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19 時間前, Neenahさんが言いました:

I am 99% percent sure he is just trolling the media at this point. They keep asking about 4A, quints and the next Olympics and he keeps on upping expectations every time (which IMO clearly shows he is having fun at their expense) 


I am willing to bet money on Yuzu not having thought of what he was going to do after the Olympics at all, and that he is just saying whatever now because he has to answer those absurd questions. Give him a couple of months to rest, heal and think and we will know what he really wants to do. For now he is having fun so let us enjoy the ride as well  :biggrin:


Ps. I left a 1% for Yuzu being Yuzu :shrug:


I actually think he's serious about it. The 4A anyway. The quint seems more like an idea he's toying around with at this point. I say this because he does this thing where he puts his goals and aspirations out there so they become something almost tangible or concrete he can work towards. Like since it's already out there, he leaves himself no choice but to work towards it. Coupled with the fact he's still nursing an injury,  even with no guarantees that it isn't going to be a career-ending one, I think he wants something positive out there so he can remain in a positive mental state (i.e. frame of mind) which would hopefully help with the healing process, instead of wallowing in misery and uncertainty (given the latter is already a reality anyway no matter what).


Correct me if I'm wrong, but his trolling is usually more in the manner of saying that he wouldn't do something when he's actually already doing it. In that, he's proven to be a fibber. But I don't recall it ever being the opposite. So far everything he's said he'd do, he's done. Or almost died trying.

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About the ankle injuries: i understand that it will be painful ahead and its situation is a bit unknown but im hopeful from the tone he uses that it is doable. Maybe it'll take a long time, but we can only pray that he could resume training in time for gp series. Maybe he will use the time to focus on his uni and finally graduate! silver lining! :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


Cant wait to fill the drought with speculation on his music programs and layouts again lol btw is the schedule for gp series back to normal again or is it the same like this season? Im curious whether he'll go to SC again since gpf will be in canada

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35 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Poohs and pooh tissue boxes with gold medals! So cool! :smiley-char023:


so... sponsor him already :tumblr_inline_ncmifdw7151rpglid: Pooh wants to be send to the forest

26 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

max knows :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:

psssh Max keeps on giving ideas :13877886: from Nessie, to repeating seimei, could he be right again :tumblr_inline_mm2wbbdJC51qz4rgp:

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I know I was trying to be positive in the post above but like, when the translation of the new documentary and that press con is released, it'll kill me.... I've seen some bits of the translation and the one that stays with me is how he said the one who saved him from that dark situation when nothing seems to be going on well when he first started to go back on ice was the 3A, and how he said in the presscon on oly that since 3A always saves him all this time, that's why he wants to challenge the next axel, 4A.... My heart :cry: I guess thats why I think he's 100% serious about landing it, after healing ofc (probably next season)

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9 hours ago, Lambari said:

I can't picture him doing tango. It would be interesting to see if he could, especially at post Olympics seasons which tend to be the ones for experimenting. But I believe that there's a very slim chance of him choosing something in this vein.


Honestly, I'm completely over repeating programs ...  PW 2 times, Chopin 3 times, SEIMEI 2 times .... Repeating yet again would be a little to much for me. But I would of course accept if he does anyway. Why not use his next seasons to explore new music and broaden his range? I love new seeing a new choreography come to life and getting to learn about the story behind it.  The interviews Shae Lynn gave about H&L were so great that it elevated for me even more this program.  In my opinion he could only gain by getting new programs from now on.  


I think I've said this before, but maybe something by Ludovico Einaudi.  Actually, he could borrow anything from Papadakis/Cizeron's hidden music collection and I would be happy. Those two have great taste jk, just that my taste is similar of course


I would also love to see him try something eerie, with weight.  I don't know how to explain it. But I think it would be interesting to see the contrast since his skating is so light. 


