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I have sooo much to catch up on, I'm putting a spoiler here, as I can't just decide on NOT quoting everyone I want to talk to -,-''. Sorry for spamming you guys with the likes and quote's notifications!

12 hours ago, Lunna said:

Shoma also has quite a charisma and when he's on grabs audience's attention very good (maybe not Yuzu-level but still))). About superior choreographers I can agree. Even if I find Shoma's Loco interesting, Yuzu & Jeff is a mach made in heaven))) (and we're forever grateful to Shae Lynn for SEIMEI).

I must say I'm just now starting to dive into the overal FS world, but Jeff and anyone really is  a match made in heaven- I haven't seen a program unfit for a concrete skater from him...

11 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:

(Also, I am seriously in awe of that neck. They just don't make collars high enough.) 

 But they make them sparkly enough as both POTO's proved!

10 hours ago, kaerb said:


official pic lol

I...actually enjoy it? I love how the carve looks as if there were separate ribbons of metal put across the plate... not fan of the hanbook colors on the ribbon, tho, maybe it'll grow on me later...

10 hours ago, kaerb said:

They can art major BS all they want... it's a lazy design)


(That being said, I'm just glad it's not the Salt Lake City one...what was going on there)

You made me google it, and...what. Why does it look like somebody molded it then pressed the form but forgot to clean leftovers and let it dry like this? It has it's charm, but I'll stay by the PC version xD

10 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:

Ribbon is pink...

I've read it as 'Rippon is pink" and for a moment I thought Adam went on and decided to get a pink costume for the SP:facepalm: Don't ask me why...

10 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

I never said how we put it up so... That may or may not be true :)

DO NOT! USE! DANGEROUS WAYS! TO GET HIGH! screams my 8-hourish long bhp briefing...

8 hours ago, Fay said:


The distance between Toronto and Montreal is over 500 km, so it made sense to travel by air, I'd say. Less tiring...

And less triggering for an asthmatic, my friend suggested, though I'm not sure about that...

8 hours ago, asiacheetah said:

I see a lot of chatter about the strength of the USFSA. Do you think Japan skating federation has much power (not as much as US obviously). Also, are they pushing both Yuzu and Shoma or do you see them throwing Yuzu under the bus?

If they pushed Yuzu under the bus, they wouldn't secure his participation at this year's Nats I feel... unless it's throwing the bone to the fans.

5 hours ago, Fay said:

Just when you decide you'll be calm and relaxed for one competition in a year... :slinkaway:

Calm? Relaxed??? As a FS fan? You go from fave deprivation to constant pre-heart-attack state, there's no inbetween! xD

5 hours ago, PomeloPooh said:

 Now I can't help wishing Javier wasn't there:facepalm: Then Yuzu would have no stress of serious competition (as if that's gonna stop him from trying his hardest anyway...but still.) 

And I'm actually glad it's Javi he does skate with more often than with other skaters... you know, even if they became more aware of how they actually ARE rivals to each other xD (Until last season the two of them were beaten only by each other, so maybe they finally started to notice that :laughing:)

5 hours ago, xeyra said:

Instead of panicking, we should be happy that:


a) he told Brian that he had slight knee pain

b) they limited his practice

c) he's going to adjust his layout to accommodate for it. 


Look at the progress from overtraining 4Ts prior to 2016 Worlds FS!



4 hours ago, Fay said:

Well, their gold coaster looks better than the one he got for GPF 2016

And as such, the French federation created a FS-community version of 'still better love story than Twilight': "Still better medal than GPF2016"

2 hours ago, KatjaThera said:

Oh, I agree with you. And by not blaming him for relapses, I didn't mean you, I just meant in general. Because if someone came and said he has been overtraining, there'd be a lot of headdesking around and such. So I just wanted to get it out there ^_^;

I'm p. sure there will be a lot of those regardless of what he does...he's the king of Extra, after all.

1 hour ago, GreatLakesGal said:

As soon as I saw those photos of Yuzu arriving in Montreal I knew that something was wrong--he doesn't look happy in them at all. Then I came here and found out why. :Sad:


Not being able to practice before the first comp of the season must be so hard for him.


