも見てもらえることのうれしさで一生懸命頑張ったと思います。空回りもしてしまいましたが(笑)。いちばん勉強になるのはFantasy onIce です。特にジェフやステファン( · ランビエル)、ジョニー(·ウィア)の練習やプログラムに対する姿勢、本番時の集中の仕方がすごいなと思っています。いまでもグループナンバーなどで振りをもらうとき、みんなで同じ振りをするので、どうやったらきれいになるのか、どうしたらよく見えるのかを、ジェフたちを見ながら勉強しています。



 - At the ice show, the younger skaters who skated with you said that they learned a lot from you. What did you yourself learn from your senior skaters? What did you learn from the older skaters, and what do you still learn from them?

 - Hanyu: I don't know if I'm good enough to learn from them. ...... I don't know if I can learn anything from them, but I'm glad if you think so. I think my first ice show was Medalist On Ice, when I was 13 years old. I used " Sing Sing Sing" in the short program, and I loved the song so much that I asked them to make a different version of it for the exhibition. I was nervous, but I think I did try my best because I was so happy to be seen. I learned the most from Fantasy on Ice. I'm especially impressed with Jeff, Stephane (Lambiel), and Johnny (Weir)'s attitude toward practice and the performance, and the way they concentrate during the performance. Even now, when I get a choreography for a group number, everyone does the same choreography, so I'm learning how to make it more beautiful and how to make it look better by watching Jeff and the others.



- 最後に読者の皆さまへ、来シーズンに向けた抱負をお願いします。






 - Finally, to our readers, what are your ambitions for the coming season?

 - Hanyu: Thank you very much for your support this season. I had different worries and conflicts, but now I'm happy to be figure skating, whether it's in competitions or ice shows. I will continue to skate as hard as I can.

And next season, I'll try my best to make 4A!


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

Thank u very much! :kitty:

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13 hours ago, yuzuonice said:

Update from Pino-san (I contacted them on Twitter):



from the Google translate, looks like they plan to go through their mail and request to opt out of privating 🙏


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If you have access to yuzuangel's streamable, it is also easy because you don't even need to download anything, just pasting the YT link is enough, then you only need to wait for it to process ❤️



yep I have the access.

maybe we can coordinate in the subforum? I can start looking at the links friday evening and the rest of the weekend


7 hours ago, Pammi said:

Worlds 2022 is near you in Montpellier @LadyLou - Yuzu might be there after he has won his Oly Gold??! I’m hoping so! :9:


I am somehow persuaded that no figure skating is happening after Beijing2022 so I didn't really pay attention LMAO never ever thought about WC22, I've something to consider now...:tumblr_inline_n2pjd0smCx1qdlkyg: though last time I got tickets for post-OWG WC I got to watch isu f*ckery instead of Yuzu. At least in Turin I did get Yuzu, even if the ISU f*ckery was worse...

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14 minutes ago, LadyLou said:
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yep I have the access.

maybe we can coordinate in the subforum? I can start looking at the links friday evening and the rest of the weekend



I am somehow persuaded that no figure skating is happening after Beijing2022 so I didn't really pay attention LMAO never ever thought about WC22, I've something to consider now...:tumblr_inline_n2pjd0smCx1qdlkyg: though last time I got tickets for post-OWG WC I got to watch isu f*ckery instead of Yuzu. At least in Turin I did get Yuzu, even if the ISU f*ckery was worse...

I also went to Yuzuless Milan and the splat fest that was the mens event :facepalm: ... BUT I met a wonderful woman from Germany who is a pairs fan, and we have kept in touch, met up again at Helsinki and Turin, and I have sort of managed to get her to appreciate Yuzuru since then too so ...... a silver I'd say, compared to the gold of seeing Yuzu skate.

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33 minutes ago, Henni147 said:

Wow! Oly Seimei is less than 1K views away from 17 Mio.!! Let's go, fanyus!



one million of those views must be mine :rolleyes: 

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oooooooooooooooo f**k
isu is banning headphones from ice rinks during official practice... 
is there anybody using and loving them a lot?!?!?


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3 minutes ago, gaia said:

oooooooooooooooo f**k
isu is banning headphones from ice rinks during official practice... 
is there anybody using and loving them a lot?!?!?



What???? That is ridiculous!

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4 minutes ago, gaia said:

oooooooooooooooo f**k
isu is banning headphones from ice rinks during official practice... 
is there anybody using and loving them a lot?!?!?


Only on the ice, it’s ok. 

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1 minute ago, Sha said:


What???? That is ridiculous!

I belive next they're gonna ban axel jumps from competitions  :gaah:

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Just now, Fay said:

Only on the ice, it’s ok. 


Just now, Sha said:


Oh phew. Ok I can see why headphones on the ice would be a bad idea....

yes. it's ok. for the moment. but don't you think this could be a first step towards total ban? I wouldn't be surprised :(

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