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  On 12/28/2018 at 1:01 PM, Floria said:

Yes, I think sometimes it is just us projecting our hopes and fears onto whatever he (or Brian etc) says. I didn't read it as a direct confirmation of next season, but I stay rather optimistic nevertheless :)



  On 12/28/2018 at 1:06 PM, KatjaThera said:

I've already seen people taking it as confirmation, so I guess that's what made me really want to clear it up. Especially now when people crave good news, they're likely quicker to believe that. I tend to be more careful lol. But I think it's very likely you'll turn out to be right lol



I would think at this point, Yuzu would have to decide season by season about continuing  and worlds is still almost 3 months away.  Like everyone else, I’m hoping he continues.  If able, I think he will come back since he still  seems he has personal goals to achieve and this year proved his skating was getting better!!! 


Reading about his PC Olympic struggle and :sadPooh:  And while we wait for his Worlds return and future, this MAD seemed fitting.



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Picture this... Yuzuru shows up at Worlds 2019 to compete for the first time since CoR. In the SP warmup, he reveals a familiar light-blue costume and everyone in the crowd cheers. The warmup ends and it's his turn to skate. You hear the announcer say "On the ice, representing Japan, Yuzuru Hanyu... skating to Ballade no. 1 by Chopin"

(:darklordyuzu: just kidding)

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  On 12/28/2018 at 11:32 AM, MeowZu said:

Little sweetheart Zazura 




Lookie at this baby!!!

He wrote "ぼくとなかよくして、ありがとう。" And then added a little "くれて" after "なかよくして":68468287:

He also wrote "じまゆうた" in the beginning of the letter, but later on he wrote "きたじまゆうた":hihi: (漢字が難しいね。。。)

And he made a mistake in the last line, he wrote "わすないよ" instead of "わすないよ"

:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp: precious fluffy mushroom

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  On 12/28/2018 at 4:22 PM, Hydroblade said:

Lookie at this baby!!!

He wrote "ぼくとなかよくして、ありがとう。" And then added a little "くれて" after "なかよくして":68468287:

He also wrote "じまゆうた" in the beginning of the letter, but later on he wrote "きたじまゆうた":hihi: (漢字が難しいね。。。)

And he made a mistake in the last line, he wrote "わすないよ" instead of "わすないよ"

:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp: precious fluffy mushroom


You’ll have to explain, you know... for the rest of us. 

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  On 12/28/2018 at 4:32 PM, Fay said:

You’ll have to explain, you know... for the rest of us. 


It's just adorable little mistakes that (i assume) children make every now and then :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

The first one he forgot to add the "kurete" which if i am not mistaken, makes it clear that he's thanking this kid for being his friend. (I think the translation would be something like "thanks for giving me your friendship" i hope my japanese teachers never read this)

Then he wrote the name of the kid with one kanji at the top of the letter, but near the end he wrote the name of the kid again, this time without kanji.

At the end he "ate" a letter :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

And by the kanji used, i suppose it is from 2nd grade:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:

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I didn't think I could be even more impressed by Yuzu but he is truly an academic.  I wonder when he is going to graduate from university?



This is the English translation of the scientific paper he was studying.


568 an attempt to analyze double axel jump of Figure skating (5. Biomechanics, General Studies) [in Japanese]

Nobuhiko Yoshioka

Department of Physical Education, University of Tokyo

Mitsumasa Miyashita

Department of Physical Education, University of Tokyo




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  On 12/28/2018 at 3:31 PM, SuperMin said:

Glad to see more Yuzu content before worlds...and interesting comparisons. :gla:



And Ambesi interpreted as next season too, although he’s a super fan so he may be viewing it optimistically too. 



Was the documentary filmed during his rehab???

I think he looks so depressed in this film....I couldn't imagine how frustrated he was in that time and leave alone he has to speak of that situation...


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