Or Jazz. Or something with the music from Two steps from hell :smiley-love017:  The only program i would want him to repeat is POTO- the finished version. After coc, he simplified it but still never skated it perfect

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6 hours ago, kaerb said:

Interesting. I didn't like the quad explanation question at all. To me, it's like inviting a famous architect to explain how houses work. He can probably explain it, but why waste that valuable time asking an 'expert' in his field about something so basic? Your job as a journalist is to do the explaining (or the research to find someone who can explain. Go to a skating teacher or a researcher if you want a scientific explanation you know? Would you ask Roger Federer to explain how tennis racquets work?). The boy alluded to a history of racial bias in expressionism, presented a new opinion abt quads/artistry (ie. abt foundations tho I can't remember if that was the JP presscon or the Eng one) and heck, seemed excited to talk about his fellow competitors... ask him about his creative process, the early schedule in PC, his awareness of the inaccessibility of figure skating to many fans...why not ask him about literally any of that?? The diet one would have been nice if they haven't already asked him that in multiple past interviews but to cut the journalists some slack, I'm not surprised they didn't have time to research that much. Then again, at least they didn't get him to explain Pooh again or ask him why he's so popular... :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:


Yes, the interpreter was great (and Australian I'm pretty sure! though with some funny American-accent slips in some of her language), absolutely nothing against her for doing a great job. The living/dying part was a joke lol, the delivery just needed...a bit of work. Like he had put his life on the line for the medal but...don't worry, he's alive! I actually interpreted it as a good thing she didn't seem to see the need to translate (ie. that it came across clearly enough), I didn't consider perhaps she was being asked to translate into Japanese lol, I think she assumed he'd do it himself if he wanted to. I think it's endearing he's starting to joke around a bit with the press in English, it's a bit clumsy but I think everyone gets it.


Yes, there were a few repetitive questions in JP media but the overall quality was much higher. Then again, I was listening to it while cooking so I may have missed some of it. Can't wait for translation. 


What do you mean with "racial bias"

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18 時間前, kichesさんが言いました:

I get the feeling Yuzu knows, with how educated he is about this sport I think he knows who is who, even if it's just by name. Not sure if he ever got a chance to meet Max, but Milan would've been a great chance for it to happen if he ends up going!


If he knows people are making MADs of him and are watching enough of them himself to go "HMmmmMmM...?" at some of the music choices (I'm guessing his curiosity overrode his embarrassment), he knows of Ambesi's fervent admiration of him. Ambesi isn't exactly an unknown in the field. And even if he is, Hanyu would still know because the guy knows everything. His intel-gathering technique is quite possibly the only thing that's more excellent than his skating one. If he ever decides to turn to the dark side, the world is toast.


5 時間前, Floriaさんが言いました:


Whenever we start talking about 2022 I feel like we are underestimating his 2nd OGM. It is not the same to get 2xOGM now compared to 60-70 years ago, the sport has changed completely and the 66 years gap between two consecutive wins only confirms how difficult it is to stay on the top for more than one olympic cycle and it makes his victory even more amazing.

And we are lucky that Yuzu still has unfinished business in competitive skating, because very few athletes would feel motivated to stay in the same situation. The only one I can think about right now is Aliona Savchenko, but I guess her relationship with figure skating is very similar to what Yuzu has. 




I actually think the whole trying pressure him into going thing is more due to the fact that they don't want him to retire now that he's achieved his life's biggest goal, lol. Because the loss in potential revenue would be too great. And yeah, this means he's being viewed as a cash cow but aren't most successful people? >_< But there are also those who sincerely want him to stay because they just can't get enough of him and at this point, can't yet imagine an Oly that's without a healthy dose of the Hanyu magic sprinkled upon it.


1 時間前, Floriaさんが言いました:



Wow. You've got a good eye. All I see are a bunch of orange red blobs..or a giant one since I can't really see where one ends and another one begins.


1 時間前, axelnojutsuさんが言いました:

I love it, kinda reminds me of his change ex as well


...I read this wrong the first time around and had to do a double take.


29 分, GoldMedalistさんが言いました:

What do you mean with "racial bias"


I think @kaerb  might've meant cultural bias instead, because that's what Hanyu meant when he spoke about his Oly FS program being a quinessentially ethnic one.


I also feel there's been quite a number of misinterpretation/misquoting of his words during the Olys. Like the one where he was quoted by non-Japanese media as saying "I'm mentally strong and powerful" when he was really saying the opposite (if memory serves) and the one where he said "I'm back" but was quoted instead by the Japanese media as saying, "Come back." Like, the one time he gets it right, they quote him wrong and make him seem incompetent in the English language. Lol.

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