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9 hours ago, mineyoo said:

hello guys I'm new to FS and it's been 24 days since I become a fanyuu..

I've been to this website for a while but as I don't really understand how it works, I rarely come here T__T

this might be so random but the retirement of yuzu came to my mind, and it's been bothering me ever since  👉👈  i'm so so so sad for knowing yuzu just now </3 i just realized javi retired at 28 yo and figure skater are normally retired under 30s and now yuzu is 26 yo alr...

esp bcs of the goddamn pandemic!!! 

and another thing is that as i'm completely new to FS, there are a lot of things i need to learn more abt the sport. i'm highly interested in FS thanks to yuzu, but it's an absolute new world to me so there are so many things to catch up. i can't even really have a convo w other fanyu/figure skater fan because i still feel clueless about it (i keep learning about FS on daily basis though!!)

i do wish i were older and more independent so i could travel and watch yuzu's performance in competition with my own money, which is such a big dream to me (i mean it suckz to live in my country where the existence of figure skating is not even recognized). realistically speaking, i don't think i'll ever get to accomplish such a dream because i'm just a mere (and broke) college student now.... :crybaby:

well yeah that's it. i hope you guys are having a good day/night wherever you are. take care of your health because it's the no. 1 priority during the pandemic. i wish you all happiness:love::bunny-smiley::knc_yuzu2:


Welcome to the Planet! Don’t be bashful. Post often and ask as many questions as you want.


I’m curious. How did you become a Fanyu 24 days ago?

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43 minutes ago, Fay said:

Why the hell do those juniors take Seimei? Why do they think it’s such a good piece of music for them? 

To me it may be cos of admiration, but also, the coaching team


It's cute, but it also shows how superior Yuzu's Seimei is. 


PS: It's a little interesting that all these tributes are not from Japan. After Yuzu, I don't think any other JPN skaters, whether singles or teams, have skated to the Omyouji soundtrack. 

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On 12/11/2020 at 10:48 PM, yuzuangel said:

But he is technically the best jumper, bar some debatable one-offs like Kolyada's lutz, but Yuzu's lutz has advantages there too, it just depends on your preference. He doesn't have the best BV nor is the most consistent though so maybe that's what they mean, but "not technically the best" is a false narrative :/

For some people, being "technically the best" simply means having the most quads in a programme. :wut:

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13 hours ago, mineyoo said:

hello guys I'm new to FS and it's been 24 days since I become a fanyuu..

I've been to this website for a while but as I don't really understand how it works, I rarely come here T__T

this might be so random but the retirement of yuzu came to my mind, and it's been bothering me ever since  👉👈  i'm so so so sad for knowing yuzu just now </3 i just realized javi retired at 28 yo and figure skater are normally retired under 30s and now yuzu is 26 yo alr...

esp bcs of the goddamn pandemic!!! 

and another thing is that as i'm completely new to FS, there are a lot of things i need to learn more abt the sport. i'm highly interested in FS thanks to yuzu, but it's an absolute new world to me so there are so many things to catch up. i can't even really have a convo w other fanyu/figure skater fan because i still feel clueless about it (i keep learning about FS on daily basis though!!)

i do wish i were older and more independent so i could travel and watch yuzu's performance in competition with my own money, which is such a big dream to me (i mean it suckz to live in my country where the existence of figure skating is not even recognized). realistically speaking, i don't think i'll ever get to accomplish such a dream because i'm just a mere (and broke) college student now.... :crybaby:

well yeah that's it. i hope you guys are having a good day/night wherever you are. take care of your health because it's the no. 1 priority during the pandemic. i wish you all happiness:love::bunny-smiley::knc_yuzu2:


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I just pray that - if he decides to compete - the journalists will not circle him again like a ravenous pack of wolves and push the microphone into his mouth, when he arrives. Please not, especially in the middle of a pandemic. The situation is dangerous and complicated enough without that madness.

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