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2 hours ago, wpisces said:

The only thing against him being GOAT and rightfully recognized is that he's Asian. If you notice, most of his fans are Asian or people of Asian descent. Sadly, his talent, his achievement and his place in history have never been deservedly recognized both by Western journalism and Western figure skating community ( which is big part of international fs community and much more powerful than Asian fs community). They can easily appriciate someone like Patrick Chan, Nathan Chen, even someone not too popular like Maxim Kovtun,Max Aron but they never give enough credit to Hanyu who has both artistry and outstanding technique ( not to mention his great achievement).  No matter he wins or loses, he is consistent or inconsistent, there are always people ( who even aren't haters ) downplay his abilities/chances. It's not like he is overshadowed by someone. We sometimes joke that if he were European or American, he would be called god of figure skating. But it's not joke. It's the truth. That is why I'm very happy that he won his second Olympic Gold. It somehow helps him have better place in history. If he had lost, there would be only his fans keeping in mind that he is legend and Western journalism would have excuse to deny his legend status. His win forced them to remember there is 2 times Olympic Champion Yuzuru Hanyu. 



Gosh I witnessed the olympic event by being in that stadium myself.


I am relieved I went to that historic game live. 


And also glad that if he goes to Beijing commentators frm all over the world will hype this phrase


"Yuzuru Hanyu from Japan is the Gold Medal contender to go for 3 consecutive Olympic Title, a feat that hasn't been achieved in the last 94 years."





94 years everybody, 94 years since there has been someone who went for 3 straight olymic title in men's figure skating




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5 hours ago, micaelis said:

I fully concur.  There is no way that anyone can say that Yuzu is not the dominant skater competing today.  That has been the situation since the 2013-14 season, when he took his first GPF, his first OG and his first WC.  From that point on Yuzu has been the one to beat, and even in this year's Olympics, despite the fact that he had not competed since last fall, every major contender out there was trying to figure out how to beat Yuzu and not each other.  Yuzu has also transformed skating itself, but not by pushing forward on the TES element.  He's let others pioneer there and he's just kept up with them.   His transformation has been in keeping his sights on the artistic element, having programs that are rich with detail, and reminding everyone, particularly the judges (although I feel most of them don't need reminding) of the role that PCS plays.  His major achievement has been in keeping things in such a way that quads were not the sole criteria for a win.  The new rules coming into play this season will simply validate that.  I know some might think that the raising of possible GOEs to 5 might make the TES stronger.  Actually, it does the opposite since the judge's will have a means of fine-tuning their judging (and remember while there are 5 possible pluses there are also 5 possible minuses) and the skaters will realize that the potential of losing points because of sloppy jumps will tend to make them jump 'safer'.  (I also think that the situation can be improved by making the penalty for a fall steeper.  I'd keep the one point deduction for a fall, but for a second fall make it two points, and three points for a third.  I think you can see my rationale for this.  It means that falls can potentially be disastrous, especially if there's more than one.)  The major factor, though, is the shortened program-length.  That helps Yuzu immensely since he's able to combine PCS elements into the preparation of his jumps (as was pointed out by a poster several days ago).  My argument, however, is that Yuzu is challenging the sport in more ways than simply skating, where he is the dominant figure today and will probably remain so until he retires.  He's also remaking the culture and if he is successful that will comprise a major part of his legacy.  If he manages to deliver on those other aspects his ranking as the GOAT will be unassailable.



If he breaks his own world record under nee IJS rules western media would call him GOAT for sure. Its bound to make headlines internationally



" 2 time olympic champion Yuzuru Hanyu breaks his own world record under a new system of rules. This is his 13th time breaking the world record."



And also, people are already calling him that.



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2 hours ago, wpisces said:

The only thing against him being GOAT and rightfully recognized is that he's Asian. If you notice, most of his fans are Asian or people of Asian descent. Sadly, his talent, his achievement and his place in history have never been deservedly recognized both by Western journalism and Western figure skating community ( which is big part of international fs community and much more powerful than Asian fs community). They can easily appriciate someone like Patrick Chan, Nathan Chen, even someone not too popular like Maxim Kovtun,Max Aron but they never give enough credit to Hanyu who has both artistry and outstanding technique ( not to mention his great achievement).  No matter he wins or loses, he is consistent or inconsistent, there are always people ( who even aren't haters ) downplay his abilities/chances. It's not like he is overshadowed by someone. We sometimes joke that if he were European or American, he would be called god of figure skating. But it's not joke. It's the truth. That is why I'm very happy that he won his second Olympic Gold. It somehow helps him have better place in history. If he had lost, there would be only his fans keeping in mind that he is legend and Western journalism would have excuse to deny his legend status. His win forced them to remember there is 2 times Olympic Champion Yuzuru Hanyu. 


Say it louder for the people in the back!


But at the very least, Johnny had some really nice words about Hanyu after he won in PC saying that "Yuzuru Hanyu is and will remain a king."


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Re: the GOAT debate. Since I personally haven't watched or come to know every single figure skater in history, it isn't completely objective from me to conclude that Yuzuru is the greatest of all time (I won't stop calling him that though :pouty:). However, I can confidently say that he IS the best skater I have ever known and watched. Of course, anyone is free to disagree, but if you do, I'd like to see if you can really make a convincing case for another skater being better than him or if you're just denying Hanyu's title out of irrational bias against him...


Re: the inconsistency debate. It's unfair how Yuzu is singled out and held to a higher standard. It's true that he rarely skates clean but he's far from being the most inconsistent man. He hasn't finished lower than 2nd since 2014. His rivals, in comparison: Javi 6th at COC last year, Shoma 7th in Boston, Boyang 19th at Worlds '18, Nathan 6th in Helsinki, just to name a few.
Also, I've noticed that the most consistent skaters in both men and ladies tend to have small jumps and/or constantly prerrotate, making their jumps less risky. Yuzu never PRs severely, and huge jumps like his are harder to control, thus his "inconsistency". Not to mention that hardly anyone has as many crazy transitions as Yuzu does which make his program overall more difficult. Those are the reasons why he gets the highest GOEs and PCS and thus he breaks a WR every time he goes clean.
Besides, he tends to skate clean SPs more often than clean LPs and that can be explained by his stamina issues due to his asthma.
Finally, I don't think it's fair to compare Yuzu's consistency to that of Evgenia or any other skater who doesn't do quads...

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21 hours ago, yura23 said:

Hii guys, can i know who is yuzu's fanboy among skater?? Its okay either senior or junior

I don't know about skaters competing nowadays but there is a skater-to-be who idolizes Yuzu, according to something I read a while back.  That's Alexander Plushenko, Plushie's son.  If you have a chance, pull up that video of him doing a short routine on YouTube.  There's no jumping and most of the moves are elementary, but the fact is he remembered a program that was around two minutes in length. That's pretty good if you're a boy just 4 years old.  That Alexander is doing this stuff before he's even old enough for kindergarten indicates he's got a full load of his dad's DNA.  Expect to start seeing things about him in a decade or so.

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Sendai hyped for the parade! (can we have a thread for parade fluff?)


A ramen shop offering souvenir ramen (I mostly posted for the fanart :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:)


Ice Rink Sendai


Wheelchair viewing area


This company is asking for messages to be posted on their windows for Yuzu to see


Weather forecast from Nekomasamune


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22 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

Sendai hyped for the parade! (can we have a thread for parade fluff?)


A ramen shop offering souvenir ramen (I mostly posted for the fanart :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:)


Ice Rink Sendai


Wheelchair viewing area


This company is asking for messages to be posted on their windows for Yuzu to see


Weather forecast from Nekomasamune



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