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4 hours ago, xeyra said:


Hey I've no idea if that's what it really says so maybe Google Translate is just effing with me. :laughing:

「ゆづるさんもうすぐ4A降りれそう」 <--- it might be just me panicking but i kinda got the same from that...

(what/who is kobahiro tho? is it a reliable source?)

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4 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

「ゆづるさんもうすぐ4A降りれそう」 <--- it might be just me panicking but i kinda got the same from that...


Did you manage to get who was the source of this? Seems to have been from a live chat of some kind but I don't understand who it was from. 

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4 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

「ゆづるさんもうすぐ4A降りれそう」 <--- it might be just me panicking but i kinda got the same from that...

(what/who is kobahiro tho? is it a reliable source?)

I was about to post the same tweet.

Now I need to know...

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I'm guessing it might be https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/小林宏一

He apparently goes as KobaHiro.


And the tweet says that [they heard there that] it seems Yuzuru's going to be able/manage to land 4A soon.



If oriru in skate speak means simply landing, then it's not much reason to panic. We knew he was playing with it and probably will train after the Olympics.


If, however, oriru in skate speak means landing consistently... :volcano:

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1 hour ago, daisyjune said:

Entry list of Autumn Classic has been released : http://www.isuresults.com/events/cat03108189.htm

Balde, Vincent Zhou, Misha Ge are among the names of the skaters. It looks like a really exciting competition!

I'm envious of those who will go there. I'm looking forward to your reports and photos!!


And this is the whole list for all the disciplines : http://www.isuresults.com/events/fsevent03111449.htm

Vincent dream comes true so fast...Hahaha

Go Misha...Pick up Yuzu on the ice...:sadPooh:

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