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6 hours ago, Yatagarasu said:

Actually I'd say the content is pretty good. Having been reading some of the other stuff that's been put out about other skaters or figure skating in general, this is a very good article. They tried interviewing several people, there is a respect towards the fans as I don't think they tried, as many do, to silently mock the devotion they have for their fave and I think it did successfully show that there is something special about this skater. Overall, well done.

Also front page of NY Times is nothing to be sneezed at. This is actually very, very good for Yuzuru. I am mightily pleased let me tell you, I have a large grin on my face. Good. Good.


For NY Times, I thought it was pretty decent too.

I don't agree that Yuzu's the Michael Jackson on ice cos he's not a superb dancer and most importantly, he's THE Yuzuru Hanyu on ice. But I'm not going to complain since this title will attract more readers.




4 hours ago, micaelis said:

By and large, though, I found the article acceptable.  I'd give it a C, maybe a C+, primarily on the fact that in general the portrayal of Yuzu was accurate and not overly critical.  I certainly think that the portrayal of Yuzu fans as obsessive, while a bit of an overstatement, was fundamentally true.  All you have to do is look at the Poohvalanches and the willingness to wait outside all night to get in, the willingness to get up at all hours of the day or night to watch him competing on TV or computer, all these things are true.  Some of the fans do almost cross the line, though.  I was looking at a Yuzu vid, his 2014 GPF freeskate and I saw a flower boy retrieve a bear (not a Pooh, this was just a plain brown bear) that was almost as big as the flower boy himself.  I have to say that that was a bit excessive.  On the other hand we Yuzu fans are proud of the fierceness and intensity of our admiration of him, realizing that we are admiring a person who is truly worthy of that admiration.  The thing is, the Yuzu fan base, to a great extent fueled by YouTube and Daily Motion, is constantly expanding.  Last year at this time I did not know Yuzu existed.  If it wasn't for my out of curiosity clicking on his 2017 WC freeskate while looking for bicycle road racing, I would have missed out on one of the great experiences of my life,  the discovery of an individual who is truly great and not the product of hype.  Yuzu needs no hype.  He's great enough to speak for himself. 


I agree with this assessment! He's probably one of few athletes who got so popular just by being his usual awesome self, rather than a being driven by some PR machine.

That said, I think the more recluse he is, the happier I am for him. He's given us fans so much that I just wish he can have a his own space. I'm content to see him only during competitions and other public jobs. His smiles are the most precious. =)

And I'm super happy to hear that he's recovered! Thanks Javi!!!

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I should stop quoting people and just sum up my own thoughts at the latest news, but that efficient being just wouldn't be me I guess :facepalm:

6 hours ago, MrPudding said:

personally I felt that the decision to separate Javi-yuzu training was a bad one. I hope they changed it and is training together again. They need each other to keep on their toes

Sorry, but that sounds as if the pressure of the Olys season and being their countries main/only medal contenders didn't keep them high enough on their toes :biggrin: 


5 hours ago, Neenah said:

I agree with both of you and xeyra, there is some shade there, though not as bad as some other articles. It is a bit shallow with no real analysis or even research.


Also, Yuzuru is "fixated" on quads and Nathan who was the first to land five different quads in the same program is not :rolleyes:


5 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

Literally he said "Yuzuru, well, Yuzuru has been injured but he has already recovered and, well, we're training again"

( @Yatagarasu i am sorry, i speak very fast too hahaha)


Also uhhh

Did our swans somehow made it into the NYT too


5 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:

I got the feeling that it wasn't so much a sports article as a discussion of a mythical or religious figure which more or less sums up my feelings about the miracle. :P

