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1 hour ago, yuzuangel said:

Good point. Makes me somewhat glad that both Mao and Yuna just narrowly missed qualifying for the 2006 Olympics in Torino. As for Mao she probably would have won, but who knows what types of training regimes both might have had leading up to the games knowing they'll be age-eligible, and medal contenders, and we might not have been gifted the long and beautiful careers that they had. 


That's an interesting what if because if Mao had been age eligible then we most likely wouldn't have Yuzuru as he is right now. His childhood career was shaped directly and indirectly by Shizuka winning the OGM in Torino. Ice Rink Sendai was shut down and it was the only ice rink in the Miyagi Prefecture. Shizuka winning that Gold and her plea to reopen the rink made a significant impact early in his career as an athlete. Don't mind me... just emo-ing... :slinkaway:

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1 minute ago, kaeryth said:


That's an interesting what if because if Mao had been age eligible then we most likely wouldn't have Yuzuru as he is right now. His childhood career was shaped directly and indirectly by Shizuka winning the OGM in Torino. Ice Rink Sendai was shut down and it was the only ice rink in the Miyagi Prefecture. Shizuka winning that Gold and her plea to reopen the rink made a significant impact early in his career as an athlete. Don't mind me... just emo-ing... :slinkaway:

Oh, I didn't even think of what an alt universe that might have been!

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11 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


That's an interesting what if because if Mao had been age eligible then we most likely wouldn't have Yuzuru as he is right now. His childhood career was shaped directly and indirectly by Shizuka winning the OGM in Torino. Ice Rink Sendai was shut down and it was the only ice rink in the Miyagi Prefecture. Shizuka winning that Gold and her plea to reopen the rink made a significant impact early in his career as an athlete. Don't mind me... just emo-ing... :slinkaway:

There's no what if, it's already happened. Yuzu has been destined to be a skater and win the Olympic.

And we're destined to become his fan. :joy:

We can only predict what will happen in the future.. It comes true or not. 

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1 hour ago, WinForPooh said:

Yuna is still the benchmark for getting technique perfectly on point, isn't she? But Mao's commitment, now that's something else altogether. All that work, unpicking her jumps and starting from scratch, to come back to the top... It might be a little different for the men because we don't know what the physical effect of jumping so many quads in their programmes will be. Plushenko didn't jump so many and he had robospine and barely any ligaments left in his knee by the end! Careers might be shortened, and shorter careers don't leave so much room for Mao-style dedication to get relearn technique, or Yuna-style commitment to getting all technique perfect.


I think I'm crashing so hard from the swan-high, I'm so pessimistic today! Not about Yuzu, about skaters in general. Zhenya not fixing her flutz and not getting called for it, Wakaba - didn't her lip get a free pass, too? Mirai's UR on the triple axel... Everything is so rushed to strategise for max point-accumulation for the Olympics. I think we should be really glad that Yuzu has the character he does, and that he rarely got a free pass on any of his mistakes. It's made him better as a skater. He had to develop the right technique. With all those quads, that should help his longetivity. So the tough calls earlier in his career have really been good for him. (This also makes me have renewed respect for Nathan for getting his quads flip and lutz! And a little sad because he could probably be so much better as a skater if he could focus a little less on the jumps.)


I am blaming it on how messy ISU treats the sport (I am using a blanket assessment again on this).

And you are not the only one crashing so hard from the swan-high. Also, this is Monday. Real life:acceptable:

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1 час назад, wombat-poodle сказал:

Yuzuru walked in like a boss! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

And walked out smiling and waving hands :10636614: (was nice to see him in a suit for a change).

He left for the airport some time ago, so I waved a hand to him, said goodbuy to my friends with whom I spend these past 3 amazing days. It feels like a big celebration is over. Trying hard not to be too sad now and come back to ordinary life :13877886:(and no, I'm not trying to check Milano thread).

The great moments of this competition will forever stay with me, didn't expect there will be too many: 3 amazing performances, OPs, the amount of fans support, tons of cute moments, sharing all these emotions with friends (and on top of that hearing Yuzu saying "spasibo" and acknowledging our banners yesterday :13877886:).

He's amazing in every way, so I hope his season will go only up from this point. And if there will be next, so more chances to see him live again cuz it feels like never enough and ends too fast :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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1 час назад, ralucutzagy сказал:


Ondrej is one of my most faves persons! :goe: (was watching that scene from the back - I thought I would die from cutness overload during finale :smiley-love017: )

p.s. Yuzu is the most gorgeous swan ever :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

p.p.s. I must rewatch FS with TAT comments - only heard parts of it but she was SO expressive :heart:)

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