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Translation of 220719 FNN Live News α (Interview on Fuji Television)


Chi-Eng by DeepL, proof read by me (just something quick for your reference before we have Jpn-Eng translation)


Q: What was impressive about today's press conference was that you did not use the word "retirement" but emphasized that you would continue skating as a professional athlete. Why do you choose to use this expression?

Yuzu: I have no intention of retreating. I don't feel like I'm leaving the athletic arena. I'm moving on to a new stage. I feel like I'm finally moving from amateur to professional, and it was with this intention that I held today's press conference, and it was with this strong feeling that I will continue skating in the future that I used this expression (not using the word "retire").


Q: I was able to feel your determination, and I felt that the press conference was full of hope and warmth, and that the decision was conveyed through your own words. What is your mood now?

Yuzu: To be honest, I am also relieved now. I was very nervous and feel the difficulty to explain, because I am not a professional linguist. I thought a lot about what to do, and among the many words I thought about, I think I said what I could say.


Q: I can feel your reassuring mood from your soft expression now. You said at the press conference that you had considered taking the next step (turning professional) in every competition after the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, how did your feelings change from then to now, that you made the decision?

Yuzu: With the will to jump the 4A, I decided to continue to compete after the PyeongChang Winter Olympics. During this process, I went through times when I had bad ankle injury and was unable to practice. But 4A is not easy to jump, and I felt the difficulty of it deeply. I really practiced hard with the determination of jumping 4A in every next competition, but I never succeeded, and finally it lasted until the Beijing Winter Olympics. At the time of the Beijing Winter Olympics, I also challenged 4A, but of course I didn't succeed and didn't realize my dream. I felt that my efforts were not rewarded at that time, but now this dream is still going on. As long as this is everyone's expectation and dream for me, I would like to respond to these expectations and realize this dream. If a person like me can carry such a dream, I will do my best to fight for it.


Q: Next, I would like to ask you about your athletic career and your plans for the future. It has been a very difficult competitive career, with injuries, earthquakes, and battles with illness. What has become the core of your heart on the road of figure skating?

Yuzu: I've been thinking a lot about the meaning of skating and the meaning of my own existence lately, and I thought a lot about it when I prepare for the press conference and tried to think what kind of questions I would receive. Why do I want to skate and why could I fight as Yuzuru Hanyu? I realized that it was the expectation of the fans and the support and strength that everyone gave me that allowed me to continue skating. As well as the fact that I had good and bad times while skating, these became proof that I was alive, and these thoughts supported me to keep going.


Q: Of course in your competitive career I think you are impressed with all your competitions, but if you had to pick one competition that represents Yuzuru Hanyu's skating and embodies what you are looking for, which competition would you think of?

Yuzu: I would pick the free skate at the World Championships in Helsinki, Finland, where the theme of the program, or rather the title of the program, was "Hope&Legacy". All the jumps in the program were perfectly successful, all the performances were perfectly integrated with the music and the story, and the performance of this competition was something that I could feel deeply even for myself, and I would like to continue to produce this kind of performance.


Q: You were fifth after the short program and won the competition despite missing over 10 points from first in the short program.

Yuzu: I was very happy to get such a result, I really wanted to win, but in the end it is because of the strength of everyone who supported me. And this competition made me realize that I still have this kind of strength and can do such things, which made me gain confidence.


Q: I was there at the Helsinki World Championships and interviewed you after the free skate, and you, who was always calm and collected, said you couldn't remember anything. I was impressed by the fact that you said you couldn't remember how the free skating was finished.

Yuzu: At that time, I should have said "I entered a zone", like a flowing river, for example, like water flowing from a mountain into a river. It's like law of nature that the body moves subconsciously, and it's hard to get into that feeling, and in that sense it was a very impressive game for me.


Q: Next, I would like to ask you about your future plans. At the press conference, you said that you still felt that there was room for you to improve, in which areas did you feel that? What specifically did you feel?

Yuzu: Especially in the 4A, I will continue to challenge the limit in the future, so I feel that I still have room for improvement. To be honest, when I fell 4A at the Beijing Winter Olympics, I felt that this was the limit and that this was all I could do. But now that I've been through a lot and when I'm continuing to work on 4A, I've realized that I can still do better and practice better. So I feel like I can continue to challenge myself to be better for 4A and become more mature technically and improve on physical strength.


Q: Does that mean we will be able to see your difficult jumps, including 4A, in the ice show?

