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5 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


Hello @taeyuzu! Welcome to the Planet :welcome:
I'm afraid that I don't have useful information for you but there are some HD videos in the "Videos" section.

If you are looking for a specific HD video, you can ask here in this thread or in the "Media Link Requests" thread  :68271262:


Thank you so much!! I’m glad to be here :heartpound:I was hoping to start a gif twitter but it gets hard when you can’t find good quality videos :crybaby: but thank you again!

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Okay, now that I've had some hours to collect myself and gather my thought I feel like I have to share some of my feelings rn (sorry for this long rant)


When I saw that Yuzu popped his jump last night I couldn't bring myself to watch the rest of his skate (no matter how amazing it was). I was so devastated and knew he just lost his chance for another gold. I am still super upset about it, however, Yuzu himself has taken the situation so graciously and calmly I have to wonder if he knows that others are more disappointed than himself? But I actually believe this just shows how Yuzu has fantastically matured in this sport. He is not blaming himself, nor is he blaming others. He says his condition was fine and he performed well, it was just an unfortunate event that happened, now he has no choice but to deal with it. I want to learn how to take events in my own life about that. 


Granted, I am still super upset by what happened, but what can be done? If anything, what I am seeing that is so uplifting is the amount of people still giving their support behind Yuzu and the many fans (fanyus and casual fans alike) still saying that Yuzu is the greatest PERIOD.  It wasn't his night, but things happen, every person knows this. I love seeing how many still have faith in Yuzu and this unfortunate accident proves it is not his results that bring people to him, but his wonderful personality and aura. 


I do feel guilty I feel so strongly because I feel like lately I have invested a lot of my own happiness and good feelings into Yuzu which is not fair to him. It's just that my own life has been quite unhappy recently due to my dead-end, life-draining job that I do not enjoy (sadly opportunities around me are scarce so leaving is not an option right now). I battle depression and anxiety and COVID has not made things better. Yuzu has provided a light for me since I saw his 2017 Worlds free skate. I got invested and interested in skating because of him.  After last night I realized that I don't think I'll have any interest in it once he leave. I thought I would, I thought I would find another skater to get invested in, but alas no. 


It's clear that Donovan was the highlight of last night for a lot of people (casual viewers especially).Inspirational stories are so important in sport and Donovan is the perfect example of one (but please don't let him go to Eteri!) Yuzu has always been an inspiration and he is someone that cannot be duplicated. I want to say that I love Yuma, given his great skating skills and general adorableness but I don't see him becoming a Yuzu level star. I've grown to like Shoma a lot more since 2018 (say what you want about his jumps, but it took a lot of guts to leave his Japanese coach). The less said about Nathan the better. He doesn't deserve the WR or the PCs he receives and I don't feel anything when he skates. 


When Yuzu retires, I'm done with FS. He's inspired me in so many ways and I hope one day I can thank him. It's rare these days to have a total stranger inspire the hell out of you and all you want from them in return is for them to be healthy and happy. 



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Slowly back to normal for the moment, considering the ordinary thoughts that come to my mind again. Like: Any news what happend to our postcards?


Thanks to the braver satellites for their reflections, interpretations, discussions along the Olympic threads of today. Although they brought me back to tears. I had to catch up over 30 pages when I returned from jogging in the freezing morning to empty my head. How could the ones of you who worked today focuse on the job?

I analyse that I cried off and on for hours because of an ice hole. Oh, how we wanted to give Yuzuru a hug to comfort him - just to hear him prosaically say some time later that he was unlucky and it couldn't be helped. Do ten good deeds a day? I feel caught, I surely didn't do ten in the last ten days. Go for the 4A or not? Yeah, alongside, but here you have a 3A3Lo.

So here we were, lamenting over scores and Skating gods (which we more or less pray to ahead of a competition), trying to strengthen each other, but mainly to protect our hero - Then he goes and tells us he wants to show his love for skating to us. And we see what beautiful skate he gifted us with. It's him once again who calms us. So we can go on, dreaming of a perfect Roncapu at Worlds, a revenge skate - yet he hasn't said a word about that tournament.


As much as we cry when we follow his appearances, performances and hiding, we find comfort in him for all the other crying. What a wonderful person he is!


And yes, whoever coined the term rollercoaster for a fanyu's raison d'être should get a reward. 

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ive been caught between (like most of the community) wanting to cry and laugh at the absurdity of what happened...but knowing that yuzuru is clear that it wasn't his fault, that he would've skated clean otherwise, that he did skate the rest of the program without mistakes comforts me 

man, being a fanyu sends you into all sorts of emotional turmoil...the lowest of the lows, but the highest of the highs too. all in all, at the end of the day im so glad you guys r here supporting him and each other! we can do it! 

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I'm actually glad I have work today (although I'll admit I didn't sleep well at all last night). Gives me something else to focus on, a way to feel useful.


I am so glad that Yuzuru, at least publically, seems to be taking the popped jump in stride. He's got a very mature view on things. If there's nothing he could have done better, then there's no sense beating himself up over the outcome. Hearing his take on yesterday's events is comforting. Amazing that we're still drawing strength from him even during this low point on the rollercoaster.


Also glad to have supportive coworkers. Yesterday afternoon, I showed her a clip of Yuzu in practice and she said "he glides like an angel." This morning I've had two of them ask if I was okay after seeing the results.


Edit: I also highly recommend watching H&L from Helsinki. It helps to remember that his finest free skate of all time was done when his back was against the wall.

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1 hour ago, river said:

I am so glad that Yuzuru, at least publically, seems to be taking the popped jump in stride. He's got a very mature view on things. If there's nothing he could have done better, then there's no sense beating himself up over the outcome. 

This, exactly. It sounds like a fluke. There's nothing he could have done to avoid it and there's nothing he can to do to change it now, so why stress over it. What's done is done. Better to just look ahead to the free skate.


I'm glad he's healthy and in good shape mentally and can laugh about it. He seems to be enjoying his Olympic experience and given everything going on in the world right now that's a blessing indeed.

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