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37 minutes ago, Smultron said:

Becoming a fan of Yuzu motivated me to learn more about the tech stuff and rules and finally learn the jumps and I feel that thanks to him my love for figure skating grows every day :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: 

So I wouldn't say that Yuzu made me want to learn how to skate because I did want to learn how to skate before him, but it's because of him that I have so much motivation to go every day and the need to push myself and improve. I think it's the idea of maybe one day being a fraction of a fraction of a fraction as graceful as he is, and the constant reminder that he pushes himself every day. I do sometimes feel like, well there's no reason to do it because it's impossible for adult skaters to become as graceful as skaters who've been skating since they were kids (I've only been doing it consistently for a couple of months). But then I think about how "It's never been done so it's impossible" would be the last thought a 12-time world-record-breaker would be having and I laugh it off. And it's not like I'm skating to go to the Olympics or anything.


I think my friends were really surprised because I've never been an active person and besides for skating I'm still a total couch potato, and I also HATE waking up in the morning with a passion yet I do it for skating haha.


When I was between jobs one of the biggest reasons for taking my current job was so I could skate. The other job I was thinking about paid like 40% more $$ and was also in a much cheaper neighborhood (rent could have been like 1/3 the amount ugh) but it was nowhere near an ice rink. I'm very happy with the decision although sometimes I do have to remind myself that I made sacrifices for skating to force myself to get out of bed and go. Since I started (earlier this year) I haven't missed any days unless I'm out of town (i.e. at ACI) or have the flu (like right now :(). 


So that's another thing I thank Yuzuru for, other than being beautiful and perfect, that is, giving me the gift of something so beautiful as skating :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp: Okay, sappiness over!

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2 minutes ago, kelly said:

Look how motivating this kid is! I hope he realizes it

That's one of the things I had to include in my letter. I want him to know that he has given me strength to overcome a lot of obstacles and achieve things I thought were impossible for me 💖

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1 minute ago, Hydroblade said:

That's one of the things I had to include in my letter. I want him to know that he has given me strength to overcome a lot of obstacles and achieve things I thought were impossible for me 💖

He's so inspiring :10742289:

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1 hour ago, yuzuangel said:

I guess I'll be the first person on this whole site to admit that when I first saw him I thought he looked very handsome


To be blunt, now that he's all grown up I think he's hot af. 

So you know, Yata will take him. I have no problem taking him off everyone's hands. 



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8 minutes ago, kelly said:

Look how motivating this kid is! I hope he realizes it


I think he does <3 I remember writing in a letter that I threw on the ice in Helsinki about how he inspired me to skate, and later I think he mentioned inspiring children to skate and some adults too...I don't know if he read my letter nor does it really matter, but he does know that he inspires so many people from across the world (NOT just in Japan! He makes it quite clear he knows this) and that makes me happy :tumblr_inline_nhkf04zUM41qid2nw: So yes, I think he does know, no matter how modest he may (pretend to) be :biggrin:

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Hace 3 horas, Smultron said:

I wish I could recall the exact moment, the turning point, when I went fully crazy


I think I passed several "points of no return" - Sochi SP, Chopin at NHK2015, Boston (sorry!), Notte Stellata at SC2016, GPF live experience, Worlds 2017 FS and finally ACI live.

I followed FS as a kid because my parents did. My last clear memory  of that time is Brian Orser winning silver at 1988 Olys (I was sad about him not getting gold). After that I lost almost any interest in FS until the day I turned on my TV to watch Sochi Team event. And then I saw the boy in a blue shirt skating and said to myself: "So figure skating has really changed a lot in all these years, it is amazing how they skate now!" :laughing: I was terribly wrong and ignorant, of course. And I didn't recognize Brian :facepalm:.

My mind was busy with other things at that time so I didn't start watching FS regularly until NHK 2015. Since then I haven't missed a single competition. 

I guess it is Ballade n1 that made me fall in love with his skating and it will be forever my favourite program. To watch it live at ACI was a gift from heaven.