But on the positive side, I agree with those of you who think his relationship with Brian is excellent now. I work in academic medicine (education of medical students & residents) and so find skater/coach interactions fascinating. I've closely watched the Yuzu/Brian relationship develop over the years and they are definitely the closest I've ever seen them. :cheer:



 Off-topic, but looking at your pic I suddenly remembered the title of the song I wanted to drop off in another place but couldn't for the love of Pooh remind myself what the adjective was (CARELESS whisper, Ao, not innocent :facepalm:)

1 hour ago, WinForPooh said:

You are so... sane and comforting. I feel like Nanny Ogg just told me things are going to be fine. (Not that I'm saying you're Nanny Ogg, she's just the most comforting character I've ever come across in fiction.)

Yes, I'm sure they'd never risk him for a competition like ACI if they weren't all sure he could handle it, even if it's a simplified layout. DEfinitely not Olympic season.

I almost jumped out of my skin at the Discworld reference on Yuzu-oriented page- god bless you! I take any Pratchett reference as a good sign for my life (in this case, Yuzuru-inducted nervousness xp)

1 hour ago, Yatagarasu said:


I have absolutely nothing against Nanny Ogg, on the contrary! :10742288:

I can panic with the best of them, you have not seen that mode just yet, but I am honestly completely zen about all this. 

And I actually think Yuzuru looks ticked off and not worried in those few pics so that actually gives me comfort as well. 

Yuzuru Hanyu: "I'm so-so"

*translation into Hanyuish*: [t/n are included in the square brackets]"I can't jump my planned layout, didn't practice enough to let off all that steam and will probably implode if I don't skate clean AT LEAST the watered down version of it[which isn't watered down enough to be considered easy], because there's no Gala afterwards, where I could go extra Extra and give people heart attack, and give Brian heart attack, and give my fans heart attack, but the Pooh is fluffy and I'm back on my pond [ice] and my wings [skates] are sharpened, so might as well try and kill[break] something [the 300barrier] anyway. So yeah, bye".

I'm amazed at how we're like: 'Oh, he's annoyed...a good sign' instead of going 'oh, he's annoyed...we're gonna die' like the last season...the fan's growth :knc_brian2:

8 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


Max supporting PH is just the content we needed^^


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4 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:


  Hide contents

Yuzuru Hanyu: "I'm so-so"

*translation into Hanyuish*: [t/n are included in the square brackets]"I can't jump my planned layout, didn't practice enough to let off all that steam and will probably implode if I don't skate clean AT LEAST the watered down version of it[which isn't watered down enough to be considered easy], because there's no Gala afterwards, where I could go extra Extra and give people heart attack, and give Brian heart attack, and give my fans heart attack, but the Pooh is fluffy and I'm back on my pond [ice] and my wings [skates] are sharpened, so might as well try and kill[break] something [the 300barrier] anyway. So yeah, bye".

I'm amazed at how we're like: 'Oh, he's annoyed...a good sign' instead of going 'oh, he's annoyed...we're gonna die' like the last season...the fan's growth :knc_brian2:


I would have literally ROFL-ed at this if I wasn't in the office. Thanks for the - muffled - laughter! Totally spot on!

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A thought - Might Yuzu and Brian be following a more devious strategy and taking a 'minor' discomfort and amplifying it so that some of the skaters this weekend will come out all guns blazing with the hope that they might actually 'beat' Yuzuru Hanyu and thus revealing to Team Yuzu the entirety of their own arsenal.  With all the strategizing going on going into this season, I think it possible if not likely that the major contenders for gold in February might be holding something back to surprise everyone when they put it in at the most critical time and this would be a means of luring them to prematurely reveal their own hidden weapons?  Of course this weekend with Javi being the biggest threat, he already knows everything about Yuzu's program, so there can be no deception on anybody's part there.  But if the 'knee problem' persists beyond this weekend, it might be a way to flush out of hiding the fully-loaded programs of Yuzu's biggest rivals.  Just a thought.  Another thought - Might this be a means for Yuzu to plausibly withhold whatever new elements he has incorporated into his programs without seeming to be scheming?  If nobody outside of Team Hanyu knows whether it's a quad lutz or quad flip or any other new element he's incorporated, that puts everybody in a weakened and confused state.  They don't know EXACTLY what Yuzu is planning.  All they know is that the Chopin and Seimei he's doing right then is not the new, improved version, which psychologically puts Yuzu's competition at a disadvantage.  In short, might this whole thing be a means to gain a mental edge on Yuzu's part?

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2 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

@Aotoshiro Pratchett is my go-to for when I need calming down, or cheering up, or revving up, or... Well, anything, to be honest. Miss his presence in the world so much but... Gnu Terry Pratchett. Meeting a fellow Discworld fan here, it's a good sign, right? I'll take all good signs.