I'm a bit perplexed not about the writer, but the editor and redactor. I mean, I get it, I wouldn't go in depth in mechanics of the sport I cover literally once every four years too, but then maybe change the form? There is many writing styles that do not necessarily have to be super-duper accurate while still need a bit of research, and can be written interestingly even if YOU directly are not interested in them. If you lanned to follow the sportsman but he had an injury, you go back to his latest stuff. Also, my purist obsession, as well as sliiightly negative view of Western media portrayal of Yuzuru fans, make me grimace every time shrine is brought up, mostly because their slight spelling errors make it sound as if Yuzuruha was erected by fans to prai in TO Yuzu and  not FOR Yuzu's well beiing. Combine those mistakes with the previous obsession mentions, pooh-rains, etc, and you get  a sect not a group of strongly invested fans :/ Maybe that's why I have overal negative view on it, even though it seems to try and reach out to people that can help understand this phenomen...darn my subjectivity xD.


4 hours ago, Floria said:

Sometimes I think that the lack of news is a part of TCC pre-olympic strategy. It is always more difficult to fight the unknown and for Yuzu it is an advantage now that his rivals (except Javi) know nothing about his current state and possible layout changes.

I always thought it's the result of the two previous cycles' results- Yuna was sheltered from the media that elsewhere swarmed her? Gold. Yuzuru gets less attention in Canada than in Japan? Gold. Javi is run through the drama media propaganda something before Sochi? You get a stressed, tired Spaniard, and that's not a good Spaniard at all.

So now Brian has already both experiences under his belt, and so he goes for the option that actually worked in favor of his skaters, not their country's media. Good job, TCC!:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


4 hours ago, KatjaThera said:

On the other topic, thank you, Javi! I feel a bit sad, because he seems to be playing down their friendship/companionship again - or maybe just setting the record straight - which may or may not be a consequence of fangirl comments. But I agree with who said separating them was a bad idea. I can see why it would seem like a good idea, but such a change in training habits in Oly season... but hopefully they know better.


Oh and regarding the quiet around Yuzu, my favorite thing in the whole NYT article, and I HOPE this is true, was Kobayashi with the timer, limiting journalists' time with Yuzu to around 5 minutes. It shows JSF - or at least Kobayashi - is looking out for him and will not let the media attention affect him. And remembering Brian said he believed the top three skaters being caught in a lot of media stuff until very late at night after the SP in Sochi played a big part in why they messed up in the FS, as they didn't get to rest much, I find that JSF attitude very encouraging.

If I caught the words he said right (I hope Spanish-speakers will correct me on this one) he is asked if they are good amigos, and I thinkg that while it translates as a friend I... don't actually find friend as warm as amigo? But yes, Javi doesn't neglect that, but offers more appropriate, in his opinion, word of companiero, a companion, which I personally find even more fitting for them? Because it reminds me that you walk into battle with companions, not friends (at least in my language's semantics), and considering they are athletes, companion actually feel closer to me, as in you share biggest part of each other's life, their career, and because of that even though you technically aren't proper friends material (not hanging out, et cetera) you are still on a terms that definitely aren't forced friendliness or colleague-ish indifference?But ,maybe I'm just a weirdo who reads in too much.


3 hours ago, Katt said:

:facepalm: every single time I look at Olympic's schedule. Some skaters have to practice at 6.30 am, that's mean they have to wake up from ....  3am  or even earlier ??? 

The magical article that added almost 10 pages to General chat count had redirected me to article about NBC actually being worried about next three Olys being held in Asia since their daytime is our middle of the night???We will have to get up to watch them??? And I'm like...  Yeah, but you do not have to rotate 300rpm at this ass hour because some dude across the globe has to have live broadcast :xD:

3 hours ago, Danibellerika said:

I was a zombie in Helsinki getting to those practices and then you have long day ahead of actual competition...and I'm just the spectator!  And yeah, I agree with you about how they didn't stagger the days between the two. It makes no sense.  Ice dance I could understand being back to back, but even ladies gets a day's rest! 

