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10 minutes ago, robin said:

I've been trying to write something now and then today but I just can't muster any helpful words. I still can't really function, I'm paralyzed. My thoughts are with Yuzu.....


You know who my thoughts are also with? Ghislain Briand. Poor guy. He's subbing for Brian and then this happens. Must be horrible for him. He seems like a real sweetheart too. 

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1 minute ago, GreatLakesGal said:


You know who my thoughts are also with? Ghislain Briand. Poor guy. He's subbing for Brian and then this happens. Must be horrible for him. He seems like a real sweetheart too. 


He certainly is. I still remember at 15 SCACI after the ceremony he congratulated Yuzu with a big hug in front of my eyes and didn't want let him go:10742289:I kinda looked forward to seeing him sit beside Yuzu at K&C this time but.....might send some flower to him later on.

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Going home to family is the best decision for now. If the first step is rest then he might as well take the opportunity to be at home where he is most comfortable and get the emotional support he needs. He rarely gets the chance to be in Sendai and his schedule this year will now be different than the planned one, so go home and be spoiled, Yuzu.Once he's beyond the rest stage, then he can focus on recovery, be that in Sendai or Toronto.

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7 minutes ago, GreatLakesGal said:


You know who my thoughts are also with? Ghislain Briand. Poor guy. He's subbing for Brian and then this happens. Must be horrible for him. He seems like a real sweetheart too. 


I was thinking the same thing. You never want anything bad to happen on "your watch" but that's what happened... it would have happened no matter who was standing with Pooh at the boards, but the bad feelings are still there...

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5 minutes ago, liv said:

Going home to family is the best decision for now. If the first step is rest then he might as well take the opportunity to be at home where he is most comfortable and get the emotional support he needs. He rarely gets the chance to be in Sendai and his schedule this year will now be different than the planned one, so go home and be spoiled, Yuzu.Once he's beyond the rest stage, then he can focus on recovery, be that in Sendai or Toronto.

A Yuzu burrito with Pooh on the side please. Wrapped in fluffy blankets and stuff. Just once, then he can return to being the murderface troll we love.

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I am so sad to hear about his injury. Knowing how much Yuzuru loves to skate at home, it must have been hard for him to withdraw. I hope he doesn't take it too personally and beat himself over it. We fans understand that health comes first and the Olympics is what really matters here. Getting another gold medal at an annually competition like the GPF can wait. If anything, I don't think this will affect his consistency but instead further push him to fight for that gold medal at Pyeongchang. Get well soon, Yuzuru!


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22 minutes ago, wombat-poodle said:

If he is in Sendai right now, I hope he is surrounded by loving family members, catching up with friends, chilling and playing video games or something. Just hope he is relaxed, not doing anything straining and not thinking about skating.

Sorry, who said he is in Sendai right now? Do we know when will he come back to Toronto? Thank you in advance.

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1 時間前, wombat-poodleさんが言いました:

If he is in Sendai right now, I hope he is surrounded by loving family members, catching up with friends, chilling and playing video games or something. Just hope he is relaxed, not doing anything straining and not thinking about skating.


He's likely currently still in stage 1 so wherever he is, he's probably doing the exact opposite of everything you said. Especially the last one. Lol. And that's probably his own way of coping. I can very easily imagine him replaying that fateful jump and fall over and over and over in his head and burning it into his memory so he doesn't invite similar falls in the future.


Stage 2 is likely when he'll start feeling more ants in his pants and furiously begins planning for plan B or adjustments (if he isn't already doing it as we speak) ...which would still be the exact opposite of everything you said.


Stage 3 and beyond is when he starts putting whatever plan B or adjustments into action...and it would still be the opposite of everything you just said. And since he should be way past the coping stage by this time, I suppose it's really just the way he is wired. 


There will probably be some gaming in between though, since there's only so much he can plan for without being able to immediately put it into action with his bum ankle...and that would be something you'd have gotten exactly right. :biggrin:

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