Yuzu: I am working hard with this intention. I may still be stuck in my intention, but I have shown my determination in front of everyone, and I have made it clear in my words that I will continue to challenge 4A. I will take responsibility and continue to work hard as a professional athlete in the future.


Q: Then, please convey the opening statement of the second chapter of Yuzuru Hanyu to the fans who love you.

Yuzu: First of all, I would like to thank all the fans who have been supporting me so far. Thank you very much. I will continue to evolve and take on many difficult challenges in the future, not forgetting the original intention of the challenge, and continue to fight together with everyone. I hope that you will continue to support me.


Q: Thank you, and I will keep cheering for you in the future, ganbatte kudasai!

Yuzu: Thank you, I will work hard!

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20 hours ago, Perelandra said:

Hi Admins, Mods, Satellites

Is the Planet planning to organise a planetary wide "good luck for the future type of support message" for Yuzu?

It would be something to confirm ongoing support for Yuzu and an affirmation to him that people still want to be involved with whatever has has planned for the future.


Leaving competitive life cannot have been an easy decision.

The timing of the announcement after having said he wanted to ratify the 4A still seems off kilter, just a couple more ISU events, Challenger series even, could have let Yuzu have his childhood dreams fulfilled.

For many reasons, both his own personal reasons and possibly some external factors, Yuzu has left the competition arena. 

Yuzu mentioned that he had felt unsure about reactions from fans and although Yuzu owes nothing to anyone outside of his close circle, it would be really nice if his concerns for fans could be allayed with a message of support.


Now that Yuzu is no longer with JSF or TCC, finding a contact to deliver a physical gift or dedications book might be difficult, but there must be some way to do it and if funds are required I would be willing to offer a donation to help with this project


Thank you for your indulgence



Yes Perelandra, this is a good idea.


The only option we currently have, would be the Sendai ice rink, as Elly mentioned.


Comment by the shrine priest from Nagata shrine for Yuzu 🙏



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13 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:

Voici le texte de la vidéo :


  Masquer le contenu

Cher Yuzuru,

Tu vas tous nous manquer tellement, tellement. Il n'y aura jamais un autre skateur qui soit un artiste comme vous. De nombreux mouvements de patineurs ne montrent pas toujours des émotions, nous nous fions donc à leurs expressions faciales pour ressentir un lien émotionnel avec le programme. Beaucoup de ces patineurs ne nous donnent pas les expressions que nous devons comprendre. Pas toi. Vos expressions sont subtiles, oui, mais élégantes. Mais nous n'en avons même pas besoin, car la musique et l'art traversent les mouvements de votre corps pendant que vous patinez. C'est incroyable. Il n'y aura jamais de pionnier comme vous. You've ratified a brand new quad jump (4Lo) and paved the way for 4A, "breaking the physics", doing something many said was impossible. Create excitement and the belief that yes, it is possible. Imagine what skaters of the past would say if they saw what you can do. I don't know if they would be able to say anything because their breath would be taken away in wonder. Off the ice, you are a kind, respectful, and admirable personality. Your words and actions uplift us, as does your skating. You are a hero to me because of your success despite your asthma. I have breathing problems because of my asthma.I will try to run, but then I feel like fire and smoke in my lungs and I can't breathe. I have to sit down and catch my breath after a program when my rink mates can do several in a row. It's frustrating and sometimes I want to cry. Knowing that you have succeeded despite your asthma gives me hope and proof that it is possible for someone like me to do it too. The longevity of your career also gives me great hope and inspiration. I couldn't take skating lessons until I was 13.Watching you compete until you're 27 gives me hope that I can do well even though I'm older than most of my competitors. Finally, we all admire your fighting spirit. Despite world events, injuries, mean people and discouragement, you have always persevered to bring joy and your beautiful skating to those of us who love you for it. Thanks for fighting for so long. you always pushed hard to bring joy and your beautiful skating to those of us who love you for it. Thanks for fighting for so long. you always pushed hard to bring joy and your beautiful skating to those of us who love you for it.Thanks for fighting for so long.



:thanks:  (and also to Perelandra) for writing me this wonderful (which google translated) text from this fan  :clapclap4:  and, in fact, he told everything about who Yuzu is and his asthma problems and I appreciate this gesture towards :heartpound:  :grouphug:  :balloons-smiley:me

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Hace 6 horas, Mary_kyo said:

"I should cherish myself as much as all who cherish me" :crybaby:Yes, finally <3 


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


Wow, this is somewhat painful to read, and bittersweet.

It looks like the 4 years after 2018 Olympics -and Beijing Olympics too- have been exceptionally hard for Yuzu, in many ways. I'm glad he's learning to love himself, and learning who to trust, too.

