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  On 10/9/2017 at 8:43 AM, Floria said:

Yes, this one I remember.

But somehow I feel more worried than usual when he says things like this. It is kuyashii coming from ACI, I guess, but it sounds scary still.



I wonder if it is post ACI... my first impression was that it was from the media open day in August... (Though I admit I didn't look that closely). But it's really nothing he hasn't said before. This is THE season he's worked hard towards all these years. So he'll give it his all. It's not like we didn't know he would, anyway. Yuzu doesn't function at anything less than 150% :P (Hence ACI FS result lol)

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  On 10/9/2017 at 8:43 AM, Floria said:

It is kuyashii coming from ACI, I guess, but it sounds scary still.



I actually feel relieved if he's feeding off of ACI kuyashii. If he hadn't felt that way after that Free, he wouldn't be Yuzuru. 

When he was the most kuyashii of all, that's when he pulled both SP and FS programs clean. Of course, I'm hoping this time, it will come without hidden injury. 

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  On 10/9/2017 at 8:33 AM, Xen said:


The way it sounds in Chinese is more like he's putting his entire life's worth and pride on the line into skating this season.

Well whatever makes the boy happy, though I hope he does consider his health too (because the way it sounds like in Chinese is a bit more "worth it even if I die trying").  We haven't seen a repeat since Dick Button, so I'm rooting for him.



I honestly hope he is not taking it like this. Yuzu, you already has one OGM, remember?

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  On 10/9/2017 at 8:47 AM, Murieleirum said:


I actually feel relieved if he's feeding off of ACI kuyashii. If he hadn't felt that way after that Free, he wouldn't be Yuzuru. 

When he was the most kuyashii of all, that's when he pulled both SP and FS programs clean. Of course, I'm hoping this time, it will come without hidden injury. 


Kuyashii was great. I only realized this watching this video, it didn't seem that hard the way he was smiling after the victory ceremony. But it was a positive one after all.



ETA Sorry for broken link. I think this is the same footage from 5:07


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  On 10/9/2017 at 8:36 AM, KatjaThera said:

Yep. I think @Xen's interpretation is spot on. It's more that he's putting his entire life experience into this season. (Which he's actually said before? The culmination of 18 years of skating thing, IIRC)


Nah, it's Baidu's translation, and actually in Chinese it feels more akin to "my life's pride is on the line", but then again Japanese and Chinese do not translate directly the same way.  But yeah, I wonder if he'd go to Beijing 2022. There's a new system, and a new challenge (3 'peat gold potential) all up for him. Sounds lovely to him, considering his personality :13877886: And I thought I was a type-A personality.


Okay, before I scare people,  the line  is just a very determined way of saying stuff in Chinese.-"worth it even if I die trying." It's just a show of determination, not to be taken literally. No need to get a drink, I say similar stuff all the time to show people I'm dead serious about something, like "my honor is at stake here for me to finish this thing perfectly." =)

  On 10/9/2017 at 8:57 AM, PapiandPooh421 said:

This shook me to the bones!! I'm afraid for our boy.. Man, I need a drink. :drink4:

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命を懸ける means "do something even if I die"

I felt a bit uncomfortable when I read that Yuzu said this because I still remember Yuzu said the similar thing "命を削ってでも”

(even if my life is shortened)in 2014 off season. Then there happened COC accident and his surgery, and everybody knows he didn't stop skating.

I am wondering his condition might not be perfect right now. On the other hand, in the video, he didn't sound that serious.  I took his words too seriously perhaps? Anyway, I really want him to know whatever happens, his skate make many people (ridiculously) happy and will be the same in the future.

I am also kind of looking forward to attending his shows after the Olympics. I know Yuzu wants the gold, but... please take care of your body, don't think too much. Enjoy your life!

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  On 10/9/2017 at 9:08 AM, Xen said:

(3 'peat gold potential)



Oh yeah, he wouldn't waste that opportunity... beyond the obstacle, there's just another obstacle, another gold medal to be conquered, another world record to be smashed... he set ALL world records in the Men's Field with the CoP system - he will need to do the same thing with a new system. 

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