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2 minutes ago, wildstrawberry said:

Thank you very much! I wonder if this is an upgrade from Kikuchi the Warlock... (though I'm pretty sure they're not serious this time lol)


Now I want someone to take pictures of Yuzu hitting Javi with a Winnie plushy :P Or like that Winnie punch with Nobu lol


Also, I guess this shows how the PR machine works in different countries. In the US it's Nathan vs Yuzu and maybe Shoma. In Japan it's Yuzu vs Nathan and Shoma. In Spain it's apparently Yuzu vs. Javi. But it's pretty obvious what all the PR machines have in common...

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1 minute ago, KatjaThera said:

Thank you very much! I wonder if this is an upgrade from Kikuchi the Warlock... (though I'm pretty sure they're not serious this time lol)


Now I want someone to take pictures of Yuzu hitting Javi with a Winnie plushy :P Or like that Winnie punch with Nobu lol


Also, I guess this shows how the PR machine works in different countries. In the US it's Nathan vs Yuzu and maybe Shoma. In Japan it's Yuzu vs Nathan and Shoma. In Spain it's apparently Yuzu vs. Javi. But it's pretty obvious what all the PR machines have in common...

yes, the article just mentions he talked about winnie the pooh in his press conference (that his room is filled with them)  and  then says he is coming from an injury and that he'll face Javier in the competition but that's it, The title of the article is what made me :rofl:

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8 minutes ago, Hanmgse said:

yes, the article just mentions he talked about winnie the pooh in his press conference (that his room is filled with them)  and  then says he is coming from an injury and that he'll face Javier in the competition but that's it, The title of the article is what made me :rofl:

Oh, thank you for providing the summary, it slipped my mind, since it really wasn't a big deal. But whoever came up with that title... It's hilarious! Someone needs to take this and have fun with it! I wonder if Javi and Sonia have seen it LOL


Beware of Winnie the Pooh! :angrypooh::darklordyuzu::war:


ETA: Oh, I know! It's revenge for this:



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5 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

I'm having trouble adjusting my life. I keep refreshing twitter and the planet. I can't do anything else.. how do I use the free time:squishedPooh:

same here, while I should be reading for my thesis and essays. :( I can't help but stalking Yuzu news non-stop. two tabs for Planet (General and Olympic fluff), Tumblr, twitter, fb fanclub. I am so deprived of Yuzu last three months that I couldn't do anything now but enjoying the rain at the end of the drought. I have to force myself to concentrate in the lectures, with which I had very little success. 

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Just now, ThiriYuzu said:

same here, in actuality I should be reading for my thesis and essays. :( I can't help but stalking Yuzu news non-stop. two tabs for Planet (General and Olympic fluff), Tumblr, twitter, fb fanclub. I am so deprived of Yuzu last three months that I couldn't do anything now but enjoying the rain at the end of the drought. I have to force myself to concentrate in the lectures, with which I had very little success. 

I'm skipping 2 morning lectures on Friday cause the time zone difference does not do me well.. (following mens FS from 1am till 5am).. I still have 2 evening lectures on Thursday but aside from that I'm free.. so i should use those free time reading studies but I'm just staring blankly at updates :facepalm:

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2 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

I'm skipping 2 morning lectures on Friday cause the time zone difference does not do me well.. (following mens FS from 1am till 5am).. I still have 2 evening lectures on Thursday but aside from that I'm free.. so i should use those free time reading studies but I'm just staring blankly at updates :facepalm:

I am skipping one lecture on Thursday since it was such a boring one and today I was mostly sitting in that lecture thinking about Yuzu anyway. On Friday, I think I have to wake up at 4am but since my lecture is at 11am, hope I would make it - if I can't make it, it doesn't matter, I could sacrifice a few lectures for Yuzu's Olympic moment. :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5:

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