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So... while regular people train 4A in harness, Yuzu has already upgraded to 5s... :ohmygod: I guess when the ISU proved to him he needed more jumps to beat the 'quad king' he concluded 4Lz, 4F and 4A weren't enough, so he's moving on to the next level... (and no, I'm not taking it too seriously, but hey, quints are just a half a rotation more than 4A and he has said the other quads are easier to rotate than A, hence 4A is difficult, but maybe then 5T would be about as difficult a step from 4T as 4A is from 3A...)


Everything else they say makes sense, I guess. Repeating both programs makes sense. He is very comfortable with Otonal, and maybe he could do 4Lo instead of 4S in it, for an upgrade. And Origin was meant for 4A. And deciding after this season if he goes for Beijing or not also makes sense. He'll have a better understanding of where he stands, both compared to the competition and health wise, as well as motivation wise. Personally I expect him to continue another season, because even if he manages to add all quads, I'm not sure he'd also manage to polish them as desired this season. But then it'll be Olympic Season after that. In the same time, I can't see him deciding to go to Beijing without properly preparing for it for at least two seasons. So it makes sense.


But we'll see. TSL is TSL after all...

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There's no reason to believe TSL since they never have any actual information about Yuzu. I read the tweets and its just their speculation, and alot of fans speculate the same things way before as well. Most of the time they talk about him and put his name on videos just for the sake of clicks. 


I read a russian source said he trained 4A and quint in harness in April. So in term of rumor, nothing new. 

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Out of all people, I have no reason to trust T*L especially news regarding Yuzu. Their mentioning of Yuzu is nothing more than click bait to my eyes. Sorry but if they cannot disclose the source of their news, it is nothing more than a speculation. Anybody can say anything about anything in that way.

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TSL said Yuzu would stay a month in Japan around Worlds with Ghislain ....Did not happen...He arrived a day late and left almost soon after. So they really barely have info on him. I mean even Brian alot of times don't  seem to know Hanyu's plans and state well himself. That is not to say Hanyu can't be training quints, since after the Olympics, he said he would like to try quints too. 

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Yuzu's going to give it his all and be laser-focused on jumps? He's training something in a harness but it's just a story they heard? He might be doing certain programs but they can't say definitively even though they supposedly have insider connections? He's going to work hard this season and see how it goes? He's THINKING ABOUT THINGS?




We all need to live our best lives and have the self-confidence and total lack of shame TSL has in broadcasting their iNsIdEr ScOoPs and ~HOT TAKES~!

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