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2 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

the guy eats at mc donalds, eats chips and drinks soda

i mean it's probably fine to do stuff like that every once in a while when you're taking good care of your body otherwise and it won't have much of a visible impact. i don't think an olympic athlete could compete on a mcdonalds diet :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:or maybe he really did just win the genetics lottery... and/or is an alien

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5 minutes ago, Pamigena said:

to be honest, I think most of the time the guy probably eats whatever his mom puts in front of him, and I doubt she only gives him burgers and soft drinks :laughing:

Not just that, think about how much energy he burns per day. Seriously, when I was 13, and skating 2-3 hours a day, I could probably eat a burger and fries and soda, go practice, and come out demanding another big Mac meal. At some point my mom calculated that in summer, when practicing I was burning over 2000 calories per day, and I was probably half Yuzu's size and weight, only jumping singles and practicing spins. 

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17 hours ago, Yoa said:

So Yuzuru had to go to a different school of magic. His new school has 6 houses: Toeloop, Salchow, Rittberger, Lutz, Flip and Axel. He was sorted into Axel house which was named after its founder - Axel Paulsen. He will do anything to learn the most powerful of spells:  quadruple axel...

this is the funniest thing ive read all day thank you yoa

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Guuuys:peekapooh: a bit OT

Since we are an international forum, we thought that it would be nice if we could display our country flags :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid: a small way to see the diversity of the fans that gather here.

You can find the option when you click edit profile, there is a field that says "Country" :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:

If anyone wants an additional flag added (or a correction eek) please say so:tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


ETA: :facepalm: Forum playing tricks on me, some files are broken...

:9:just wait hahahaha

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17 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Guuuys:peekapooh: a bit OT

Since we are an international forum, we thought that it would be nice if we could display our country flags :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid: a small way to see the diversity of the fans that gather here.

You can find the option when you click edit profile, there is a field that says "Country" :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:

If anyone wants an additional flag added (or a correction eek) please say so:tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


ETA: :facepalm: Forum playing tricks on me, some files are broken...

:9:just wait hahahaha


I officially protest the fact my country isn't in the list! How dare. :drama:

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8 hours ago, Xen said:

I have to ask though, growing up as a child and playing piano/singing in choir, and being remotely serious about it, pop music drove me nuts. My ears could not stand it, especially if I heard anything remotely off-key. So given his sensitive hearing, how does he stand jpop? Granted, the stuff he listens to isn't exactly metallic or hard rock, but compared to say Chopin, it's a bit more scratchy and rough.


As for his blades-what I remember from ACI practice was when gliding around, you just cannot hear the sound of his or Javi's blades, not just jumps, but overall it's silent or very neat and tidy. Other guys had audible scratchy landings, and even clean landings had some noise when viewed live. Even on the ladies side, you would be hard pressed to hear Tursynbaeva's blades. So it's not just him, it's probably more TCC skating skills at work. Even when going into very deep edges, that "cruching" sound isn't that present-they seriously just float on the ice. And in Javi's case, I just remember that Paramount blades (which I think he wears) was noted to be noisy by my skate/blade fitter.


I was wondering about the same. I grew up in a family with full of classical musicians and I also played the piano for many years and I couldn't stand most of pop music either (And I still can't stand it especially if it's too loud, I think I'm really sensitive... :)) I understand why Yuzu prefers upbeat and energetic music during competitions but other than that, I don't know. His taste in music may have changed a bit over the years because he said that a long time ago. 


And as for the blades, I think in Javi's or Lilbet's case it's because of TCC, but in Yuzuru's case, there may be other reasons, too, I remember a commentator mentioned years ago  that Yuzu's blades are very silent and that's in general common for Japanese skaters.

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