I don't know if he lurks and reads this forum, but, if he does, I really hope he realises how many people love, cherish and trust him as an amazing human being, not only as an athlete or something like an idol. Yuzu: be happy and fight for your dreams.

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52 minutes ago, JanMary said:

Translation of 220719 FNN Live News α (Interview on Fuji Television)


Chi-Eng by DeepL, proof read by me (just something quick for your reference before we have Jpn-Eng translation)


Q: What was impressive about today's press conference was that you did not use the word "retirement" but emphasized that you would continue skating as a professional athlete. Why do you choose to use this expression?

Yuzu: I have no intention of retreating. I don't feel like I'm leaving the athletic arena. I'm moving on to a new stage. I feel like I'm finally moving from amateur to professional, and it was with this intention that I held today's press conference, and it was with this strong feeling that I will continue skating in the future that I used this expression (not using the word "retire").


Q: I was able to feel your determination, and I felt that the press conference was full of hope and warmth, and that the decision was conveyed through your own words. What is your mood now?

Yuzu: To be honest, I am also relieved now. I was very nervous and feel the difficulty to explain, because I am not a professional linguist. I thought a lot about what to do, and among the many words I thought about, I think I said what I could say.


Q: I can feel your reassuring mood from your soft expression now. You said at the press conference that you had considered taking the next step (turning professional) in every competition after the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, how did your feelings change from then to now, that you made the decision?

Yuzu: With the will to jump the 4A, I decided to continue to compete after the PyeongChang Winter Olympics. During this process, I went through times when I had bad ankle injury and was unable to practice. But 4A is not easy to jump, and I felt the difficulty of it deeply. I really practiced hard with the determination of jumping 4A in every next competition, but I never succeeded, and finally it lasted until the Beijing Winter Olympics. At the time of the Beijing Winter Olympics, I also challenged 4A, but of course I didn't succeed and didn't realize my dream. I felt that my efforts were not rewarded at that time, but now this dream is still going on. As long as this is everyone's expectation and dream for me, I would like to respond to these expectations and realize this dream. If a person like me can carry such a dream, I will do my best to fight for it.


Q: Next, I would like to ask you about your athletic career and your plans for the future. It has been a very difficult competitive career, with injuries, earthquakes, and battles with illness. What has become the core of your heart on the road of figure skating?

Yuzu: I've been thinking a lot about the meaning of skating and the meaning of my own existence lately, and I thought a lot about it when I prepare for the press conference and tried to think what kind of questions I would receive. Why do I want to skate and why could I fight as Yuzuru Hanyu? I realized that it was the expectation of the fans and the support and strength that everyone gave me that allowed me to continue skating. As well as the fact that I had good and bad times while skating, these became proof that I was alive, and these thoughts supported me to keep going.


Q: Of course in your competitive career I think you are impressed with all your competitions, but if you had to pick one competition that represents Yuzuru Hanyu's skating and embodies what you are looking for, which competition would you think of?

Yuzu: I would pick the free skate at the World Championships in Helsinki, Finland, where the theme of the program, or rather the title of the program, was "Hope&Legacy". All the jumps in the program were perfectly successful, all the performances were perfectly integrated with the music and the story, and the performance of this competition was something that I could feel deeply even for myself, and I would like to continue to produce this kind of performance.


Q: You were fifth after the short program and won the competition despite missing over 10 points from first in the short program.

Yuzu: I was very happy to get such a result, I really wanted to win, but in the end it is because of the strength of everyone who supported me. And this competition made me realize that I still have this kind of strength and can do such things, which made me gain confidence.


Q: I was there at the Helsinki World Championships and interviewed you after the free skate, and you, who was always calm and collected, said you couldn't remember anything. I was impressed by the fact that you said you couldn't remember how the free skating was finished.

Yuzu: At that time, I should have said "I entered a zone", like a flowing river, for example, like water flowing from a mountain into a river. It's like law of nature that the body moves subconsciously, and it's hard to get into that feeling, and in that sense it was a very impressive game for me.


Q: Next, I would like to ask you about your future plans. At the press conference, you said that you still felt that there was room for you to improve, in which areas did you feel that? What specifically did you feel?

Yuzu: Especially in the 4A, I will continue to challenge the limit in the future, so I feel that I still have room for improvement. To be honest, when I fell 4A at the Beijing Winter Olympics, I felt that this was the limit and that this was all I could do. But now that I've been through a lot and when I'm continuing to work on 4A, I've realized that I can still do better and practice better. So I feel like I can continue to challenge myself to be better for 4A and become more mature technically and improve on physical strength.


