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General Yuzuru Chat

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Fancams are honestly the best. I don't mind commentary the first time I see the routine, since I still am a bit eh with recognizing jumps and I don't mind having them pointed out, but when I just want to watch the routine and don't care about the technical aspects the commentary can get annoying. 

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I would assume it is, at least until Worlds if his ankle allows him to make a showing there. This is barring another incident happening, which makes the news. Other than something new happening, the only foreseeable time I can see him in the news again is when it gets closer to Worlds, if he makes an announcement about participating or one about foregoing it. 

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19 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

So is the media whirlwind over? I take it he’ll be using this time to get his ankle checked. Any idea of when we’ll hear from him again?

One wd from world news and he will be hiding until the season starts.... that what I’m guessing. Do we have enough content to last us for a few months before dry cactus season starts? :13877886:

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20 minutes ago, Sammie said:

One wd from world news and he will be hiding until the season starts.... that what I’m guessing. Do we have enough content to last us for a few months before dry cactus season starts? :13877886:

You're forgetting the big-ass parade Sendai is organizing:biggrin::thrasher::biggrin: (we will get...how much? An hour or so of Yuzuru standing on a truck making cute faces and scruntchy smiles and a few iconic poses, possibly with a fitting suit this time:animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:)


Re: the award

tbh I can see Yuzuru declining it, he might feel "not worth" of such a big honour yet (and tbh it scares me a bit that he could receive that award. I mean, sure, I know he is THE Yuzuru Hanyu, but such an award would make that even more official, idk, it seems like a huuuge burden for someone so young and who already places so much pressure on himself. I know he takes pride and strenght in representing his country, but I also hope he can be just himself, just the person, just normal, like Yuzu would say). But others here pointed out it would make him very grateful and proud, too, so idk. Of course I hope they will decide to give him that award, there are no doubts he is inspirational and he brings lots of happiness and strenght to many people, not only in Japan.:10742289:

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22 minutes ago, Sammie said:

One wd from world news and he will be hiding until the season starts.... that what I’m guessing. Do we have enough content to last us for a few months before dry cactus season starts? :13877886:


I need at least one off season to catch up beause I'm still behind on CoR stuff!  I would also recommend taking the time to master Japanese using his new book. Fluency can be attained by next season, right? :biggrin: I still think he'll do FaOI, too. And he has those talk shows at the same time. We won't be so dry.


I hope JSF is kind enough to tell us as soon as he knows for sure. Nationals cut it suuuper fine but that was a domestic comp so at least no one was stuck in another country. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

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