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1 hour ago, kaeryth said:


I think this is what endears him to a lot of people (us included :tumblr_inline_mg15qnUpxW1qdlkyg:) ... not just his memory but amazing attention to details plus a sweet/kind disposition (always thinking about how the other person feels). I don't think I can ever remember what someone wore (let alone a necktie!) from last week let alone years. I think anyone who interacts with him, he makes them feel special and you can see it from how most people just gush over him.


My favourite anecdote will still be Sashida Fumiya drunk texting Yuzu on Line. "For example, once when he was drunk, he sent some nonsensical messages on Line to Yuzu, like “wey……….”.   And Yuzu replied, “PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!!!”  (Or “Get a grip on yourself!!”)" Translated by Yuzusorbet.


I didn't know about this anecdote, thanks for sharing

(so Yuzu uses Line to communicate.. imagining him uses Yuzu stickers in conversation lol):snonegai::snpeace:

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7 hours ago, Dara said:

This article is written by person from editorial staff of "Figure Skating Magazine" (one of the best IMO, it prints full scripts of Yuzu's press-conferences). So I think it's credible source

According to it open practice is scheduled for early August indeed.

I'm not ready for this :sadPooh: For me, Faoi could last forever :drama:

5 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

So cute, I'm melting :8788161: :10636614:


Ogi-mama must be the luckiest Yuzu fan in the world, I'm jealous :happy0008:


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Coming Soon, another project of "20 CHALLENGE".


Mr. TATSUKI FUJIMOTO, a popular Japanese cartoonist

(for SHUEUSHA < Publisher>) will write an original 

thing ?! for a figure skater, YUZURU HANYU !


" Will challenge a Collaboration Advertisement for

   XYLITOL 20th Anniversary. "


:68556365:This project's details will be announced in AUGUST, 2017.


For your reference, a sample of Mr. Tatsuki Fujimoto's

work, a serial publication can be seen on "Shonen Jump+"

by WEB COMICS Delivery Service, updated on Mondays.


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2 時間前, Dara said:

Thanks for translation!

But it wasn't him who played a guitar, that was Takeo Konno.

Thank you so much.  Already edited the original one.

Sometimes I mess up things when I was in a hurry. Really sorry.

In fact, I like both Takeo Konno-san and Norimasa Fujisawa-san. 


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25 minutes ago, yuzuthebest said:





Coming Soon, another project of "20 CHALLENGE".


Mr. TATSUKI FUJIMOTO, a popular Japanese cartoonist

(for SHUEUSHA < Publisher>) will write an original 

thing ?! for a figure skater, YUZURU HANYU !


" Will challenge a Collaboration Advertisement for

   XYLITOL 20th Anniversary. "


:68556365:This project's details will be announced in AUGUST, 2017.


For your reference, a sample of Mr. Tatsuki Fujimoto's

work, a serial publication can be seen on "Shonen Jump+"

by WEB COMICS Delivery Service, updated on Mondays.


Lol and we always joke about how Yuzu is basically a shonen Jump manga character with his incredible ability and will to conquer all obstacle...:hachimaki:

now we get to see him actually being drawn by an manga artist! Cool!

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40 minutes ago, yuzuthebest said:





Coming Soon, another project of "20 CHALLENGE".


Mr. TATSUKI FUJIMOTO, a popular Japanese cartoonist

(for SHUEUSHA < Publisher>) will write an original 

thing ?! for a figure skater, YUZURU HANYU !


" Will challenge a Collaboration Advertisement for

   XYLITOL 20th Anniversary. "


:68556365:This project's details will be announced in AUGUST, 2017.


For your reference, a sample of Mr. Tatsuki Fujimoto's

work, a serial publication can be seen on "Shonen Jump+"

by WEB COMICS Delivery Service, updated on Mondays.



Wait, Yuzu will actually be drawn in a manga for the advertisement? I knew Fujimoto was part of the Xylitol campaign with his own thematic wrapper so I thought, when this picture surfaced, it was just like double advertisement, but it seems Yuzu will actually be drawn by the artist! That's really cool! 

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4 時間前, fluffypooh said:


Oda kun is the descendant of Oda Nobunaga, a famous warrior who owned a lot of land.  He mentioned that he doesn't like Japanese History class, cuz the teacher would always ask him about it.


Ah. Then "May I come to own huge chunks of land" would be more accurate, I suppose. xD

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