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In the end, it is his career, and his decision, which won't have been taken lightly,  without taking into a/c lots of information that isn't made public, or without advice from his team.  We can only support his decision - that's what fans do. 

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Speaking of momentum, not sure if Nathan or Shoma will gain that much if they only do the SP. They'd need to break a WR or something. If they choose to do both programs, though, who knows.


Edit: plus it's not guaranteed Japan will make the FS anyway.

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13 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

As far as I am concerned this is not the best of news. Nothing is going to replace actual competitions; we've seen this time and time again, with Yuzuru as well and I do think it would have been easier to 'break the ice' because now everything is focused on having just "one" shot at it. On the other hand, it's good they're not forcing the Team considering he's obviously not ready which is a big benefit as he can hopefully further push his form up. But it does give a wide open door for massive momentum to both Nathan and Shoma, but particularly Nathan who is by now being pushed by the US PR machine with everything they have.


Of course it's not the the best of news. The best news would be that he never got injured in the first place. But what if he did the team event and didn't do well and Shoma and/or Nathan did? That would certainly give those two a massive advantage going into the individual event. If he doesn't compete at all, no one will have a clue what to expect---and that could be a major advantage for him.


I'm also concerned that Yuzu's body may not be healthy enough to compete in two separate competitions. Actually, being a pessimist by nature (and also a medical person), I'm concerned his body may not even be healthy enough to compete in one. We'll just have to wait and see. Whatever happens, it won't change my opinion that he's the greatest male figure skater of all time.

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I think a likely scenario is that he's not 100% healed (ligament damage is so difficult to heal I heard), and he's willing to give it his all in the individuals because there's only one shot, but he's not doing anything to risk any further injuries.

Yuzu has skated well with injuries before. Especially if they're almost healed. He would be in a better position than oh, let's see, 2012 Worlds, 2013 Worlds, 2015 (basically all season), 2016 latter half of the season. Yes he wouldn't have competition experience. But just because he's not at 100% doesn't mean he can't still do well. And hey, who knows how the other guys will do too. Other than Javi, none of the other top contenders have Olympics experience, I think. 

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7 minutes ago, GreatLakesGal said:


Of course it's not the the best of news. The best news would be that he never got injured in the first place. But what if he did the team event and didn't do well and Shoma and/or Nathan did? That would certainly give those two a massive advantage going into the individual event. If he doesn't compete at all, no one will have a clue what to expect---and that could be a major advantage for him.


I'm also concerned that Yuzu's body may not be healthy enough to compete in two separate competitions. Actually, being a pessimist by nature (and also a medical person), I'm concerned his body may not even be healthy enough to compete in one. We'll just have to wait and see. Whatever happens, it won't change my opinion that he's the greatest male figure skater of all time.

I kind of get the vibe he’s definitely not in a position to throw out two rounds of top quality performances (which would be the only reason a team event would be worth it), and him putting out a poor performance would definitely set a damning impression/mood going into the singles event, especially since we know judges are harsher on him when he makes a mistake. 


No denying I’m worried, I think it’s pretty certain he’s not 100% healed and the entire vibe of ‘gonna yolo’ is both hilariously appropriate and anxiety inducing, but if this is his condition rn, the team event is greater risk than reward. 

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1 minute ago, kaerb said:

I kind of get the vibe he’s definitely not in a position to throw out two rounds of top quality performances (which would be the only reason a team event would be worth it), and him putting out a poor performance would definitely set a damning impression/mood going into the singles event, especially since we know judges are harsher on him when he makes a mistake. 


No denying I’m worried - the entire vibe of ‘gonna yolo’ is both hilariously appropriate and anxiety inducing - but if this is his condition rn, the team event is greater risk than reward. 

Pyeonchang committee should prepare an ambulance outside for the fans :crazyshit2:

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I was wondering what happened to cause :volcano: of pages and...oh.

Well, having a blast watching Yuzu at an ass hour for the first time since three months right after Latin exam! Bonus time on chewing through the squish we will sustain thanks to the docu, coz I'm sure we're gonna be squishy af... And why 'any other way' and 'Hall of fame' are playing one after another, I don't have them next t themselves on the playlist wtf, universe.

2 hours ago, KatjaThera said:

Aaand now we know... cue in panic :P :peekapooh:

Was wondering who's gonna say that first. Also, I love the fact that your post makes it look like 'panic' is actually Titan!Yuzu looking at his fans' reaction to his troll.


2 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:

I can't see a source referenced in the article itself but :dpooh: if correct. One less Chopin in the world.

And one Seimei less to purify this season! Now, THAT'S worrying, tbh. Keep the Poohs tight guys and girls and pray for their yellow golden fur to reflect any curse aimed at the skaters and the Overlord!


1 hour ago, Killaa said:

Panic mode activated. And I just realized Men's SP will be on the day of my exam. Cue more panic. :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:

As I said, I have Latin exam some 9ish hours before the first group is supposed to take ice for the SP... 


1 hour ago, SparkleSalad said:

2 more weeks to peak, right? I wonder what the fate of 4lz is. 


