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Guest Mary_kyo
51 minutes ago, Sayu93 said:

anyone watcing? theres subtitels

Thank you so much for the link and also reminding us of the provided subtitles.

wow, some of the points he has are very boldly precise. Totally a nice speech so far. :loveshower:

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I'm super excited about the SP news. I love the original violin version but the fact that Yuzu's going to have a special arrangement by a pianist he personally knows and I assume he shared his visions with Shinya and gave him a lot of inputs, this has a potential to be a real masterpiece, truly a program only Yuzu can skate. Yuzu never disappoints with his music taste and vision. Hopefully, he and Shinya will share some details of their collaboration in their interviews. Also, I'm curious why he chose both Jeff and Shae and how the process of choreographing went, after all, they were in 3 different countries and time zones. I just so much can't wait to see it. 

But at the same time, it's so sad, in terms of what could have been. In less than 24 hours Yuzu was supposed to skate and showed us his new program, costume and gave new interviews. As of now, we still don't know any realistic date we can see him again. Get well soon Yuzu, you're really missed :sad-smiley-046::heart:
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I had stepped back in the aftermath of the pre-NHK injury news since that brought back the trauma of four years ago!  But I am feeling calmer and ready to face the coming period with a bit more courage, supported by my loving girls, Momo (doggie) and Ella (horsie)! 


Regarding the treatment of his injury (ligament?) I have some thoughts.  Someone mentioned the possibility of using stem cell therapy, which has the potential to speed up the healing process but there is no high level research showing efficacy. For example, Shohei Ohtani went through stem cell injection in his pitching arm elbow in 2017/2018 but he showed no improvements and had to undergo Tommy Jones surgery - which worked marvelously and he had the amazing 2021 season this year as the first two-way baseball player (pitcher and hitter) since Babe Ruth. Ohtani is hailed as the once in a century athlete and is receiving multiple awards from the baseball community. BTW, he is the same age as Yuzu and comes from Tohoku region (Iwate prefecture, north of Miyagi), and Japanese fans hail them as the amazing Tohoku boys.  


Instead of a Stem Cell treatment, I think he might benefit from a PRP (platelet enriched plasma) treatment.  This involves taking the blood from the patient, removing the blood cells and concentrating the plasma, which contains the body's own healing factors like growth hormones, and injecting the enriched plasma into the injury site.  Since this treatment uses the patient's own blood there is relative safety in the procedure.  PRP is now widely used in professional sports, human and equine, and I can testify that the treatment is commonly used to treat horses for joint and ligament injuries, with great effect.  My own ageing horse Andy had osteoarthritis-related injuries to the joints and he received regular PRP treatment that helped to prolong his active life. (Alas, he passed beyond the rainbow bridge in 2019, just after I attended the glorious SCI Kelowna event...may he RIP. :weeping:)  The main risk associated with this treatment is infection from contamination of the plasma during the process - but when done in a professional clinical setting, the risk is very low.  


Since Yuzu is such a studious fellow, I am sure he has gathered all the available scientific evidence on different types of treatment for his injuries and will be discussing them with his medical team. 



On the other hand, I have encountered so much conservative blockheadedness among medical professionals around the world that I worry he might not get the best advice.  I hope his fame and persuasiveness will help him overcome such stubborn objections, should he encounter them - just as he has persevered for over a decade in the unrelenting competitive world of figure skating.


Here's to wishing Yuzu a speedy healing process, and may the gods of skating carry him onward toward even greater heights of performance! 



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6 hours ago, Anni said:

Today 2:00 pm on youtube :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:



It was fascinating that everything was connected with each other with the word, "healing" (I watched it with Japanese subs and am translating the word into English so it may not be the exact word used in the original or the English subs)


I've always been feeling that it is the essence of the Onmyoji series by Baku Yumemakura. It is not a supernatural power that Seimei and Hiromasa solve a problem with. It is always a truth they find in a phenomenon, and with it, they release oni and help them recover their true self. I have had a habit of reading the series or the comic based on it when I am in bed and trying to recover from illness or an injury since long before I became a fan of Yuzu, so I was happy when he chose this theme and said that he imaged nature (plants, trees, flowers) reviving on his footstep while doing the Stsq, but I had never connected Seimei, 311, and figure skating as a sport in my mind, so it was a bit mind-blowing and touching to know that Max is seeing Yuzu as someone who is trying to heal the sport with the truth.

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2 hours ago, Saawa said:

Also, I'm curious why he chose both Jeff and Shae and how the process of choreographing went, after all, they were in 3 different countries and time zones. I just so much can't wait to see it. 

This is only my speculation, but based on last season's interviews, it seems to me that the process of remote choreography was much easier with Shae than with Jeff. Since Jeff has been choreographing his SPs for years, Yuzuru surely didn't want to leave him out. But maybe he wanted more help in the process of refining the choreography, and maybe Shae was the right person for that. I don't think they had video sessions with all three of them, I rather think that Yuzuru consulted Jeff and Shae at different times during the development of the programme. But again, this is only my speculation.


2 hours ago, Saawa said:
But at the same time, it's so sad, in terms of what could have been. In less than 24 hours Yuzu was supposed to skate and showed us his new program, costume and gave new interviews. As of now, we still don't know any realistic date we can see him again. Get well soon Yuzu, you're really missed :sad-smiley-046::heart:

Same :heart:

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2 hours ago, Anni said:


Oui, je regarde  :Yes: 
Malheureusement, je ne peux pas suivre les sous-titres aussi rapidement, car mon anglais n'est pas très bon. :to dry:  J'espère qu'il y aura un résumé plus tard.

