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1 minute ago, yuzuangel said:

You can hide or edit your own posts ^^


Please let's keep things PG :tumblr_inline_mzx95p7TPv1r8msi5: and please be respectful and don't speculate on Yuzu...that. 


*Salutes* Yessir!


I'm stopping. I promise. :13877886:



Also, I can't believe its going to be a full month before the next Yuzu competition. I'm sure people are watching other comps not Yuzu related though, but well idk how I'm going to fill the Yuzu emptiness until then. Hope there's some random footage planned even if its just Kiritou or Legends.

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8 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


I think that's overthinking things and finding mystery where there's none. The guy said he stayed at the Village. And he did, at least for the most part. End of story.


If his health issues are such that he has to stay in a separate room to pre-empt any attacks, then it stands to reason he should also be given a separate rink to skate in (absolutely no public rinks like Ice Rink Sendai) and a separate podium to reduce even more human contact. Actually, he probably shouldn't even be skating at all. And he certainly had no business rolling around the dirt like he did dodging balls during play time at school.


He's a world class athlete and other than his lung issue, is probably as healthy as an ox. I have had 0 health issues up until now (other than the occasional common cold and such and even that doesn't happen too often) since I was born but I'm pretty sure he can kick my healthy but unathletic ass to the next universe and back when it comes to physical endurance. 

I don't think the separate room would be the point in preventing attacks, but rather the conditions of the rooms. I don't have asthma, but my father does and certain types of dust are very bad for him, even though he doesn't get outright attacks. If the rooms were dusty or dirty or so, they might have worried it'd trigger his asthma and what federation would want to risk that with a top athlete? It's entirely plausible. Also, people don't generally avoid everything that can hurt them, or else we'd all sit around in padded rooms, wearing bubblewrap. However, avoiding potentially triggering things that CAN be avoided at a crucial time like the Olympics makes sense. Like, you don't eat something that you know usually doesn't agree with you before a big exam. Even though normally you wouldn't really bother avoiding it, because it's not that bad.


However, we don't know if this happened and we might never will, because it's not something Yuzu would probably like talking about. So, I'm not entirely sure what we're arguing about. ^_^;

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4 minutes ago, Xen said:

I'm trying to figure out how to get back to normal life after having seen Yuzu live....now, back to floral designs.....



I can't recover

 Like I said in Facebook. You can't look at Yuzu in the eye and get a smile from him, and carry on with your life as if nothing happened...

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