Well, have fun, Keiji, I guess!

Imagine Keiji exchanging messages with Yuzu going like 'You could have told me, I could prep myself!' and Yuzu going: 'It was confidential'


1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:

I think that we're panicking because of a lot of reasons:

  • Skipping the team event makes us think he might not be 100% ready or healed
    • Maybe he just wants to focus 1000000% of his energy on the individual event, instead of risking using up all that kuyashii there.
  • We feel like he's missing a valuable experience before the individual event.
    • Might be, but i'm sure his team has balanced the pros and cons, and while some have posted that they can see more cons than pros, remember that we don't really know anything about his current condition, motivation and how he's feeling. His team knows and they must have taken that and other factors we can't see into account to make this decision.
  • We haven't seen him in a long time
    • We are human. We miss him. It's obvious that we know that we have to wait a bit more now and it makes us feel not too good (not towards him, but... it's been such a long drought...)

I think we should have a bit more faith in him, if there's one thing he excels at is at coming back even stronger than before after a difficult situation. We will panic the first time we see him/get word of him falling during practice, or if he has a not so good practice because we will be all "what if he had a bad practice because he still isn't in a good condition". It's like when you're telling scary stories and every single sound out of the normal makes you flinch.

There's no one who wants this more than him, let's have faith in that he has done everything that was within his control to maximize his chances of obtaining that dream.

Yep, good thing voice of reason is speaking up^^

Also, from previous experiences, if it was his team's suggestion, and he felt it wasn't right, we know from experience that he is able to push his opinion, IF HE FEELS IT WILL BE BETTER THAN THE ONE PROPOSED. If he goes with team's option, it meeant tat he agrees with it being the best option, and, again from experience, we know that when he agrees on the things his coaches make him do (ss training instead of jumps, anybody?) it usually goes goes doubly well. This Yuzu/TCC combi VERY rarely make wrong decisions, don't they?


1 hour ago, KatjaThera said:

I'd like to point out there'll be panic even if he has good practices lol


If he's on top, he's ruining the sport!

If he's below, he's passe!

Schroedinger skater, everybody, your first and only example, watch while you can! :Poohgaveup:


1 hour ago, ralucutzagy said:

Panic aside, I was just hopping to see him sooner :sad4: ... well, what means a week more after all the drought ... 

Week less, week more... aside of that, the simple observation proves that when the ground is super-dried the water stays on its' surface a bit longer before getting absorbed. Let's take this fact as a promise of enhanced ability to savour two minutes forty and three thirty of out Overlord for much much longer than before...if it's even possible lolz.


55 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:


We don't know anything about his current condition, he may be at 99% but wants to be 100% ready that's why he may decide to practice more. Let's trust him and his decision, whatever it is. I have a feeling that he's going to be fine. :smile:

It's King of Extra, he's probably at 99.9% but thinks it's not enough for TJ, and so he trains to be at 150% by the singles event, to compensate for it.


5 minutes ago, xeyra said:

Speaking of momentum, not sure if Nathan or Shoma will gain that much if they only do the SP. They'd need to break a WR or something. If they choose to do both programs, though, who knows.

I see Shoma doing that, with his back-to-back-to-back(-to-back...) competitions preferences but Nate? I actually HOPE he does not, let your body rest from all those quads, kiddo, with all respect to the teen regeneration.

Also, what kind of candies they would need to break 112/223 WRs? Yuzuru's skating really is according to keikaku, I can see people doing a'la Javi's Helsinki SP and going over 110, but 112? It looks unreacheble, unless Javi has footperfect Chopin and Euroflation behind his back for me...which is funny, since those are only like 2/3 points more from the scores I can see being broken...lol, go Yuzuru and your knowledge of human perception!:smiley-happy085:

And to end on a positive notequite literally, my player decided to go for Hope&Legacy and SEIMEI one after another...you go, player, you go!

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27 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

It's on the news...



YAY! I was wondering what kind of mood will Jpn media take it with, but it's like they're putting this information in such a way, that it shows cons of participating in TE first, and then going 'Well, the pity is that we won't see another performance by him, but he wants to focus on that one shot, so it's ok.' Thank god!


26 minutes ago, Forcefield said:

Lol.What is Korean Media going to do? They'll have to pause the Yuzu ads.

They're going to go Yuzuru's sponsors route and release a teaser for Yuzu commercial!

More Yuzu content any way!


14 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

And hey, who knows how the other guys will do too. Other than Javi, none of the other top contenders have Olympics experience, I think. 

We're starting to trend Patrick's erasure now, to counter Boyang's erasure by the media, lol :P  Uncles Unite!


12 minutes ago, MrPudding said:



That's not off topic, jumps are always on topic!'

...Just don't show that to Yuzuru pls. He's going to aim to be a cosmonaut after he r*s just to get to the moon to try this.


11 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

Pyeonchang committee should prepare an ambulance outside for the fans :crazyshit2:

They are obliged to have an ambulance since it's a big, public event. Maybe they should add a special, Pooh-shaped one, though...

Another round of responses, since I didn't see them while writing my previous post, sorry for spamming you guys!

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