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3 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

Messages for Yuzu. Hope someone can translate <3 (I feel like it's just a compilation of what they've already said...)

[Features: Shoma, Keiji, Plushenko, Jason B., Shizuka, Mao]



Yeah, it looks like what's been said already.


My internet doesn't want to let me read it (it's too LQ and all fuzzy) but the dates are mostly November/December and the words I can make out are what's been said before.

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1 minute ago, yude said:

I'm watching the inauguration ceremony of team Japan for the Olympics, Ghislain Briand and Akira Kikuchi were introduced as members from Yuzuru's team. Surprised to see the Crown Prince made the speech :tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:



For a second I thought you meant Yuzu was speaking...

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