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8 minutes ago, Neenah said:

Not me :noshake:  

I love Yuzu, but I won't give him a pass if he underperforms, which is exactly what Nathan did this season.


Nothing against Nathan, I was really looking forward to him stepping up his game this year but so far he didn't and I am disappointed. 

If you were the best that day you were the best that day (or in Nate's case,  the best that event because he keeps losing the LPs). While some do, I don't devalue Yuzu's Olympic Gold even though he won it imperfectly.  That is still a title bestowed upon him to reinforce his greatness and legend.  

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Just now, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



Good on ya for being impartial. I can't claim I'll be able to do the same. Especially if he wins despite bad skates. It just means others did worse, and definitely doesn't mean he isn't deserving of his win. I mean, if we're only strictly looking at the results. I'd be sad that he underperformed but I wouldn't be any less happy about his win.

Off course I would be happy if he wins, I am still a fan :biggrin: 

However, that doesn't mean I won't be pointing out his mistakes or discussing them. It is really not about being impartial because I am definitely biased, but I do like the sport just as I like Yuzu, so I would criticize any mistakes or bad judging even if my favorite benefited from it 

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3 分, Neenahさんが言いました:

Off course I would be happy if he wins, I am still a fan :biggrin: 

However, that doesn't mean I won't be pointing out his mistakes or discussing them. It is really not about being impartial because I am definitely biased, but I do like the sport just as I like Yuzu, so I would criticize any mistakes or bad judging even if my favorite benefited from it 


Yeah, cos that's what fans and experts  do. But the news media won't bother because to them, the results are all that matters, as it should.

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Just now, Danibellerika said:

If you were the best that day you were the best that day (or in Nate's case,  the best that event because he keeps losing the LPs). While some do, I don't devalue Yuzu's Olympic Gold even though he won it imperfectly.  That is still a title bestowed upon him to reinforce his greatness and legend.  

Agreed, a win is a win. I never questioned it nor do I think that Nathan or Yuzu don't' deserve their wins. What I do believe, and it was the reason behind my original comment,  that they are both capable of so much better and I don't think that they or we should be satisfied with those results

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25 minutes ago, Forcefield said:


Tbh this is true, but I'm just spilling :salty: because Hanyu has been injured and out most of the season, and its like irrelevant since he's been out and a "can you not gloat?" kind of deal, even if that may or may not have been the intention, but really maybe this also proves that Hanyu is still relevant and a threat despite being MIA.


Well, it is NBC, if they aren't hyping up Nathan at any opportunity, what good are they for as a US media outlet!? Nathan IS undefeated this season... if one doesn't really think about total scores or him losing the FS; it does come off as a really great soundbite to mention. 

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I think that NBC tiny gloating in passing would tick me off a lot less if not for Yuzuru's current situation. It's true Nathan is undefeated (JOpen aside, but it was a fluff comp), it doesn't matter that he underperformed, it only means that the others did worse overall

tho it should matter that there was some questionable judging, especially if that might have changed some of those results. But I doubt a casual viewer would care, and it's likely they might not even see how judging was questionable in any way :slinkaway: 

Let's hope Yuzu will have many reasons to smile in the next few months, so we will have many reasons to smile too and we can all be zen about whatever other people write. :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5:

Tho that NBC uses Kyodo as a source bothers me. I understand that for them ankle or knee injury doesn't change much in the bigger picture, but I'd like to see a little more fact checking. Tho of course one would expect Kyodo to be a more reliable source than fan-made translations...:13877886: so Kyodo is a culprit, too:ohno:


21 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

his jumps getting prepared :laughing:

We need a Cuteness overload alert!

That's too adorable for words :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:

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57 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


Don't worry about it, all done. 

If you want to edit your posts, see on the bottom of it? There's an Edit option. Click on it, and then once you put in a link, it'll embed it but below it, it offers an option to display as link only - you click on that, and it'll go back to a link, instead of an embed. But no worries, I took care of it now :smiley-happy085:

Thank you, you are a life savior!

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