Q: Does that mean we will be able to see your difficult jumps, including 4A, in the ice show?

Yuzu: I am working hard with this intention. I may still be stuck in my intention, but I have shown my determination in front of everyone, and I have made it clear in my words that I will continue to challenge 4A. I will take responsibility and continue to work hard as a professional athlete in the future.


Q: Then, please convey the opening statement of the second chapter of Yuzuru Hanyu to the fans who love you.

Yuzu: First of all, I would like to thank all the fans who have been supporting me so far. Thank you very much. I will continue to evolve and take on many difficult challenges in the future, not forgetting the original intention of the challenge, and continue to fight together with everyone. I hope that you will continue to support me.


Q: Thank you, and I will keep cheering for you in the future, ganbatte kudasai!

Yuzu: Thank you, I will work hard!

Thanks a lot!


I'm just a tiny bit concerned with this sentence - "As long as this is everyone's expectation and dream for me, I would like to respond to these expectations and realize this dream. If a person like me can carry such a dream, I will do my best to fight for it."


I hope he doesn't feel like he needs to keep pursuing the 4A because of us. 

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Still catching up but...

On 7/20/2022 at 6:45 PM, Perelandra said:

We will visit you in Barcelona, may be not during the heatwave. You can show us around. I've visited before in 1998, really enjoyed that holiday

Of course! I will be happy to welcome you and play hostess/tour guide, but not in summer unless you want to meet a zombie fanyu lol

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Translation of 220719 報道STATION Interview with Shuzo Matsuoka (TV Asahi)


Chi-Eng by DeepL, proof read by me. Just for your quick reference before Jpn-Eng translation comes out


Q: I think today you're different from usual. You are nervous.

Yuzu: I was nervous because I don't know how people would take the news. People's understanding of "stepping back" is very different from mine so I don't know if I have fully conveyed this in my press conference. I am nervous.


Q: Having reviewed the interviews of you so far, I was very impressed by your pursuit of victory and defeat (several interviews from the past were played), but this time you are stepping down from the stage of victory and defeat, can I understand in this way?

Yuzu: No, I think it's not so much a step down but a step up from the stage of victory and defeat to the next stage. Although it's also “retirement” in some sense, but I'm happy that I'm stepping into the path from an amateur skater to a professional skater in a completely different mood. I may not be able to be compared with other skaters and compete in terms of scores, but I am always fighting with myself, comparing myself with my past self, fighting, and presenting myself like "see, I am better now". I will also keep fighting with everyone's expectations, and outperform them. I will continue skating with a strong will.


Q: You just talked about competing with other skater. GPF in 2015 left me with a deep impression of winning and losing.

Yuzu: At that time, it was more of a feeling of "going all out" than "wanting to win" or "wanting to make no mistakes." People had a lot of expectations of me, and they were looking forward to the performance that they want to see. Thanks to that, I was able to perform the way I did in the 2015 GPF.


Q: So it's not like you're competing with others?

Yuzu: I wasn't competing with others at that time. It was a time when my past self was scariest. Because I had exceeded 300 points for the first time in the previous competition, and then I immediately entered the next competition, and frankly, it wasn't easy to keep my body in shape for the next competition. Honestly, I don't have a lot of experience of no miss in both programs, and in fact, for figure skaters, how many times are there in their lives when they can have no miss in both programs? So I was really nervous about how to win over my past self from the last competition, and I was full of those thoughts at that time.


Q: Maybe this question is a bit rude, I am an athlete, and when we talk about the limits, the limits of the body, including the ankle, there are various situations, how do you understand the “limits” this time?

Yuzu: If you say it in tennis terms, I think this is not a professional tennis player's retirement. From a tennis point of view, it's a time when you move from being an amateur to a professional player.


Q: Starting from now?

Yuzu: Yes. Of course I worry about my ankle, but especially during these four years after the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, despite the injuries, I've grown so much. I've trained in so many different ways, I've learned so much, and I think I've actually improved and gotten better, and I think I can continue to improve, but of course, if you talk about explosive power etc., it's not the same as when I was in tens. But I'm still getting better, and I can still get better and better. You see tennis players who are still playing very well at the age of 40, right? I also find it hard to understand why there are no examples of skaters like that. I think I can do better in the future, and I honestly think so.


Q: What about the mental limits?

