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1 時間前, kichesさんが言いました:

It’s not that I don’t agree there’s an advantage to being on competition ice longer, but given how the injury shortened his training timeline my personal opinion is that there’s benefits to being able to train uninterrupted and continuously for at least a month in Toronto after coming of a break. Since there isn’t really a chance that Team Japan will earn a team medal I think he doesn’t have the pressure to do the Team event either. If he decides to forego the Team event then it’s because he and his team have weighed the pros and cons of extra time on competition ice vs an extra week of training time, and that the latter came out on top in their books.  


Regarding the comp mileage, I think the pattern is a bit different this season as he’s using two familiar programs. We saw the benefit of this at ACI SP when he was coming off minimal training, and in part at Rostelecom as well as he had a much better showing than he normally does at Skate Canada as his first event. Either way we should know soon enough. 


48 分, Kattさんが言いました:

Haha, to think about it, its might just a way to answer media. Maybe they already decided about team event, but they don't need to reveal it since the deadline still far away. Even the medal contender like Canada, Russia and US would announce it only a few days before the game. 


I agreed with @kiches. Whether he does team event or not, it will depend on how his training/runthough these days goes. 


A clean performance of his FS in his first competition only after successful training and runthroughs? Well, hope springs eternal and it's never a bad thing. If he does decide to skip, let's hope your optimism turns into reality.


39 分, Neenahさんが言いました:

Reading the last two pages in the thread, it has become clear why Yuzu and his team are so quiet about his training and plans. One speculation brought up this debate about what he should and shouldn't do and everyone suggesting what they feel is better. Can you imagine the scale of that discussion if it was taken by the media. The speculations and expectations would  be overwhelming, so his choice to keep it hush is definitely the best course of action.


I personally think that Yuzu will do what he feels is best for him and I am going to accept whatever that would be. I do not have the information he and his team have, neither am the one training and competing so I definitely do not know what is best in this situation. I also don't think that what happened in past season is enough to predict what may happen here simply because there was no Olympics then and that has been and is currently a huge factor in what Yuzuru does


IMO, his mental state will be the deciding factor. If he is ready mentally he can win even on a broken leg, I am sure of it. If he was not mentally prepared and loses focus then no practice or competition experience will help him. So, let us all pray that his desire to win is stronger than any other distractions and that he will take the ice ready for a fight to the last point :fingerscrossed:


To be honest, I don't care about the Olympics or anything else, I just want to see him skate :sigh:


I'm not saying what I think he should or shouldn't do. Far be it for me to do that. I'm just saying what I think the message his ultimate decision might send, based logically on what he has shown of his character, past decisions and actions. I'm under no illusion that the things I've thought of, he and his team haven't already done the same and deeper and there's absolutely no doubt he'd choose to go if he could. So if he doesn't, seeing as not doing team would only buy him one more measly extra week and change for training, when competing would have given him much more than that, it means he felt he didn't have a choice, and that doesn't shed the most positive of lights logically on the outlook of his performance at the individuals. I feel like I'm repeating myself because some of you seem to be missing this main point I'm trying to make.


I guess I'm greedy in that beyond wanting to see him skate, I want him to leave PC a satisfied person, with the kuyashii he's been living with the last 4 years finally lifting, and the only way that'll happen is if he delivers clean skates (or at least just his FS, though I bet that will just create new kuyashii >_<). I think that's even more important than achieving his lifelong goal of winning the second gold. That he no longer feels as though he's undeserving of that first gold.


This probably means I'm more invested in him than I have any right to be. And it's all Hanyu's fault that I can't help but be inspired to feel this way, because I've since learned that these things are involuntary.


28 分, yuzuuuさんが言いました:

if he does team, I'm just worried he might do better for team than on singles which would be the worst ever... (unless he wins on both and is satisfied with them just one over the other haha)


Aaaaand you just had to go there, didn't you. Guess somebody had to cos it's not like that hasn't crossed everyone's minds, since it *did* happen to Lipnitskaya.


Look, I might like to argue my points based on the logic my brain gathers and processes (usually without my permission), because it's always fun to have a wholesome discussion but at the end of the day, the outcome could go any which way (I've had some superb, probably impossible ones, and I admit, I'm guilty of having even worse scenarios than the one you mentioned cross my mind >_<) so whatever will be, will be, lol.


At the end of the day, regardless of whether he chooses to skate the team event or not, my money's still on him to deliver.

