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General Yuzuru Chat

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1 hour ago, KatjaThera said:

Speaking of Plush and Yuzu stuff to watch, have you seen the interviews parts from the 2016 NHK Special Exhibition thing? I love the Yuzu, Plush and Mao interview, it's quite fun lol (that part starts around 6:20)


Watched it! The fanboy is strong in this one (Plush have a soft spot for both him and Mao it seems, but Mao took the role of ever suffering third wheel to fanboy-idol-fanboy relationship Plush and Yuzu here)


56 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

Hello everyone! Late because of crappy internet but Happy New Year! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

Anyway, here's the most important twitter tag in the history of twitter tags so far...


Yay, watering time!


Also, every time one of our more experienced satellites sums up the content of every new article published, for some reason I have Gothic 2 flashbacks of 'There's nothing in here' quote you get every time you're trying to look through empty corpse/chest/etc. Even though I almost never played Gothic :laughing:

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2 hours ago, KatjaThera said:

Speaking of Plush and Yuzu stuff to watch, have you seen the interviews parts from the 2016 NHK Special Exhibition thing? I love the Yuzu, Plush and Mao interview, it's quite fun lol (that part starts around 6:20)


His fanboying is making me  :happy0071:

Just how cute is he.  :10636614:

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