Yuzu: There were many times when my heart disappeared and I skated in a state of "nothing". I honestly will never forget the hardest time I had, although I don't want to talk about it. I couldn't eat and didn't want to eat at that time, but when I was skating, I want to pour all the things I wanted to perform, all the feelings I had, into figure skating. I was able to put my emotions into figure skating thanks to the foundation and technique I've been polishing since I was four years old. Of course there were a lot of frustrating times, but for me, performing and having people come to see me skating are happy after all. Although the journey so far has been very hard, there are also times when I have been told off along the way while I can't refute it, I think getting hurt because of such thing is the hardest.


Q: At the Beijing Winter Olympics, I think the biggest charisma of your performance was that you showed your weaknesses and side of "unrewarded effort". I feel like you are showing a different side of Hanyu.

Yuzu: Thanks to that, people think that there is such a side to even Yuzuru Hanyu, a very perfect person, and many people want to cheer for me. I think it's good from that point of view. In fact, I had no intention to participate in the (Beijing Winter) Olympics. I just wanted to jump 4A and then done. I took part in the Beijing Winter Olympics after all, and I challenged, I failed, I did not win the champion, and I had the idea that there was no reward for my efforts. But even so, many people supported me, and they feel something from my experience. There are a lot of people like this, and I have been supported by this until today. I also feel that I will continue to work hard and go forward together with everyone towards my dream as my goal.


Q: You will continue challenging 4A?

Yuzu: After all I fight hard to get to this point. I'm still in the middle of my journey, so I want to accomplish my dream together with everyone. It would be nice if it could so.


Q: Not resting from tomorrow?

Yuzu: I wasn't resting, I was still practicing late yesterday, and I was doing image training when I wasn't on the ice. Retreating gives a negative feeling and makes people feel lonely, but I'll get better next, so look forward to it!


Q: Will you take a little break?

Yuzu: I don't have this thought, on the contrary I'm thinking about what kind of performance I'm going to give next. I think this is the most crucial time. Of course I want to take care of my body and my heart, but I think everyone is most interested in what kind of Yuzuru Hanyu I'm going to be next. So I'm going to work hard.


Q: Everyone wants to say "thank you for your hard work" and "thank you" to you.

Yuzu: If people say "thank you for your hard work," I will feel a little bit regretful and resentful, and it feels like my thoughts are not conveyed to you. If you feel "so sad" "so lonely", then I will really feel a little resigned. I am in a very positive mood now, I hope that everyone can also look forward and fight with me.


Q: Is it the feeling of graduation? Is it a new beginning?

Yuzu: It is the "new beginning" that I talked to Shuzo-san when I was 16 years old, and now I am standing at the starting line.

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18 minutes ago, TokyoDream said:

Thanks a lot!


I'm just a tiny bit concerned with this sentence - "As long as this is everyone's expectation and dream for me, I would like to respond to these expectations and realize this dream. If a person like me can carry such a dream, I will do my best to fight for it."


I hope he doesn't feel like he needs to keep pursuing the 4A because of us. 

I think he is just calling for everyone's support and explain how important we are to him on his way chasing his dream. Not that he is forced to do 4A by us lol.

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20 minutes ago, TokyoDream said:

Thanks a lot!


I'm just a tiny bit concerned with this sentence - "As long as this is everyone's expectation and dream for me, I would like to respond to these expectations and realize this dream. If a person like me can carry such a dream, I will do my best to fight for it."


I hope he doesn't feel like he needs to keep pursuing the 4A because of us. 

there's other translation that he indeed asked us to expect anything from him and realize the dream together with him. in this context, i take it as positive one instead of 'burden' like source of his energy to strive more

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8 minutes ago, caramelicht said:

there's other translation that he indeed asked us to expect anything from him and realize the dream together with him. in this context, i take it as positive one instead of 'burden' like source of his energy to strive more

Yes the 2nd part of the translation reads more like this so I'm relieved.

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Still Chi-Eng by deepL, proof read by me


Q: We interviewed Yuzuru Hanyu, who is embarking on a new path as a professional athlete, "Please use one word to express your determination for the future?"
Yuzu: It's "羽" (wings, or feather). It's a bit embarrassed for using the kanji in my own name. But I think from now on I will be able to fly high. For example, I was a larva when I was little, and then I became a pupa, but I couldn't fly very well. It was really hard to go from pupa to moth, and until it dried, it hurts when the wind blew, and I couldn't flap my wings well when it was half dry. Now, at last, I am able to flap my wings like this. Next, I want to spread my wings well, and I want to use "羽" to express my determination for the future, with the idea that I want to fly solidly into the sky.

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