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9 minutes ago, TokyoDream said:

i live in Britain but I'm not British!)

apologies I shouldn't have assumed! It's just it is a very English way of talking of someone (though it's probably also common in other countries too!) It just made me smile.

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Guest Mary_kyo
10 minutes ago, Xiupia said:

On the topic of that person's opinion piece: 

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Not sure about the rules on mentioning other disciplines/people on the chat, so I will keep this as a spoiler. So Hashimoto just readily admitted that they want to adopt Eteri's strategy for Men's?? Like, on the open? Is not like we are seeing how destructive this whole system is right lmao I figure why, see how we always mention "russian girls", "eteri girls", etc., the athletes who give their bodies to the sport are expendable, the people behind the system get the accolades. How blind they are, Yuzu's legacy won't be mimicked in a couple of generations, and the way things are looking his spiritual successor won't even come from Japan. 

Anyway, please let me know if this is not appropriate for this chat!


Idk if this answers your question but well already in 2019:


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8 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:




So this was the plan all the way? The JSF’s whole deal with USFS and RUS was bunch of bronze/silver medals in exchange of Yuzu? so disgusting. Introducing “next generation” nepotism kids such as Shoma and Yuma as the "ideal Japan". Now with those much desired medals of pets and humiliation of Yuzu, what has JSF achieved? No, I really want to know. Yuzu was right in a sense that the past 4 years were the price for his gold in Pyeongchang, but he still didn’t get it accurately. The past 4 years were his punishment by big federations because he rightfully got the gold over the pets.

I wish Yuzu was born in China and not Japan. At least China doesn’t trade once-in-life talents for bunch of worthless metals and ranks for pets. At least Chinese skaters were sincerely in awe of Yuzu, they did everything they could to cheer him up, they were not praising his fake rival in his most vulnerable moment.




8 hours ago, Melodie said:



4 AM 🤣🤣🤣


Who wants to bet Hashitmoto is so irritated by every one and their mother talking about Yuzu days and nights, she just has to pour her heart and soul into that piece of s*** of an article, just to make her feel better?

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


This makes me sick. Hashimoto hates Yuzu and has been trying to undercut and diminish him since at least 2012.

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1 hour ago, Mary_kyo said:

Idk if this answers your question but well already in 2019:



Oh wow, it does. After his injury I didn't keep much with Japanese media, but of course, it contextualises the stupid underscoring and isolation very clearly. People say fanyus are hyperbolic but well. Audiences stick with a sport because of loyalty to an athlete, personality or a club (via tradition), I have no idea how they can be as blind as they are. 







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8 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:

Sure, Just I’m still not over how almost all of team Japan treated him. At this rate, JSF is the lowest of low. Any other federation would treat him better. 


btw, my comment was not in any case related to China's political issues as a country. Let's not dive into super unrelated stuffs by overreading a random rant over JSF and their pets.

Oh no, my comment was not related to political issues either. I was just reminded of how the Chinese fed mistreated Han Yan as an athlete when he is probably the most well- rounded, talented skater in China. I just see some similarities there between him and Yuzu in that sense. But like you said and I did say,  it was off-topic. I also don't want to dive further into it.

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Sorry for the long post


I think I understand what Hashimoto  and the JSF is trying to say HOWEVER they make it so much worse in that they are totally obscuring and demeaning the achievements of Yuzuru. 


I understand that a country cannot rely on one athlete to make a sport SOLIDLY popular, I get it.  It takes a dynasty and I do think now that Japan has a strong pairs team they are now more of a all-round threat. BUT they haven't ever acknowledged that Yuzu’s achievements have really made Japan stand out in skating on a global scale.  He was the first one to break the 100, 200, and 300 point marks and bring in fans to competitions and shows from around the world. These are things countries would live to brag about! 


I don't believe the JSF knows what they have with Yuzu. They think that once they have another great competitor (very likely Yuma) the popularity of skating they've enjoyed with Yuzu will remain which I really doubt. Yuma is likely going to be the next world champion after Nathan and Yuzu retire, but he lacks the charisma and charm of Yuzu. Who knows, maybe once Yuma matures he will be more of a star, but again, I doubt it.  Yuzu has so much passion for what he does I don't think it's comparable to any other skater now. 


The fact that Yuzu seperates himself from others and has a mind of his own infuriates the JSF. Like others have said, he was never one of them and after this Olympics has made it clear he skates for himself and for the enjoyment of others. 

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A petty part of me wishes that it would be possible for him to hurt JSF where it hurts them  ( the wallet) by declining to skate in competitions in Japan so that TV ratings and ticket sales would decline. He could do shows so the public still sees him.  But, I know that's unrealistic.  He would hate that because he's so devoted to his fans, and loves his country, and with injuries that's already been the case over the years (and skating is so popular that even without him they have good attendance.... in Japan). I wish they could somehow care about what he means to the public, instead of resenting his fame and popularity. His success is their success if they only had the brains to embrace him rather than resent him and wish to push him out. .


You don't have to throw one under the bus to embrace the future. Years ago Canada had Brian O, then Kurt, then Elvis, overlapping each other in quick succession,  and I don't think those skaters suffered at the expense of the other because of Fed games. From what I remember, each one was embraced by SC, they were adored by fans and there wasn't obvious favoritism on the world stage. No one was pushed out. At least, to the best of my recollection. Oh, JSF. You won't see one like him again. 

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