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4 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

The tapping foot is the right foot. It's painful to tap on an injured ankle, you have to keep it really flexed and not let it collapse under you. ESPECIALLY when you need to tap hard enough for a quad. The takeoff foot doesn't have that much force on it tbh.


Yuzu had issues with his left foot, which is his tapping for the 4T, because of doing too many 4Ts.

Ah, thanks. Now I see.

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22 minutes ago, Anony said:

Ngl I expected waaay more than 3000 kcal(about 4000-5000 kcal) since the average person's daily calorie intake should be about 2000 kcal anyway. Good on him anywah though for managing that finicky appetite :tumblr_inline_n2pjd3guzE1qdlkyg:

Competitive swimmers, who are training about 4 - 6 hrs a day in cold water, eat around 5000 kcal, so 3000 kcal for Yuzuru sounds about right to me. 

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5 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

Ah, thanks. Now I see.


I don't remember the source now, this is just one of those random bits of information that got stuck in my head. But Yuzu's picking technique looks light and perfect, but he puts an incredible amount of force into it. There was some rink where he performed for a show or competition or practice or... or something (I did say I didn't remember the source) where he picked so hard (on the toe-loop I think) that it damaged the actual rink itself. They had to fix it afterwards. 

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3 hours ago, WinForPooh said:


I don't remember the source now, this is just one of those random bits of information that got stuck in my head. But Yuzu's picking technique looks light and perfect, but he puts an incredible amount of force into it. There was some rink where he performed for a show or competition or practice or... or something (I did say I didn't remember the source) where he picked so hard (on the toe-loop I think) that it damaged the actual rink itself. They had to fix it afterwards. 

Yeah, it was in a rink in Shanghai for 2015 worlds. it wasn't the main rink but a practice rink.

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1 hour ago, quadaxelwin said:

Anyone think we can get a new documentary before season starts? 

It would be awesome to have one by an English language channel, but I guess it's unlikely? God bless all the fans who toil to put English subtitles on the Japanese vids.

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17 時間前, Sammieさんが言いました:



17 時間前, Xenさんが言いました:

Okay, I bow to his waistline....


Lol. It's like his waistline simply gave up and stopped gaining circumference since he was a kid and only his chest continued to get pumped up merrily on its own. His shape has always struck me as somewhat alien. I think it's because it's both longish and has this corsetted waistline thing going on. It's somewhat like a swimmer's meets a sprinter's meets a diver's but even more streamlined and...uhh...aerodynamic? Like one of those futuristic expensive sports cars in sci-fi flicks. Cos where a swimmer's body is sculpted to cut through water horizontally, or air vertically for divers (horizontally for sprinters), his is streamlined/toned to cut through air both horizontally and vertically, while also making tight rotations in quick successions while fighting against gravity. It looks like those of Evangelion mechs. Or one of them alien from, yanno, Alien. 


His body is unusual by human standards, not just the Japanese demographic.* I'm guessing that's why it's so hard for him to get a suit that fits him even when they are allegedly tailored or altered for him. Dude can probably ever only wear them bespoke, which would be nice to see someday.


5 時間前, Forcefieldさんが言いました:

Aw, but I think though they did good with his torso and skinny waist they missed out on his powerful thighs and ahem, assests, which usually helps accentuates his waist even more. Thus the bottom doesn't really fill. Well, one thing at a time I guess.


I was thinking the same. But I guess they only needed the top to fit.


16 時間前, Murieleirumさんが言いました:





Yeah, it's always breathtaking how he does those 4 rotation jumps of his, no matter the jump. He does them so well that sometimes when he lands a little more heavily in the second half, where it would look normal and even nicely done for most others, it looks jarring when he does it. Guy is truly one of a kind in his field. We all stan an Extra(ordinary).


*This reminds me of a funny thing this Japanese man (whom I call otosan and his wife okasan cos they're basically my family when I'm in Japan >_<) said to me when we were driving through Nagano last year and stopped over somewhere in the prefecture to see some...short-legged horses (I think they're a Japanese breed) grazing and some trees with narrow and pale trunks (forgot the name) unique to the region. When we were gazing at the horses, he just commented offhandedly that those horses look that way because they were bred by their breeders, the Japanese, to resemble them--all stocky torsoes and stubby arms and legs. He said it, not me. And I remember thinking to myself then, if Hanyu's shape were the norm here, y'all would be breedin' Arabian horses or greyhounds. xD

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4 hours ago, Anony said:

Ngl I expected waaay more than 3000 kcal(about 4000-5000 kcal) since the average person's daily calorie intake should be about 2000 kcal anyway. Good on him anywah though for managing that finicky appetite :tumblr_inline_n2pjd3guzE1qdlkyg:


Well he doesn't train super hard because of his asthma, also he weights little and the less you weight, the less food you need. I think average athletes weight more than 56 kg, and train more, so that's why Yuzuru doesn't need as much food as them - but mind you, 3000 calories per day can actually be a challenge, especially if it's clean food. Sure, have lunch and dinner at McDonalds or KFC and that's 3000 calories right there, but that amount from vegetables, and lean protein, and lean carbs... I understand his little appetite! Especially because I guess it's not nice to train (especially jumps) when your tummy is full.


Only thinking about the fact that him and most Japanese people have a savoury breakfast, with rice and eggs or fish... ugh, I couldn't for the life of me get those things in my stomach before noon! 

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9 hours ago, getsurenka said:

It says here that Yuzu had overcome his small appetite since Sochi period, and is able to finish the mealsets they prepared for him now. Now he is able to consume 3000kcal per day, which helps with his recovery. 


Haha, good job Yuzu. He also says he now finds his costumes to be tighter around his hip area lol.

3000cal....I only eat one third of the quota, but as an athlete this portion seems very standard.   

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