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2 minutes ago, PapiandPooh421 said:

Are there satellites that are from the Philippines or close to the Philippines who willngo at PC? I'm also interested in contributing to the Pooh rain yet shipping fees makes me cry! :tumblr_inline_mzx922J8H21r8msi5:


Perhaps another option would be to buy one online in the country of the person taking it for you and have it shipped to them locally? Though if you've already bought the Poohs then I guess that wouldn't work. 

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28 minutes ago, getsurenka said:

Wow :slinkaway:


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I just came across a Japanese anti-Yuzu website while searching for Yuzu images, and it was a bewildering experience. While I know not everyone like Yuzu, but the things they accused him of doing are just.... shocking to say the least.


Excuse me while I go cleanse my eyes and soul with 1234567 Yuzu videos.



Yuzuru antis are more obsessed with him than fanyus tbh. I mean wow people say fanyus are weird for looking out for his foot in a 5 sec video taken in TCC, antis analyse the way he breathes and probably take note whenever he exhales 0.000001 seconds longer than usual in order to find new content to talk abt smh


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18 minutes ago, Anony said:
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Yuzuru antis are more obsessed with him than fanyus tbh. I mean wow people say fanyus are weird for looking out for his foot in a 5 sec video taken in TCC, antis analyse the way he breathes and probably take note whenever he exhales 0.000001 seconds longer than usual in order to find new content to talk abt smh




I just can't get over some of the things they accused Yuzu to do...

I can see people, esp fans of other skaters, critiquing Yuzu's skating and think someone else deserved better scores than him (even though I disagree), but to accuse him of things like his asthma and injuries are fake and he is using stimulants and drugs to he intentionally crashed into Han Yan and other skaters to he makes up lies about his experience in earthquake etc is just too much? 


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4 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

I need a dictionary




Good morning.

It's cold this morning, isn't it? 
"Still -12℃."

Everyone please take care not to catch a cold. 

Yesterday, I heard Hanyu's comment and I was convinced that things will be absolutely fine. 


#May Hanyu be recovering well

#May Hanyu be well and happy again today



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