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15 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

How about Toronto :winky:


I have relatives in Canada that I've never spoken to in my entire life

(I think they live in Ontario tho or somewhere near)


Seriously though, I think that my only way to survive this off-season is to make a Yuzu fan-made vid I've actually been planning for a while. Only issue is, I am not like those wonderful Japanese fans who manage to find all the coolest 1080p HD videos of him so the gathering of the clips is gonna be a real job for the brave. 

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27 minutes ago, astudyofmemory said:


GAAAHHHH I linked the wrong video! I meant this one! It's around the last ten seconds or so.


Goodness gracious, now I'm the embarrassed one. :snkuyashii:


No need for embarassement! You're just giving me an excuse to watch more Yuzu videos :7938863:

He's so endearing, my heart can't take it sometimes :10636614::7938863:

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Just now, Murieleirum said:


The amount of potential Sass in Yuzuru's faces here is gonna help me immensely during the on-season, I already know it


Just for the record, the whole array of Yuzu faces:


You're bound to find one that expresses you feelings hahahaha

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23 hours ago, singcarcom said:

While reading the comments in this video, I saw a comment by Mel T:

"I don't get Shoma! He admires and loves Yuzuru but at the same time he wants to destroy him. Not "become as good as he is" , not even " beat him " but "DESTROY" him, that's what Shoma said. So my question is whyyyy??? Is that a Japanese thing I really don't get it. I love them together when they joke around and have fun but I can't completely enjoy such videos because I know Shoma has something in his mind and I can't tell what..."


She's referring to this: video.


I'll post what I replied to her here again:

"I just saw the original video. Although my Japanese isn't great, I can understand the Chinese subtitles. I think it's technically not a mistranslation but that there's no English word equivalent to what Shoma was trying to express. There are different types of 'destroy' in Chinese (and I think Japanese too because these 2 languages are closer to each other). The 'destroy' that Shoma used means to defeat Yuzu decisively, meaning that he wants to surpass Yuzu by significant amounts. I think that's very normal of Shoma to feel this way since this is a competitive sports. The 'destroy' that he's using is strong language, but has no malicious intent because this 'destroy' has little to do with damaging or breaking something apart."


Since Chinese and Japanese are closer in terms of language, I tend to trust Chinese translations more than English ones when there are both. 


I see some parallels of Yuzu's rivalry with the other skaters with sibling rivalry. You do love each other, but you want to outdo one another! Love is complicated. :yznotimpressed:


This was several pages ago, but still wanted to address it: I agree with you. What I love about Yuzu is how he supports and promotes friendly and fair rivalry. He is of course, human, but what's most apparent of all is that he wants to be the best out of the best. He said this in a interview - but he also lives it and shows it. Having Shoma in Team Japan imo is actually what's best for Yuzu (although it makes me stressed as a Yuzu uber) as it actually pushes him forward much like having Javier as his training mate does (or the addition of Boyang and Chen.)


Imo Shoma and Yuzu's rivalry is similar like Yuzu's rivalry with Javier (but not exactly because interactions and Shoma's reserved personality). What Shoma said reminds me of Yuzu - at Worlds 2015 or 2016 (I can't remember), Yuzu was truly happy for Javier's win and yet he was also resolved to defeat Javier next time (and the kiddo was so open and honest about it!) I think this is what makes friendships even stronger - when you can be rivals and friends.


1 hour ago, Geo1 said:


Whenever I look at the prize money for the competitions, it strikes me how under-rewarded the athletes are compared to other sports. Skaters at the very top like Yuzuru are rewarded through sponsorships and commercial endorsement contracts, particularly in Japan where figure skating is so popular, but, I don't know how other skaters get by. All competitive figure skaters must be skating for the love of the sport and bragging rights because the financial incentives certainly aren't there.


Yuzuru is probably the most financially rewarded figure skater in the world right now and is favourably compared to Shohei Otani, the phenomenal Japanese baseball player, as two of Japan's top athletes. Yet, Yuzuru's financial potential is but a fraction of Shohei Otani's. Baseball experts are predicting that Otani is worth $200-$300 million US  in American MLB.