Mais néanmoins merci à Max:falling for something:



:wave: ANNIE , mais fait comme moi : je fait des arrêts sur image a chaque sous titre pour mieux analyser ce qui est écrit en Anglais , car c'est clair que rapidement , c'est impossible pour ma part et tu écrits que ton Anglais n'est pas très bon et il est meilleur que le mien , car tu arrives a bien écrit et moi ....... 

I haven't seen it and I hope this tribute to Yuzu that it will be released later !? 

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Just now, Yuzuwinnie said:


:wave: ANNIE, but does like me: I do freeze frames at each subtitle to better analyze what is written in English, because it is clear that quickly, it is impossible for me and you only write your English. is not very good and it is better than mine, because you arrive has written well and me ....... 

I haven't seen it and I hope this tribute to Yuzu that it will be released later !? 

Ohhhhhhh sorry, I just saw that google translated that the end !!!!!!!!  

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7 hours ago, Henni147 said:


For me it's the opposite in fact. The violin version has a rather smooth timbre and smooth playing, while the piano version has a more staccato sound that adapts better to fast, accentuated movements. So I would go with an elegant burgundy / black for piano and a pastel white / gold for violin.


Footnote: If this is a bright red color scheme, I would agree that for a piano piece it might be too striking. A muted shade of wine red or burgundy would be nice, but not that shiny Ferrari red.



Have known that you know yourself in music and you understand better the nuances between the violin and the piano and for the costume, I "see" it as a gradient that would go from pink to dark burgundy, like that of H and L and a fanyu touch YES 


I'll tell you who Charles Camille St -Saëns is who is French  :yes: 


https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camille_Saint-Saëns         and this piece that Yuzu chose  :heartpound: 


https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Introduction_et_Rondo_capriccioso_en_la_mineur     and as I have read it quite a bit, it will be a masterpiece YES 

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38 minutes ago, sweetwater said:

It was fascinating that everything was connected with each other with the word, "healing" (I watched it with Japanese subs and am translating the word into English so it may not be the exact word used in the original or the English subs)


I've always been feeling that it is the essence of the Onmyoji series by Baku Yumemakura. It is not a supernatural power that Seimei and Hiromasa solve a problem with. It is always a truth they find in a phenomenon and with it, they release oni and help them recover their true self. I have had a habit of reading the series or the comic based on it when I am in bed and trying to recover from illness or an injury since long before I became a fan of Yuzu, so I was happy when he chose this theme and said that he imaged nature (plants, trees, flowers) reviving on his footstep while doing the Stsq, but I had never connected Seimei, 311, and figure skating as a sport in my mind, so it was a bit mind-blowing and touching to know that Max is seeing Yuzu as the someone who is trying to heal the sport with the truth.


Once again, this brings to mind the concept of 幽玄 (Yu-Gen) which I think his programs are trying to express.  (Yugen is an awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and mysterious for human words, and raises to our consciousness the truth about being an integral part of cosmos.)  I had more readily connected Hope & Legacy with Yugen, but like @sweetwaterI had not immediately linked Seimei with this concept.  I appreciate Max's interpretation of Onmyoji and it helps me to place Seimei within the constellation of Yuzu's Free Programs that are meant to express and embody Yugen.  


This is also how I view all the myths and old stories of Japan, which appears to be full of superstition but on deeper analysis it is about our integral existence with our environment and our inter-relationship with all things around us that create the truth about our being.  An appropriate theme for the times we live in... 




I have always been drawn to quantum physics because it resonates with the concept of Yugen.  In his recent book, Helgoland, theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli makes the connection between quanty field theory with the great Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna - who describes our world as nothing but inter-relationships.  There is no such thing as an independent, objective "I", but it only comes into existence in relation to those around us, both living and non-living.  I never thought figure skating performances could be complex or deep enough to try to express this concept. Yuzu's programs will live on in our historical memory because he is a rare creature who is able to bring together these feelings in one place and make us live - everso briefly - the moment of Yugen.





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11 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

Guys, do you suppose the reason  he learned to jump 4F was because 4A was being such a challenge that he switched to working on 4F for a break? So basically out of frustration?

That's possible of course, but I don't think so. With two or more years working for 4A without any landing, he must have felt this amount of frustration earlier than now. He prefers the Axel over the Flip, assumably that applies for the work on it too.

But he said the Axel training helped him with the other jumps (I don't remember in which aspect), so maybe 4F is now easier to accomplish than some years ago. Perhaps he did it just by the way, because, train to land (high standard) two new jumps in one season... :smiley_hairpull: Yes, I know, he is Yuzuru Hanyu. So why not.


17 hours ago, Kat said:

...I'm actually starting to dread the 4A he'll undoubtedly be doing...because if he doesnt do it right, falls, UR, ect...


There is always the risk of a fall. However, he will attempt it only when he is comfortable with his minimalization of that risk. It may be a bigger issue now.

I don't think the 4A he will show can be UR. That's a point where Yuzuru is very strict with himself. I suppose he feels like if it's UR, his jump isn't worth to be shown in competition.

I am curious if it's possible to discern the additional rotation with the naked eye when Yuzu is able to land a 4A as beautifully as 3A.

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9 minutes ago, DancingFeather said:


I am curious if it's possible to discern the additional rotation with the naked eye when Yuzu is able to land a 4A as beautifully as 3A.

I think so. The attempts he made at GPF Torino, you could totally see it was one extra rotation. 

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