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8 hours ago, Pammi said:

@Dreamer  I think that’s a definite - just look at his face!!

Even Javi looks scared :darklordyuzu: !!!!



Aww I know he loves his mum really ♥️ Her life has been about supporting him to realise his dreams, and her rewards are great, seeing her son at the pinnacle of his sport, absolutely adored and honoured by his people, and loved by so many beyond his nation’s borders. Maybe it’s been her dream too. :softYuzu:

He said in interviews after Pyeongchang that he feels like his mom is fighting alongside him to win, and so it's also her medal as well as his.

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7 hours ago, ZuCritter said:

Yes, I'm sure she's immensely proud and gratified that her labor of love has allowed him to reach such heights. Nevertheless, if I were his mom, my response to the glove incident would have been:


"Fine. If one wrong glove is the end of the world, you can pack your own damn bags from now on!"


Just sayin' ...

:salty:  :3:

Same.  But who's to say she didn't say that? I think most moms would. 

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It just occured to me that if the 24H tv show was scheduled for the 24th of august, maybe that s the reason for cancelling the Media Day which would have been timely conflicted with. Just saying... And by the way, is the 24TV Yuzuru showing going to be live, or only recorded?




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11 hours ago, ZuCritter said:

Yes, I'm sure she's immensely proud and gratified that her labor of love has allowed him to reach such heights. Nevertheless, if I were his mom, my response to the glove incident would have been:


"Fine. If one wrong glove is the end of the world, you can pack your own damn bags from now on!"


Just sayin' ...

:salty:  :3:

Funny thing is, he probably had the correct gloves all along but just had one of them inside out

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7 hours ago, IULIANA said:

It just occured to me that if the 24H tv show was scheduled for the 24th of august, maybe that s the reason for cancelling the Media Day which would have been timely conflicted with. Just saying... And by the way, is the 24TV Yuzuru showing going to be live, or only recorded?


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In Pino's video, he is wearing Under Armour when he is speaking in the studio, so I think the show has been recorded on that day, after the interview (and warming up after that I guess...)
Also, he says, "ここに来てくださってる方々だからこそある背景があって、過去があって" ("There are certain backgrounds and past only those who gathered here can have") in the interview. "Those who gathered here" probably means people of Atsuma on the spectators' seats and the stage, not the 3 performers being interviewed.


I'm so happy to be able to see Haru yo koi again so soon! :tumblr_inline_nhkf04zUM41qid2nw:But I also like the project itself because it would encourage the brass band to stay active and that would encourage other people to enjoy life a little more while trying to retrieve their normal life.


On 7/28/2019 at 6:53 AM, mercedes said:

ah thank you...I went and watched the videos again(big sacrifice I know)but I couldn't find it...on the other side I realized how good he was already with different kind of stiles and music and how already he was giving 110% every performance.

Even if the camera is not always on him like it is these days you can spot him from miles away thanks to his unique way of moving.


Sorry for not making it clear, but The Ice Nikko hasn't been fully aired, so there is no video of the dance battle available on the internet I think. Here is a short news clip about the show. Although the focus is on Mao, you'll find a few seconds of Yuzu speaking at the end of it...

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