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  On 1/21/2019 at 5:22 PM, SuperMin said:


LOL.  It’s pretty brilliant.  His fans follow accounts of multiple other fans.  So instead of a million people following one account.  He has a million fans following a million accounts leading to a magnitude of tweets.  And we know he trolls some of them.


could it be ...:gla:



And, that is even leaving aside Chinese fans ... just saying :10814716:


  On 1/21/2019 at 5:29 AM, SuperMin said:

By Yuzu’s statement, he only has 1-2 years left, and I can see him being dominated by his future spouse. 😂 





I know ... I was doing the calculation 24 18/19 season ... 25 years 19/20 season ... 26 years 20/21 season .... 27 years 21/22 season and OWG.


  On 1/21/2019 at 2:55 PM, Henni147 said:

Okay, things getting interesting now: Exclamation mark vs Fanyu power :1:



Seriously: Independent from the comeback-award Yuzu is THE winner of Laureus. Already.

I bet my account that every single nominee, committee member, SM maintainer and occasional viewer has already googled, who this mysterious Hanyu guy with tons of fans is. There's no better advertisement for figure skating, Japanese sport and Olympics 2020.


Wouldn't be surprised, if the committee had a serious quarrel at the round table right now... :laughing:


Love to see how people react from very serious ... to full sarcasm ( :67789441::67789441: = Hanyu ?)

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  On 1/22/2019 at 12:30 AM, TallyT said:


he can have it custom made (he'd have to! that waist...) but more to the point, he's Yuzu so... will he?????



A custom-made designer tux when there are still places in Sendai that need rebuilding, and people would have to go out of their way for him, and he'd have to take time off from practice to get fitted and meet with the designer? I think there's only slightly less of a chance that he'd show up in a potato sack. :8:

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  On 1/22/2019 at 1:08 AM, utsukushii3A said:


A custom-made designer tux when there are still places in Sendai that need rebuilding, and people would have to go out of their way for him, and he'd have to take time off from practice to get fitted and meet with the designer? I think there's only slightly less of a chance that he'd show up in a potato sack. :8:



This is absolutely true.


(Actually, I want him to send Japan - no, the entire skating and possibly sporting world - into a tizzy by going REALLY formal, and turning up his his brand new ultra-glorious hakama that he doesn't get nearly enough chances to wear anyway )

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  On 1/22/2019 at 2:14 AM, TallyT said:


This is absolutely true.


(Actually, I want him to send Japan - no, the entire skating and possibly sporting world - into a tizzy by going REALLY formal, and turning up his his brand new ultra-glorious hakama that he doesn't get nearly enough chances to wear anyway )


In a more practical vein, he already has the hakama, he'd have to go get the tux. And I doubt our boy would ever commit the sacrilege of renting one...he might borrow one though...maybe Javi has one he can lend? 


Yuzu in Javi's clothes would be :10636614::68468287:

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  On 1/22/2019 at 2:20 AM, rockstaryuzu said:

In a more practical vein, he already has the hakama, he'd have to go get the tux. And I doubt our boy would ever commit the sacrilege of renting one...he might borrow one though...maybe Javi has one he can lend? 


Yuzu in Javi's clothes would be :10636614::68468287:



Hey, they couldn't fit any worse than that jacket he came swanning into the PC airport in....  :facepalm:


(to be fair, I have suspicions that the Japanese Olympic team can be blamed, some of the stuff they put poor Shoma in....)


By the way, it just occurred to me, this would be about the time last year - three weeks or so before PC - that Yuzuru actually started practicisng the jumps that he was taking to victory....

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Transcript of Jack Gallagher's interview with Tsuzuki-sensei starting at 10:30.

Everything typed out in verbatim as I heard it. Feel free to correct any mistakes.


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You can tell how much of Tsuzuki-sensei's philosophy and vision has shaped and molded Yuzu's own vision of figure skating.... Also, his love of Russia :10814716:.

From Russia with Love being his 1st program as a competitor and choreographed by Tsuzuki-sensei makes a lot of sense now. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

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I'm curious what Yuzu thinks about the Laureus award. Ofc he'll be honoured since it's a big award, and the feeling of being The first to abc xyz will always intrigue him, but I don't think he'll be too ambitious for it? When you think abt it Yuzu is a pretty particular guy, he's extremely competitive but only in the areas of his interest. The only reason I can think of that makes him keep a close eye on the winner is that it's a great way to spread the sport's name and also to represent his country.

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