In other fandoms they're always like, "It's a waste to give presents to idols! They make more money than you! If you really want to give something, donate that money instead!" Of course, FS athletes are not idols, but this is definitely a scenario where if I wanted to give a gift to a FS skater I'd probably not over-think it.


FS is as hard, and sometimes even harder, to do competitively than other sports and it's sad how underappreciated both monetarily and just fandom-wise (especially men's single) it is internationally and even locally in some places. The commentator from B.ESP during Yuzu's GPF 2015 LP named other currently popular and legendary athletes in the world and how Yuzu is comparable to them in his sport - and I agreed and thought it's a shame that a hard-working prodigy like Yuzu's name won't ever be recognized on the streets by random people who may not even follow the sport, like they would for Messi or Curry. But tbh I shouldn't be complaining because YH has a big fandom and FS is comparatively bigger in Japan than in other countries so he's got the best deal out of most Figure Skaters.


3 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

Since the season starts tomorrow...(officially)

Let's think about his amazing programs </3 

:sadPooh:I can't say goodbye to the Swan... 


If Yuzu skates again for Japan's annual charity event - 24 hour tv (which happens around the end of Aug 28-30?), I hope he does either the swan ex (though not likely since the lyrics are not sung in Japanese) or Hope and Legacy (a little more likelier than Notta Stellata and tbh it's very fitting for the charity event with the title and meaning - and he won worlds and broke wr with it too). So hoping WTT wasn't the last we saw of them! (But he might also debut something new, or collaborate on something new just for the event which is not bad either).


I wonder if his free children skate class on August 16th (mentioned more than a few pages back) is for 24 hour tv also - it is close to the date of the charity event. If it is we might see footage after all!




Left my introduction for last because I'm loquacious when I'm writing so you can skip if you want!


Hello! This is my first post!


I'm a lurker - here, on tumblr, Goldenskate and FSuniverse. I actually found the latter two sites first and since I was also interested in Figure Skating too and not just Yuzu I spent a lot of time there (still am). (So here's an appeal to everyone who has an account on GS and FSU, don't abandon it altogether! As I was starting out, those two sites were very informative, but sometimes not so welcoming to YH fans, so it was very nice reading people defend YH calmly and with logic on threads outside fanfests, or call people out for being antis or trolls too.) I didn't want to delurk, but it's the holiday weekend here and I'm taking a break from reading the YH GS fanfest from the beginning.


Rest of intro in spoiler:


I've been in a lot of fandoms (though some of them just casually) - just to name a few: anime, j-pop/drama/variety, k-pop/drama/variety, soccer - their fandoms give me a lot of stress and surprisingly even though it's a much smaller sport. Figure Skating is not doing me any good either, lol. It's a combination of me adoring Yuzu too much and wanting to throw not so friendly things at the FS judges for their political games, bias, not actually following the rules and etc. (People don't want to remember the Men's event in Sochi, but I would prefer it over blatant gifting of podium spots of the Ladies event in Sochi - if the latter happens in Pyeongchang, I swear *shakes fists*.)


I became a fan of Yuzu a month ago, but I knew about him much earlier because of his wr Olympic program, plus my jpop fav interviewed him and tbh he appeared quite a few times where I wasn't actually looking for him. But this time one month ago I checked-checked him out because an admin of a Eng Japanese site translated not so good comments about Yuzu and also so obviously didn't like him that, instead of being the sheep that I was, I decided to see what the fuss was about this figure skater who I vaguely remember and plus I just was curious to see how he was holding up now if he was still being great. Youtube hell-hole happened - I found out he was beautiful inside and out and also his programs were everything I ever wanted in FS - so here I am. Recently, I wanted to get my sister into FS too since it's so lonely to be a fan with no one to gush with, plus she loves soccer and rooted for Team Japan -soccer edition- with me, but she honestly told me that she (like many people) didn't think much of men fs and thought they weren't graceful or beautiful enough (she needs to see Yuzu) so I had a very long conversational thought with myself that Figure Skating is a sport that if you don't see the beauty then even if someone forces you it just won't happen - it's that subjective especially when even FS fans can't agree sometimes - and I'm thinking of giving up on her.


Dropped this bomb of a large introduction post - SORRY! This is what happens when I lurk too long and have too many thoughts to myself.


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