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24 minutes ago, Altie said:

There's been some cool stuff on Tumblr lately. Sorry if if it's already been posted, I wasn't online these days :


- a snippet of keiji's interview about Yuzu... and girls !!!! (I'm shocked :rofl:)

loool Keiji

"What do you three talk about?"

"Um I probably shouldn't say..."


5 minutes ago, Floria said:

Olympic predictions for Japan



Nooo this only makes me more nervous /o\

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Ahora, freeyafanfan said:


hmmmm :popcorn: what to think after reading this :party0029:

Actually i don't believe in predictions, especially for Olympics. I'm trying to be realistic, because it is clear that everything will be against Yuzuru (OGM already, GOE and PCS issues, quad fever and youngsters). But it is still possible. If anyone deserves secong OGM in this sport it should be him.   

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1 minute ago, Floria said:

Actually i don't believe in predictions, especially for Olympics. I'm trying to be realistic, because it is clear that everything will be against Yuzuru (OGM already, GOE and PCS issues, quad fever and youngsters). But it is still possible. If anyone deserves secong OGM in this sport it should be him.   


Same here, if anything it makes me more nervous reading that prediction :shakehead: but we all know yuzu will fight to the death because he really wants that 2nd OGM

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10 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Call me cheesy but I always liked those matching bottles :smiley-music025:And that fluffy ones are the best! LOL


I know they were done with much love by momma!Hanyu but I'm glad he outgrew them because some were a tad... too much. 

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