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tbh when I heard the news yesterday, I didn't really have any feeling haha. I'm like oh 'he's doing Chopin again, great!' even if he were to have new programs or reuse other stuff other than Chopin, my reaction would've still been the same. It's yuzu's choice and I'll respect any decision he makes. Sorry to y'all but I was having quite a bit of fun seeing y'all stressing about it. (and I felt happier than before any of this happened). And the last time that happened was after WC2017 SP, and look what happen in the FS :smiley-love017:

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I'm not trying to be rude but I find it funny how some people act like by doing Chopin 3.0, Yuzu suddenly becomes a scaredy cat who is going the super safe route  for the Olympic. I mean Chopin 3.0 is not a downgrade program, Xeyra, I believe, calculated the BV he performed today in an ice show, I repeat, IN AN ICE SHOW, and it's higher. Also, why do other athletes could use their old programs and not Yuzu??? I read on tumblr people were complaining that Yuzu followed the recycling trend like others and I went :confused0003: if there are several people who go down that route, then maybe it's the best choice. 

I won't ever think Yuzu suddenly becomes a different person and doesn't go for the best performance he could ever give just bc he decides to keep his old programs. He is a wise person, who already at the top for at least 4 years, he knows what he's doing. And it's not like he suddenly decides to not jump quads anymore, his BV is still higher. So please stop saying stuff like he suddenly throws all of his skating ideals, he doesn't know what he's doing, this could backfire, stupid strategy etc 

Just trust in Yuzu and his team :0006:


Anyway can't wait for FaOI day 2!!! Yuzu please bring more extraness and give this thread more sunshine and rainbows  :Bananezorro::PurpleBanana::banana-in-suit-smiley-emoticon:

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I was just thinking it'd be funny if yuzu does eg. PW on the next show, then eg. LGC on the next and then the media keeps reporting that oh actually this is the SP he's doing, oh actually that's the SP he's doing.... then when season starts, he does a whole new SP. that will be the ultimate trolling :laughing: haha sorry I know this is ridiculous but its hilarious :facepalm:

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For the records

Olympic 1994, Urmanov also won Olympic with lesser tech.

Olympic 1998, Kulik won with watered down programs, fewer transitions and easier set up DESPITE HORRIBLE PROGRAMS AND COSTUMES (that horror thing,..)

Olympic 2002, Yags won with watered down programs too. Ironically Goebel had the hardest tech and got 3rd. 

Olympic 2006, Plushy won with watered down programs AND by repeating programs (that Godfather).

Olympic 2010... Evan won without quad...


So Yuzuru keeps upgrading his tech and yet people still complain lol 



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I'm glad people have now reached an acceptance stage here.

Sorry, but I kinda found it a bit amusing how a lot of people were going thru the stages of grief over oly programs. hehe

Like I said before, I'm pretty chill about his decision mainly because I trust him.


If I remember correctly (prolly not since I've already blocked the previous oly season in my brain. haha),

people were also complaining about keeping PW and doing another R+J program.


This is Yuzu. His goal for this season was to "go beyond ideals."

If his ideal skates right now are Chopin + Seimei then I have full confidence that he will go beyond what he has already shown us from these 2 programs.

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I woke up today to the news of Chopin 3.0.

My feeling was more neutral - not sad nor happy (because it hasnt sink in yet). While I was in shower, slowly my brain processing it. Now it makes sense. He has been upping his contents constantly and experimenting with various styles. Perhaps if he has high success rate with LGC, he might stick with it next season. But that was not the case. I remember he said he skated PW 2.0 because he liked it and feel comfortable with it. Next season will be Olympics. He need something he is confident with. If Chopin 3.0 is his answer, so be it. I can feel 4Lz is coming. 


Right now I'm more curious how Chopin 3.0 will be unfold.

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OMG so many pages to catch again :text-line-smiley-092:

Well, I was surprised when I saw yuzu decided to go for Chopin, from the couple of years I've been following yuzu I have doubted some of his decisions, but yuzu always make me shut my mouth:laughing:, so I won't question his choices anymore.


In the end he is the one doing all the work, he is the one who knows better, I realized that for me, I don't have the right to question him or tell him how to do his job, and I certainly wouldn't call him lazy or disappointing for repeating his programs (even if he decides to use Seimei again although it's a dream for me to see POTO:smiley-love017:) or how not bringing a new exciting out of the box music will make his programs less artistic:text-line-smiley-017:


the thing is it doesn't matter, going clean is the priority as the judges have made it very clear last season, specially when it comes about yuzu, and Chopin will help him achieve that and also showcase all his amazing qualities, this is definitely a program that can stay in people hearts for years as many of thousands of people watching Olympics will see Chopin SP for the first time anyway.


