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in all honesty i think some people are overreacting. it’s... just a poll lol, it’s not some conspiracy and it’s really frustrating to see certain people taking this as an excuse to hate on nathan. 


but i do think it’s kinda funny that i didn’t see anyone complaining when a lot of people were commenting that wakabond should have been on the ladies’ fs poll, but suddenly when it’s about yuzu, it’s just embarrassing/annoying fanyus acting up. :peekapooh:

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1 minute ago, Pamigena said:

Honestly, if I were IN, I'd probably follow up with "Wow, we're getting so much feedback to our super awesome poll, you guys are awesome, keep voting everyone!"

You have to show commitment to your BS :coolio:


Lol they did something like that though.




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The exclusion of Chopin is baffling, but not really. And non-deluded fans can see clearly the reason.

NEW program? Messing's a repeat. In pairs, S/M's and J/C's FS are also repeated. In ID, W/P's FS is a repeat. And watch them put Zagitova's FS later in the Ladies.


Also, stating the suspicion that Zu's SP is not included cz IN wants Chen to win is not a hate on Chen. It's a fair read, based on what IN is doing.


I was thinking, ah, perhaps because Zu didn't compete enough this season, but then they erased Jin's SP as well. So.

Watch them exclude Seimei as well later:9:

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2 minutes ago, valkyrie said:

in all honesty i think some people are overreacting. it’s... just a poll lol, it’s not some conspiracy and it’s really frustrating to see certain people taking this as an excuse to hate on nathan. 


but i do think it’s kinda funny that i didn’t see anyone complaining when a lot of people were commenting that wakabond should have been on the ladies’ fs poll, but suddenly when it’s about yuzu, it’s just embarrassing/annoying fanyus acting up. :peekapooh:


1) far enough it's just a poll that doesn't actually mean anything 

2) you're right it's illogical to hate on Nathan over this




This is coming on top of an entire season where the US propaganda machine has continuously sidelined other skaters and been brutally, obviously biased in articles, broadcasts, and even in judging. That's what people are most annoyed at, not at Nathan but at the US propaganda machine.


And while it's often said that it doesn't really matter, it does have an impact on the opinions and perspective of casual or new figure skating fans. Even putting that aside, I'm very sympathetic of how annoyed many fs fans are by now of said propaganda machine. 


And while yeah it's sad that the wakaba thing wasn't more highlighted, to call satellites who are voicing their displeasure "embarrassing" and "annoying" is uncalled for in my person opinion. 

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Growing up, I was so happy to watch figure skating on regular TV (I didn’t get cable until recently.) From eight years old on (1972,) that meant I could watch Worlds and the Olympics. But shortly after the rules change in 2004, they stopped showing Worlds on the local stations. That was when interest began to seriously decline because the artistry started to matter less than the jumping, and it was always the artistry that brought in the audience. 2006 was still okay. 2010 was annoying.


THEN came 2014. Since I could only watch figure skating every four years, I was completely unaware of Yuzu, so I didn’t understand that the reason the men were all falling on their asses was because they were trying to compete with Yuzu. I got so frustrated watching them fall that I said “It’s not supposed to just be a fucking jumping contest” and I shut the TV off angrily – BEFORE Yuzu skated. I really wish I had waited, because Yuzu’s 2014 performances would have been enough to make me get cable TV and become as obsessed as I am now. (My goodness, they have an actual Olympic Channel!)


To learn that it was Yuzu’s fault all the other men were falling gives me mixed emotions. I would rather they all skate clean, because I hate the interruptions. Even in this Yuzu beats the hell out of all the others, because he usually recovers so well from mistakes it doesn’t interrupt the flow. Sometimes, he even turns it into an interesting choreographic moment.


I was born in the Philippines, lived in Turkey, and then Germany, before moving to the USA at 17, so I have a much broader world-view than many Americans. Thus I don’t care where an athlete is from; I cheer for the ones I think are the best. This means that even though I hate that all his competitors are falling, I’m so fucking proud of Yuzu for making them fall.


