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@Murieleirum, @fireovertheice

I'm not surprised, and if he does the 4Lz in the SP I can't do anything other than support him. But at this point, if I look at the points other men are getting in the SP, I would say he needs at most the 4Lo, not necessarily the 4Lz yet. If he skates well with the 4Lo, he should still be able to net 109+, probably 110+. If he skates clean, his PCS should still be in the 46-47+ range. Skating clean, if the judges are generous enough, we will probably get a new WR. The goal of the SP is to skate clean, that is most important, and ensure that either he's No. 1 heading into the long, or very very close behind- and considering the no 5 to no 1 switch he did at WC2017, I don't think any guy on top of him can sleep easy that night. 


As for the long, I think the 4Lz might be here to stay. Since he's got more jumping passes in the long, it's wiser to do the risky move here. In fact, I'm kind of curious if him and his team would consider the 4Lz as the second jump. As for why-I think based on how he practiced the 4Lz in the OP, the 4Lz is a jump that he kind of has to "warm up" to. He's got enough stamina for the jump, but it's not a "natural" jump for him- he needs a jump that can help him get his axis and bearings stable before he goes into the 4Lz. In this case, a 4Lo as the first jump might help calm him, and help him get his axis correct for the second jump. 


As for his training and timing issue. Well if Brian's words are true, that Yuzu was competition condition by Mid July, if we consider when FaOI ended, that could mean that in decent healthy condition, Yuzu could hit good physical, peak condition in about 3 weeks of training. Then if that's the case, between JNATs and Olys, he's got plenty of time, over a month actually. Not to mention he also has the training built up before from JNats practice.  As for JNats, I don't think he needs to go all out- at most just the 4Lo, and maybe even only a 4 Quad layout in the long would be sufficient. And that would be a huge comeback (and if the media thinks not, well the media can go sc**w themselves really). If he manages to go clean even, I think the other guys would be quivering in their boots. 


As for the hard ice vs soft ice: hmm, there are 2 rinks here where I live, one is definitely hard ice, and kept like that for hockey all the time. One is softer. I skate on both. The hard ice, I'm not a huge fan of. It's easier to slip off of edges when taking off for edge jumps, toe picks can also slip more easily when picking. I do find it possible to get more height and distance, but sometimes it's not as easy to control as on the softer ice. I also find spins a bit more scratchy. The rink with the softer ice, I find it has a natural cushion of sorts when I land, and edge jumps are easier to control. But probably because it holds my edges longer, I don't get quite as much height as the hard ice-but usually, I can control my height/distance more. Also, softer ice is a bit kinder to my blades. =)

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8 hours ago, Murieleirum said:

GUYSSSS! I totally forgot to tell you something. 


In this wednesday's podcast, Max and Angelo were talking about Yuzuru at NHK practice and... Max said that Yuzu was practicing 4Lz for the SHORT program. Because he has been doing the runthroughs with the 4Lz. 


So, before it was half runthroughs with 4Loop and half with 4Lz. Now, he only mentioned 4Lz and said it like he was sure Yuzuru was going to put it in the Short...


So I don't want to alarm you but... I think 4Lz is here to stay, and the fact that Yuzuru injured himself while jumping that, will only motivate him to practice it more. Besides, I can already hear Yuzuru's words from an interview in two or three weeks (or right before Nats):
"The reason I injured myself had nothing to do with 4Lz. My success percentage with 4Lz is good and I have practiced more so that I can put it in my programs."


This boy will be the death of me.:13877886: 

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8 hours ago, Murieleirum said:

GUYSSSS! I totally forgot to tell you something. 


In this wednesday's podcast, Max and Angelo were talking about Yuzuru at NHK practice and... Max said that Yuzu was practicing 4Lz for the SHORT program. Because he has been doing the runthroughs with the 4Lz. 


So, before it was half runthroughs with 4Loop and half with 4Lz. Now, he only mentioned 4Lz and said it like he was sure Yuzuru was going to put it in the Short...


So I don't want to alarm you but... I think 4Lz is here to stay, and the fact that Yuzuru injured himself while jumping that, will only motivate him to practice it more. Besides, I can already hear Yuzuru's words from an interview in two or three weeks (or right before Nats):
"The reason I injured myself had nothing to do with 4Lz. My success percentage with 4Lz is good and I have practiced more so that I can put it in my programs."


But that day, Yuzu did RT of SEIMEI, right? Everybody saw he did run through of SEIMEI without jumps because he was injured right before:cry:

How come Max and Angelo thought Yuzu tried 4Lz for SP?

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5 minutes ago, daisyjune said:


But that day, Yuzu did RT of SEIMEI, right? Everybody saw he did run through of SEIMEI without jumps because he was injured right before:cry:

How come Max and Angelo thought Yuzu tried 4Lz for SP?

It is possible that he has three versions to pull out depending on what he needs, but in my opinion, which Yuzu does not know of, he just needs the 4Lo in SP. But maybe he is also practicing to get used to the differences between loop and lutz, since linking them in the long seems to be his main issue.

13 minutes ago, kaerb said:

completely off topic but I was curious about the asymmetry of yuzu's face so I did that thing where you duplicate the left and right sides of their face and.... :laughing:



okay, so Shoma might be the most symmetrical? Yuzu in these photos scare me.:slinkaway:

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1 hour ago, kaerb said:

completely off topic but I was curious about the asymmetry of yuzu's face so I did that thing where you duplicate the left and right sides of their face and.... :laughing:




In the first one, Yuzuru looks like Keiji Tanaka hahahahha xDDDD

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