Nobody can talk me out of my belief that the Luggage is one of the best things ever. I just felt the need to point that out.

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2 minutes ago, micaelis said:

A thought - Might Yuzu and Brian be following a more devious strategy and taking a 'minor' discomfort and amplifying it so that some of the skaters this weekend will come out all guns blazing with the hope that they might actually 'beat' Yuzuru Hanyu and thus revealing to Team Yuzu the entirety of their own arsenal.  With all the strategizing going on going into this season, I think it possible if not likely that the major contenders for gold in February might be holding something back to surprise everyone when they put it in at the most critical time and this would be a means of luring them to prematurely reveal their own hidden weapons?  Of course this weekend with Javi being the biggest threat, he already knows everything about Yuzu's program, so there can be no deception on anybody's part there.  But if the 'knee problem' persists beyond this weekend, it might be a way to flush out of hiding the fully-loaded programs of Yuzu's biggest rivals.  Just a thought.  Another thought - Might this be a means for Yuzu to plausibly withhold whatever new elements he has incorporated into his programs without seeming to be scheming?  If nobody outside of Team Hanyu knows whether it's a quad lutz or quad flip or any other new element he's incorporated, that puts everybody in a weakened and confused state.  They don't know EXACTLY what Yuzu is planning.  All they know is that the Chopin and Seimei he's doing right then is not the new, improved version, which psychologically puts Yuzu's competition at a disadvantage.  In short, might this whole thing be a means to gain a mental edge on Yuzu's part?

Yuzu's next competition is Rostelecom, though, and I don't think he'll be playing it down there, unless there's serious reasons to. I admit, I partly want them to play the mind games and such as well, but from what I've seen so far, it doesn't seem like either Brian or Yuzu are that much into that. Not giving away everything, sure, but I don't really see them going to such lengths.


Of course, he will be at an advantage from a psychological POV even like this. Competitors won't know for sure if it's watered down or how watered down it is. (And I still keep at the back of my head the very small possibility he'll do something different every competition, to keep both himself and others on their toes, though I think that would depend on him managing his planned layout perfectly all the time.) And also, they'll be wondering about how in shape he is.


But I don't really think they'd go to such lengths as making it bigger than it seems. Especially since Yuzu cares a lot about his fans and I don't think he'd want to worry them. Also, I don't think he'd want that image of 'hero against all odds' when it's not real.


One of the most amazing things to me, about Yuzu and Brian, is the way they made it to the top and stay there without any of that kind of mind games - as much as I find mind games fascinating. They're both quite honest, and when they're not totally open, they have good reasons for it. They don't talk crap about others and don't manipulate public opinion or so.  I think it's admirable, even though I'd sometimes like to see how evil the Overlord could be lol

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Oh wow what a morning it has been! Well actually it's already afternoon here, but I just now managed to catch up to the news in between lessons. And I really shouldn't be posting in biology lesson, but whatever :laughing:


Anyway, I don't think the medal designs are so bad, but I need some time to settle my thoughts on them tbh.


And since I woke up I went through a cycle of being slightly panicked by the まあまあ pain news, to being very panicked to being calm again and now I'm back in the full excitement of seeing the new costumes yay :tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:


And thanks you guy for being so calm and rational about this, it really helps :thanks:

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2 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


Nobody can talk me out of my belief that the Luggage is one of the best things ever. I just felt the need to point that out.


I absolutely agree.


Imagine if Luggage decided Yuzu was his rightful owner. Unwelcome photographers and not-quite-honest judges would never be heard of again.

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5 minutes ago, MajaHled said:

Oh wow what a morning it has been! Well actually it's already afternoon here, but I just now managed to catch up to the news in between lessons. And I really shouldn't be posting in biology lesson, but whatever :laughing:


Any way, I don't think the medal designs are so bad, but I need some time to settle my thoughts on them tbh.


And since I woke up I went through a cycle of being slightly panicked by the まあまあ pain news, to being very panicked to being calm again and now I'm back in the full excitement of seeing the new costumes yay :tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:


And thanks you guy for being so calm and rational about this, it really helps :thanks:

I know, right? Left to myself and my imagination, I'd have convinced myself that he's gone full zombie or something by now.

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4 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

Imagine if Luggage decided Yuzu was his rightful owner. Unwelcome photographers and not-quite-honest judges would never be heard of again.


Thank you for the wonderful mental image of the Luggage 'taking care' of some of these folks. I can call this up now whenever I'm grumpy and smile! :10742289:

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