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Just now, katonice said:

Ah to be living in Japan just about now. I guess yeah, in a few minutes all tickets to Makuhari and Kanazawa will be sold out. 


I wish I'd thought of it before. >_< Did you notice any SS tickets? I managed to reserve an S and will try to get someone in Japan to go to the konbini but they only had S left and it might be too far away to make a trip to Japan for. I'll keep trying, though! 

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Just now, SparkleSalad said:


I wish I'd thought of it before. >_< Did you notice any SS tickets? I managed to reserve an S and will try to get someone in Japan to go to the konbini but they only had S left and it might be too far away to make a trip to Japan for. I'll keep trying, though! 

No, I didn't spot any SS tickets either. Only S tickets, and A tickets for the Friday show. This is for Kanazawa. I wasn't able to check Makuhari. 

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He's doing the earlier dates, when he's probably still rehabing so probably just skating and no jumps (at least no 4Ts like last FaOI). This means he'll have half of June-August for the real post-rehab training. He does still have a P&G talk show in Kobe around the FaOI Kobe dates too. 

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*In Lucas the Spider's voice* And here I was, minding my own business, preparing for an earlier off season to start when TrollZu goes back to his cave and we don't get updates for months. But no, the guy then comes and goes "Boom, my ankles are good and here, FaOI, a treat for you, and you, and you." And now I'm going ah drats, I just gotten mentally prepared for the drought, but now my mentality needs to be re-prepared.

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1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:

I think they would have announced all the shows at once? They've only said he'll be at Makuhari and Kanazawa on the site. 

I'm just wondering since he has a talk show happening at the same time too. Does it happen that they add in more appearances for a skater at a later date? 


But yeah, it would be difficult to predict that won't it? 

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Just now, katonice said:

I'm just wondering since he has a talk show happening at the same time too. Does it happen that they add in more appearances for a skater at a later date? 


But yeah, it would be difficult to predict that won't it? 


I think it does happen but there's really no way of knowing. I thought he'd do Makuhari and Kobe and if Kobe then why not Niigata as well but here he goes, surprising us with Kanazawa! :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp: (Gosh, I'm really sorry if I just spammed the thread. I'm in full panic mode and don't know what I'm doing or where I am. :facepalm:)

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1 minute ago, robin said:


There’s no preventing it. We will drown in salt again :2:

And scramble greedily for the little crumbs of footage and photos that will be thrown at us. I really hope very SNS-friendly skaters are invited, we can stalk everybody else's Twitter and Insta. :rofl: Life of a Fanyu.

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3 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

And scramble greedily for the little crumbs of footage and photos that will be thrown at us. I really hope very SNS-friendly skaters are invited, we can stalk everybody else's Twitter and Insta. :rofl: Life of a Fanyu.


Maybe we should start pestering all other participants with insta accounts to do lives.... :P 

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