Probably I became a true fanyu after Boston. It is painful to remember, I know, but after all that had happened there I suddenly felt that I wanted to know that he was ok and that I cared about him as a person, not only as a skater. So I started lurking on GS and gather all info I could. And once you discover Yuzuru's personality and realize how extraordinary he is there is no way back. And yes, at some point I found him very handsome, but it took its time :girlsigh:.   




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2 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

I agree with this but there is something about him that makes me feel like no other japanese idol ever made me feel. I suspect it is, like i said before, a series of unfortunate events that amplified the impact he had on my life but i don't think i've ever felt like this before. 

For example, i never bought idol merchandise but here i am sitting at my office desk with the Yuzu calendar on the side (and i'm ordering next year's calendar too). Coming to the office in the morning and seeing him there puts a giant smile on my face and it's very VERY motivating. 

I can't watch many of the fluff videos, although i ADORE this one (mainly because i liked the song before and i screamed when i saw that there was a yuzu video with it)

his interviews... I watch them because it's study material lol, and i LOVE listening to him. It motivates me to study japanese even more.

I think i do prefer to watch him skating or in a skating related environment. But he's cute af and i want to bite/pinch his cheeks :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:

I just casually recalled him, found the image of him in hakama and accepted my fate. I think it took me a day too to submit to the Pooh Overlord completely

He has a beautiful soul, he is pure light. Or course i will love him even when he is an old wrinkly raisin man:sadPooh:


just seing him smile brighten my days :knc_brian1:


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11 hours ago, kaeryth said:

A little pick me up for everyone. If you want to show your love as international fans of Yuzu, try to send him fanmail. Nonchan sent one in 2012 - got a response in 2014... hasn't sent one again but received a response recently! Here's another instance of him responding to fanmail.



I was told that it was hard for international fans to get reply mail...Was thinking to send him a prepaid envelope or write down the Japanese shipping company's address which I used to ship pooh...

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8 minutes ago, SSS said:

I was told that it was hard for international fans to get reply mail...Was thinking to send him a prepaid envelope or write down the Japanese shipping company's address which I used to ship pooh...


Well, Nonchan is American and the other fan who documented that they received a reply was from China. But anyway, I didn't write to get a reply. Just wanted to show my support to him. :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

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7 hours ago, CupidsBow said:

Yuzuru is very cute, yes, it makes him very marketable but he is popular first and foremost because of his skating. People dont invest time in someone if they don't enjoy what they do just because they are pretty. I was interested in him because I liked the way he skated, not because he's cute. But...I guess Yuzu has a big female following, so of course other *cough MALE cough) skating fans will discredit that as being nothing more than shallowness and go on to discredit Yuzu's value as a great skater. blagh.

i dont doubt yuzu being pretty helps popularity among say the general public but they arent the people buying tickets and travelling to see him compete. 


When I saw him on Kouhaku being sickeningly cutesy I was all "Uuuugh, not another one. I can't take anymore of these kids!" I didn't realise it was the same elegant and terrifying skater I saw at Boston, the one who made me finally appreciate figure skating. Soooooo... discredited?


(Though you can't deny the contrast between performance and K&C isn't entertaining. The commentator uncles and aunties can't resist it, either.)

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7 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

He's always cute and yes, he's very handsome. But like you say, it is a bonus. I don't really think about that when i watch him skate, and i love watching him smile because it makes me happy to see him happy. His form and movements on the ice are more beautiful than his face, and even if he wasn't "cute", someone who performs with such passion, joy, precision and focus can't look bad: those feelings and intensity are always beautiful, either because it is aesthetically pleasing, or because you're presented with a kind of vulnerability that humans usually hide and this is paired with the athletic strength. I think that's what makes him so beautiful on the ice, not his "cuteness".


This my life. Didn't find him to be handsome at first - just blew my mind with SEIMEI. I saw a man moving beautifully, not a beautiful man moving. Just as he fell for Johnny's infatuatingly beautiful skating.


And his job is to show us something beautiful, isn't it? 


I have never found people famous for their good looks beautiful unless their work or souls are clearly so.


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