Because Ladies are the icon of FS, and actually main athletes of the sport didn't you know? The others are just an addition :facepalm:


2 hours ago, Sammie said:

Who is one of Frank Caroll skater? Give me an idea of who he thinks is better then Yuzu. Lol 

Gracie Gold was, at least until they didn't break their partnership and she didn't withdrew to fight mental breakdown (Speaks volumes about support I feel). But then again, he is also part of Daisuke Murakami's coaching team and Denis Ten's coach who led him to that Bronze in Sochi, so I'm pretty ??? about him and his skills/opinions as a coach...


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47 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

Gracie Gold was, at least until they didn't break their partnership and she didn't withdrew to fight mental breakdown (Speaks volumes about support I feel). But then again, he is also part of Daisuke Murakami's coaching team and Denis Ten's coach who led him to that Bronze in Sochi, so I'm pretty ??? about him and his skills/opinions as a coach...


Caroll will always be mostly known for coaching Michelle Kwan until she left him, because I don't think he'll have a champion like that come through his doors again.  He did coach Denis but he left. He coached a quadless Evan to an OGM and we know how all of that goes. 

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1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:

[Me as usual, trying to ignore everything and focusing on the silly]: I wonder how the calendar makers and stuff are going to react to the shortage of pictures from this season

Oh, they have the glove and jacket removal methods to use, so no need to worry. 

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Hi everyone! Still with crappy internet but just wanted to say how happy I am with the Yuzu Polaroids. Sudden thought though when I saw the Ultraman Gaia pose... we know he loved/loves Ultraman (Gaia in particular based on hanyusan's partial translation of Aoi Hono) and begged his sensei (was this Tsuzuki-sensei?) to choreograph an Ultraman program for him... My question is did they watch Ultraman Gaia before Yuzu asked for it or did he have to watch it for his beloved student?



After getting to the first show at the first level, I was the one who went to my teacher and said “Please make up an Ultraman program for me!” I really loved it; Ultraman Gaia! In it, there were so many fighting scenes between Ultraman and Ultraman, you know? Gaia looked different from the other Ultramen. There wasn’t only one color. My mom even made a red and a blue Ultraman costumes for me. I remember the clothes well, but the choreography I’ve forgotten long ago.


Also, I ended up rereading the translation again (link above) and where is this video?


The second one was “Camptown Races”!* My first time entering a competition and I got a gold. When I was six, there was another event, the Daiei Cup at Shin Matsudo City. That time when I won, I didn’t have my two front teeth but the teacher told me to “smile”, so I tried hard to smile. Watching the video clip of it now is extremely funny! With no front teeth, skating while trying hard to smile, and doing the ending pose while silently counting “one, two, three” because my teacher said “Make sure to hold that ending pose for three seconds.


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16 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


The second one was “Camptown Races”!* My first time entering a competition and I got a gold. When I was six, there was another event, the Daiei Cup at Shin Matsudo City. That time when I won, I didn’t have my two front teeth but the teacher told me to “smile”, so I tried hard to smile. Watching the video clip of it now is extremely funny! With no front teeth, skating while trying hard to smile, and doing the ending pose while silently counting “one, two, three” because my teacher said “Make sure to hold that ending pose for three seconds.



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2 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Eh? What's in silence? Training? O_o


Maybe they're keeping quiet that's he's already fine (and doing jumps I presume)?

Of course, Javi let it slip with Spanish media  (Remember when Spanish media knew about Seimei 2.0 before it was officially announced but held back?) :smiley-laughing021:

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2 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

i guess, not publicly making it known? who knows! :P


And I guess we were all so happy to hear something that we assumed he meant he had recovered completely but if he says it's been a few weeks then I guess he just meant he'd recovered enough to resume some sort of training. 

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1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:


And I guess we were all so happy to hear something that we assumed he meant he had recovered completely but if he says it's been a few weeks then I guess he just meant he'd recovered enough to resume some sort of training. 

Yeah, personally I don't think he's "doing 5 quad runthroughs" type of recovered, but that he's recovered enough to start training. Hopefully it means no pain! The rest will come...!!!

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