So all the good luck and positive energy for yuzu:10815002:


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45 minutes ago, b138oo said:

I'm not trying to be rude but I find it funny how some people act like by doing Chopin 3.0, Yuzu suddenly becomes a scaredy cat who is going the super safe route  for the Olympic. I mean Chopin 3.0 is not a downgrade program, Xeyra, I believe, calculated the BV he performed today in an ice show, I repeat, IN AN ICE SHOW, and it's higher. Also, why do other athletes could use their old programs and not Yuzu??? I read on tumblr people were complaining that Yuzu followed the recycling trend like others and I went :confused0003: if there are several people who go down that route, then maybe it's the best choice. 

I won't ever think Yuzu suddenly becomes a different person and doesn't go for the best performance he could ever give just bc he decides to keep his old programs. He is a wise person, who already at the top for at least 4 years, he knows what he's doing. And it's not like he suddenly decides to not jump quads anymore, his BV is still higher. So please stop saying stuff like he suddenly throws all of his skating ideals, he doesn't know what he's doing, this could backfire, stupid strategy etc 

Just trust in Yuzu and his team :0006:


Anyway can't wait for FaOI day 2!!! Yuzu please bring more extraness and give this thread more sunshine and rainbows  :Bananezorro::PurpleBanana::banana-in-suit-smiley-emoticon:


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Whoa, I didn't quite think at the time my throwaway comment in the denial/anger 'grief stage' of the news would be a bit controversial (I didn't really mean it, you know), especially as I clearly reached acceptance phase in this whole thing by the end of it. I stated my reasons why the initial talk about Seimei 2.0 set me up in a bit of a mood so I'm not going to rehash them and I'm not going to apologize for the initial disappointment, which may still remain if he does Seimei with similar music cuts and choreo, because I think repeating two programs would seem a bit like an 'easier' way to upgrade tech, and easier is not something I'd usually apply to Yuzu, hence my initial reaction of disbelief. After some gym workout, I came to terms with it all, though (the acceptance stage), and was pretty chill about things before I woke up this morning and read this thread. :smiley-scared007:


Anyways, I do like other skaters. As a fairly new FS fan, Yuzu was the first skater I found and the one I got the most attached to immediately but I did find other skaters I liked. However, as Worlds SP showed me, no matter how good my other faves are, if Yuzu isn't up there with them, I won't be able to appreciate their victories quite as enthusiastically, so I'd never be able to root against Yuzu. I may end up enjoying someone else's programs more than his for this coming season, especially if he does a very similar Seimei again, but I think that's perfectly okay and valid. I know it's all part of the game and athletes make strategic decisions that may give them the most likely chance of winning, but we don't have to blindly like those strategies, even if we end up accepting them. Doesn't make you less of a fan. Similarly, we can be fans of bands or actors and still dislike some of their music or movies. Or fans of Yuzu and hate his costumes. :laughing: 


Anyways, I did find that I might actually love the thematic thorough-line of his Olympic career if he went with mostly different musical cuts and choreo for a Seimei 2.0 program in the same way RJ2 was a completely different program to RJ1. But Seimei 2.0 is also just a rumor, anyway, so it may end up true or not.


With that said, going to the FaOI thread to enjoy 3 more hours of intermittent news updates! 



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I thought it was clear that we would see a SP repetition cuz Yuzu always did that in the previous years. Though it was assumed to be LGC until the end of last season...Chopin is a surprise but repetition is not. Tbh, everytime Yuzu wants to do something, there are always questions and concerns. But what happens at the end is you all can only :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:then:dpooh:.:space:

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1 hour ago, yuzuuu said:

I was just thinking it'd be funny if yuzu does eg. PW on the next show, then eg. LGC on the next and then the media keeps reporting that oh actually this is the SP he's doing, oh actually that's the SP he's doing.... then when season starts, he does a whole new SP. that will be the ultimate trolling :laughing: haha sorry I know this is ridiculous but its hilarious :facepalm:


If this happened, king of trolling indeed :68556365: Well I'm just gonna keep up with the other thread to see if he will do 4Lz or some other layout at his performance

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Well, on a brighter note, the original Chopin 1.0 was magical and more of an art. 


I have seen some comments saying that the Chopin 2.0 is more of a CoP oriented program than an art. 2 quad in the front makes the Chopin less of a masterpiece (yes Blade of Passion where are you lol)


I assume Chopin 3.0 will be very close to the original Chopin 1.0 with Spead Eagle Quad spread eagle // 3A + quad combo in the second half RIGHT on the 2 consecutive musical notes.


Personally, I do want a new program from Yuzuru. But Chopin 1.0 has never been skated clean. If we talk about a true art in CoP, then Chopin 1.0 would make it. 

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