Anyway, the coming rules change may help bring the audience back. Most of you are too young to remember when it was all about the artistry, with a few jumps thrown in to dazzle you when the music called for it. But you’re NOT too young to know how much more wonderful it is to watch Yuzu complete a complicated step sequence than it is to watch anyone else do ANYthing else on the ice. And now – for Yuzu – I’m here to stay.

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2 minutes ago, yuzupon said:

The exclusion of Chopin is baffling, but not really. And non-deluded fans can see clearly the reason.

NEW program? Messing's a repeat. In pairs, S/M's and J/C's FS are also repeated. In ID, W/P's FS is a repeat. And watch them put Zagitova's FS later in the Ladies.


Also, stating the suspicion that Zu's SP is not included cz IN wants Chen to win is not a hate on Chen. It's a fair read, based on what IN is doing.


I was thinking, ah, perhaps because Zu didn't compete enough this season, but then they erased Jin's SP as well. So.

I see other skater stans keep saying that the poll is for new programs and Fanyus are being obnoxious for no reason ... uh huh. :waffle:

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2 minutes ago, Sammie said:

I see other skater stans keep saying that the poll is for new programs and Fanyus are being obnoxious for no reason ... uh huh. :waffle:

Well, those stans who didn't even realise that Messing's SP is also a repeat from last year? Why care about the opinions of such ignorant people, really.

Also, let's see. Watch them exclude Seimei, but include Turandot in the Men's FS iteration later.

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16 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:


1) far enough it's just a poll that doesn't actually mean anything 

2) you're right it's illogical to hate on Nathan over this




This is coming on top of an entire season where the US propaganda machine has continuously sidelined other skaters and been brutally, obviously biased in articles, broadcasts, and even in judging. That's what people are most annoyed at, not at Nathan but at the US propaganda machine.


And while it's often said that it doesn't really matter, it does have an impact on the opinions and perspective of casual or new figure skating fans. Even putting that aside, I'm very sympathetic of how annoyed many fs fans are by now of said propaganda machine. 


And while yeah it's sad that the wakaba thing wasn't more highlighted, to call satellites who are voicing their displeasure "embarrassing" and "annoying" is uncalled for in my person opinion. 


oh - i wasn’t saying that anyone who’s upset that ballade wasn’t included on the poll is embarrassing or annoying. that’s the response i’m seeing from some people who were completely fine with the barrage of comments saying that wakaba should have been on the other poll, but suddenly it’s become an issue for them because yuzu is involved.


also, just to clarify, i’m mostly talking about comments i’ve seen on twitter where some people are really pushing it with how they talk about nathan. it’s fine to be annoyed at scoring issues and usfsa politicking, but there’s really no need to be so bitter and rude about nathan to the point that it starts sounding like a personal attack on him. 

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Its always the same people who always complain everything of Fanyu. Ignore them. As a kpop fan, I always stay away from all kinds of polls. We'll see Yuzuru this weekend after 1.5 months and its the only thing matters for me :smiley-happy105:

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My apologies everyone.  Somehow I got the impression Continues with Wings was in mid-July and have just learned it is actually quite imminent.  So mea culpa.  I will still insist, however, that the venues will sell out.  I think all the dynamics are there.  You have Yuzu hosting the event and while not skating he still will be the main attraction.  Knowing the relatively low ticket price and also that there are millions of fans in Japan who will not be able to make it to Sendai the weekend after this weekend, I think many of them will see this as an opportunity to thank Yuzu for all he has done for Japan and for figure skating.  His triumph at PC, overcoming horrendous obstacles, is a narrative that almost certainly is playing very well in Japan.  He is the hero of the day and the hordes expected at Sendai are one testament to that.  The hordes who will throng those 66 theaters will be another.  Looking at the Sendai event, I am reminded of what one of the Chicago Cubs baseball players said when being interviewed as the bus on which he was riding moved along flanked on both sides by huge, super-enthusiastic crowds, cheering loudly.  When asked how he felt about all that was happening right then he ended his answer with this - If you're not here you're in the wrong place.  That, I think, will be exactly the situation with both Yuzu's ice show and the following weekend's celebration of Yuzu.  It isn't every day one is offered a chance to cheer a genuine hero.

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