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In pondering Yuzu's stated intentions to skate what he wants to skate and with the speculation of what his notion of a 'perfect skate' is, I thought I might offer a phrase that I use in a novel I was working on.  In the novel, young Tyler Montrose, who is a 16-year-old ballet dancer is explaining to someone else what his aspirations are.  He summed it up succinctly when he took one hand and beginning with his head swept it down his body to his feet, exclaiming "I want to make my body sing!"  IMO if any phrase might describe what Yuzu might be seeking to accomplish I think that might fill the bill.  Yuzu seems to me to be the one men's skater above all who wants to make his body sing when out on the ice.

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4 hours ago, Nutmeg said:

Wow, a year ago round this time, it must've been wild around here, having the Oly season to look forward to!

I had to bookmark your post as well, @Murieleirum because it was indeed epic :grin_clapping:

I wish I had a singing voice so I could actually sing it with your lyrics, but as it is I'm just imagining everyone you mentioned singing, which is even better, lmao :happy0007:


Maybe one day we'll be so powerful we'll actually get everyone to sing (I know Boyang would do it!! I know he would!)

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4 hours ago, WinForPooh said:

Celebrating my new rank with:





Another one of those 'harder than it looks' simple moves...when I watch him skate I always get this urge to go get my skates and practice. Not that I have a hope in heck of doing any of it. 


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14 minutes ago, Rainna said:

:offtopic: but really happy, cause my CiONTU merch finally arrived! :loveshower: Better late than never! (did you get yours, @Hydroblade?)


Also got reminded the hard way not to lay black clothes (especially ones so precious as this particular T-shirt) on a blanket where my cats hang out... :facepalm:


Your cats probably sensed the nyan energy radiating from the CiONTU shirt and couldn't help themselves :tumblr_inline_mnz5bjK4an1qz4rgp:

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24 minutes ago, Rainna said:

:offtopic: but really happy, cause my CiONTU merch finally arrived! :loveshower: Better late than never! (did you get yours, @Hydroblade?)


Also got reminded the hard way not to lay black clothes (especially ones so precious as this particular T-shirt) on a blanket where my cats hang out... :facepalm:

Yay! you got the Ci~

Mine's still in transit :sadPooh: but at least it arrived to the country now, i expect it next week in my grabby hands

6 minutes ago, dotsquare said:


Your cats probably sensed the nyan energy radiating from the CiONTU shirt and couldn't help themselves :tumblr_inline_mnz5bjK4an1qz4rgp:

So, the Ci is the new catnip

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