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48 minutes ago, Xen said:

Oh it was jaw-dropping alright. Like a train wreck you can't take your eyes off of, shaking your head with a disbelieving grin and wondering "am I seriously seeing this live?"

I think the only one he could kind of do cold turkey is his SP, especially if he sticks with the ACI layout. But I am inclined to agree with you that his new Seimei layout isn't going to be that good cold turkey. Ideally, he can acclimate and test stuff out in the team event. Rostelcom might be more equivalent to SC2015 if we only count GPF events, maybe team would be NHK2015, and hopefully individual is GPF2015-well here's to praying. >_>


This takes for granted that he'd get the chance to do it since team japan could possibly not make the final five. And yeah, the thought makes me wish I didn't jump at getting team free tix and just scheduled my trip to Japan earlier.  

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Just a few weeks away! I'm fine with fans speculating and wondering and thinking of all the different scenarios and outcomes. Surely beats myself stressing all alone and leaving it to stew in my mind to drive myself crazy.


It helps that I'm more than a bit amused knowing that his competitors and the teams and the media who have stakes in this might be more stressed about Yuzu's blackout than us.

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I wished for him to do one of the team events, preferably FS and Shoma to do the SP. He would share team responsibility and would hopefully get a medal there ? :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

And I still feel like he would go for one of the team events. If not, we would be a mess that day, so would be the entire arena I think. And I hope to God that he wouldn't be. We were wondering about his delayed travel for nhk and we all know that ended. Hopefully he has enough time to adjust to PC and get back to full strength before his first skate. 

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36 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



A clean performance of his FS in his first competition only after successful training and runthroughs? Well, hope springs eternal and it's never a bad thing. If he does decide to skip, let's hope your optimism turns into reality.


Lol I didn’t say I expected clean free skate performances (from almost anyone) - I don’t have that type of optimism and am pretty pessimistic a lot of the time. I’m just saying that there are benefits to skipping team if he decides to do so. Sadly he may not have the luxury to take advantage of the extra Olympic ice time doing the team event would’ve given him. I’m more concerned about him being in best physical condition he can be for singles and that’s what I think they may strategize and prioritize over doing team. 


Of course, my selfish wish is that he’s training very well and has built up enough stamina to do the Team SP so it makes it worth my money. Like @Danibellerika I would’ve definitely spent more time in Japan instead if I could predict if he won’t do the Team event. 

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31 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



A clean performance of his FS in his first competition only after successful training and runthroughs? Well, hope springs eternal and it's never a bad thing. If he does decide to skip, let's hope your optimism turns into reality.

I did not say anything about how's he gonna do at Olys, let alone clean this or that. I'm not even think about pro and cons if he skips/does the team event because everything is just pure speculation at this points. When I said I agreed with @kiches, I think Yuzuru and his team would go with the option that has more pro and skipping the team event actually has it own benefit, the same with doing it. I should choose better words.  There're so many behind the scene things that we would never know so I think whatever the final decision is, I think they consider all the things and come up with the best one. For me, I really hope he can do the team event. 

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14 分, kichesさんが言いました:

Lol I didn’t say I expected clean free skate performances (from almost anyone) - I don’t have that type of optimism and am pretty pessimistic a lot of the time. I’m just saying that there are benefits to skipping team if he decides to do so. Sadly he may not have the luxury to take advantage of the extra Olympic ice time doing the team event would’ve given him. I’m more concerned about him being in best physical condition he can be for singles and that’s what I think they may strategize and prioritize over doing team. 


Of course, my selfish wish is of course is that he’s training very well and has built up enough stamina to do the Team SP so it makes it worth my money. Like @Danibellerika I would’ve definitely spent more time in Japan instead if I could predict if he won’t do the Team event. 


14 分, Kattさんが言いました:

I did not say anything about how's he gonna do at Olys, let alone clean this or that. I'm not even think about pro and cons if he skips/does the team event because everything is just pure speculation at this points. When I said I agreed with @kiches, I think Yuzuru and his team would go with the option that has more pro and skipping the team event actually has it own benefit. I should choose better words.  There're so many behind the scene things that we would never know so I think whatever the final decision is, I think they consider all the things and come up with the best one. 


Alright, my bad for missing that point. But I also didn't say not doing the comp was without pros. All I said was objectively speaking, the pros of skating the competition would vastly outweigh those of choosing not to, like what @kiches has acknowledged, especially for him. But if he's in a situation where the pros of not skating outweighs that of the pros of doing it, well, that doesn't say great things about his condition overall, does it? Which, I hope, of course, despite all these odds stacked up against him, he'll still be able to beat them, even if not in the form of clean skates, at least in skates that would still be impressive given the situational context.


Though my money is on the best outcome, and I do have a more realistic expectation (which would see me lose that money), I'm still gonna prepare myself for the worst, because I'm a contradictory hopeful pessimist like that. >_<

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2 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Though my money is on the best outcome, and I do have a more realistic expectation, I'm still gonna prepare myself for the worst though, because I'm a contradictory pessimist like that. >_<

:grouphug: After years of following Yuzuru, I'm always hoping for the best, but also preparing for the worst. But I have a feeling that he will be fine at Olys, so I'm just go with it ( for the sake of my sanity of course)

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19 分, Kattさんが言いました:

:grouphug: After years of following Yuzuru, I'm always hoping for the best, but also preparing for the worst. But I have a feeling that he will be fine at Olys, so I'm just go with it ( for the sake of my sanity of course)


The 50% chance (very high, given the circumstances...though it'd still be the same even if he had had a season where he won his 5th straight GPF title) of that happening is more than enough reason to figuratively bet all my life savings on him. If I win then :Cheese:! If I lose, well, it was worth it for the hope i felt. (I don't trust my feelings because while my logic has yet to *really* fail me, my feelings have failed me utterly about, oh, would you lookit that? 50% of the time. Lol! Though that'd also mean they *haven't* failed me the other 50% of the time...) Good thing I can't seem to decide on what I'm feeling about how things will turn out but I do know how I *want* them to turn out so imma just bank on that. xP

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33 minutes ago, GreatLakesGal said:

Doesn't TCC always hold mock competitions prior to Worlds? Where they go to an actual arena with an actual audience? I know Yuzu hasn't participated in these in the past but doing so this year would give him a chance to get the feel of competing again. 


Maybe this year, out of necessity, he'll participate when they hold it. From an outside view it seems it's the smartest thing to do when you haven't competed for 3 months but we're outsiders without any clue about what's going on and that won't change. For all we know he could be in perfect condition and doing everything... OR,  this could be the most YOLO competition ever!! Either way, it'll be entertaining!


Seeing that Elizabet is at 4CC with her mom, I guess Brian is at home to oversee the final 2 weeks of training... which makes me glad. This is the most stressful time right now...



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To team or not to team, that is the question.  I've been thinking about this and reading all the speculation in this thread and I've finally decided that in my mind Yuzu should do the team event.  The reason I'm now thinking so is that Yuzu will get additional official practice in doing the team event.  I would think that getting on the ice in the midst of others who are just about to compete with you is one of the major factors in getting into competitive mode.  Having those other contestants there is far different from practicing in the seclusion of one's training facility even if one has other skaters present.  In an official practice Yuzu will be dealing with the presence of those he's out to defeat and the ambience there is totally unlike practice at home.  So much of the discussion here has been on the potential benefits of getting into competitive mode by skating the team event or getting additional training time by forgoing the team competition.  By getting that official practice time it's kind of like getting into a tub of hot water where one eases oneself down into the water.  The official practice comprises that easing down into the water. 


Another factor that has to me great significance is there is a great deal of difference between training and practice.  Training is an overall approach to all the things one has to do as a skater.  Practice is the working on a specific program.  For Yuzu training is what he's doing right now in Toronto, working to recover the skills he had before the fall and also doing some practices of his programs.  Once Canada is left behind, Yuzu's whole focus should be exclusively on practice and there's nothing that makes one feel more like one's in a competition than an 'official practice'.  By skating the team event Yuzu would be getting the whole competitive experience, and perhaps twice if he does both SP and FS.  We should not forget that the SP and the FS are completely separate events here.  There is no combined score so it would actually be for Yuzu like two separate competitions.  I think if we are just thinking about what Yuzu is doing in those seven minutes he's on the ice gathering points, it would be difficult doing the singles competition cold turkey.  Doing the team event with its formal practice times is the kind of total immersion Yuzu needs to get mentally into competition mode.  And having the totality of the team experience, both practice and skate, is precisely what Yuzu needs to psyche himself for those seven minutes when he's out pursuing the dream he's been nurturing these past four years.

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