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4 時間前, PPOSさんが言いました:

speaking English is the most kawaii thing ever.. .


4 時間前, kaerbさんが言いました:

omg does he have one? I don't think I've ever heard him say the word 'about' which is usually how I can tell :laughing:


4 時間前, PPOSさんが言いました:

He has to my ear ...i suppose you pick up the accent of where you learn your English....:waffle:


He speaks a very pure form of North American Japanglish. Yes, it is a word now. Cos I said so. It is not so easy to learn because you need to have a unique set of circumstances where you breathe NA air and eat NA produce for long periods of time but not have a lot of purely social experiences with locals to be immersed and always resort to speaking in your mother tongue for a good 3/4 of the day and watching Japanese TV instead of NA shows. You also have to be smart enough to be able to catch and retain stuff subconsciously but disinterested in becoming fully fluent, even while telling yourself you need to be and you really should be putting in more hours in English language studies but not until after you've cleared the boss of this level and the next and the next and the next...


As in, he doesn't fall into the usual syllable traps Japanese speakers speaking English usually fall into raiku dissu. He even uses fillers like well, "like" and "iunno" perfectly. But he still has trouble distinguishing some of his Ls from his Rs and most of his Vs from his Bs. He also has this thing where he needs to shape each very word carefully with his mouth which results in a halting and quite exhausting manner of speaking.


All in all, this results in his English falling apart in interviews or when he's excited. I had some trouble trying to tell what he's saying in that interview he did for Javi's documentary. Listening to him speak in post comp interviews is akin to seeing someone doggedly tapping away on a keyboard with just two fingers. It's quite endearing, really. I mean, there's at least something he doesn't excel at. Or care enough to excel at anyway. >_<


4 時間前, PapiandPooh421さんが言いました:

They said he's in good spirits and is joking with the staff:smiley-happy085: then later we see this video of him being :tumblr_inline_mn41rkfu9v1qz4rgp:. I can't with this!! It's soo... ROLLER COASTER!! :tumblr_inline_mfy930ntA01qid2nw:


I'm pretty sure that's all PR. I mean they can't exactly tell the public that his smiles aren't reaching his eyes and his laughs ring hollow. It's probably safe to simply assume that he'll be down in the dumps for a bit, even as he's looking to move forward, as would be natural for someone in his situation. Can't really expect anyone to be happy really, much less him. So it's relieving to see him the way he is now (like in that special nhk interview) rather than forcing himself to be happy. Good times will come again and they'll be even better precisely due to less happy ones like this. :)



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5 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:


  • shitty ice surface
  • cardboard box podium that were shaky and unstable and actually had holes in it from yuzu's skates when he jumped on

Reason why adjusting to ice is important and is part of the competition.

You can tell the holes from the video???!

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Lol Yuzu jumped on the GPF podium to #expose shitty French event planning. The medals were just awful. Why not sacrifice the bouquets so you can at least give them a non-plastic medal smh


10 minutes ago, meoima said:

 Among Asians, there are people who look older than their age. I think Yuzuru looks young for his age, he can pass as a 17 year old boy. And as an Asian who also look young for my age, I can confirm that. 

Yuzu looks young mostly because of his excellent skin and lack of eyebags from working an office job lol but he does look different from when he was 17/18-ish (where he looked even younger bc baby fat on his face and slight rabbit teeth that got magically fixed somehow lol). His 20-23 is relatively unchanged though. 


I often find non-Asians tend to drastically underestimate our ages whereas conversely, I’ve had European/American friends I’ve assumed to be MUCH older than they are (there was a friend who I thought was 25 when I met him....he was 18.....)

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7 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:


no banquet

the skaters went out to celebrate/eat by themselves





marseille gpf:

  • didn't have enough beds for athletes so some had to share (while isu officials got to sleep in 5 star+ hotels)
  • music gets cut off randomly in some skaters' programs
  • shitty ice surface

medal ceremony:

  • cardboard box podium that were shaky and unstable and actually had holes in it from yuzu's skates when he jumped on
  • cheap thin plastic medals that looked worse than restaurant beer coasters
  • shitty bouquets that only had 2 big flowers and wrapped in layers of cellophane to hide it
  • no flags
  • no banquet


and this was stuff i heard from reports back last year so don't come at me for summarizing, thanks

WTF ... :xD: I didn't hear something like this before at this level ... and who slept with who loloololol poor skaters 

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3 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Lol Yuzu jumped on the GPF podium to #expose shitty French event planning. The medals were just awful. Why not sacrifice the bouquets so you can at least give them a non-plastic medal smh


Yuzu looks young mostly because of his excellent skin and lack of eyebags from working an office job lol but he does look different from when he was 17/18-ish (where he looked even younger bc baby fat on his face lol). His 20-23 is relatively unchanged though. 


I often find non-Asians tend to drastically underestimate our ages whereas conversely, I’ve had European/American friends I’ve assumed to be MUCH older than they are (there was a friend who I thought was 25 when I met him....he was 18.....)

Many young Asian kids today look older than me... Khoai often sends me photos of very mature looking kids and tell me "Guess how old he/she is?". Like many of them are under 18 but they look 28 or so... I am like: Ok... if i don't know their real ages I might have thought they're as old as me.


Yuzuru looks very young for his age. But he has mature aura whenever he does a serious interview. 

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1 minute ago, sublimeskating said:


in one of the compilation documentaries of yuzu's 4 straight GPF wins, they showed the victory ceremony from a different angle (tv asahi)

they showed close ups footage that weren't seen in the isu or western channel broadcasts

and yes i could see there were holes in the cardboard podium from yuzu jumping on

thank you. but 4 straight GPF right now sounds :tumblr_m7etfqA8wS1qb1380::xD:Every skater should know now Yuzu is really scary


6 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


He speaks a very pure form of North American Japanglish.

That is true. My Japanese friend sometimes made me cry because her accent sounds like Zuzu:Poohgaveup:

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1 minute ago, meoima said:

Many young Asian kids today look older than me... Khoai often send me photos of very mature looking kids and tell me "Guess how old he/she is?". Like many of them are under 18 but they look 28 or so...

Yuzuru looks very young for his age. But he has mature aura whenever he does a serious interview. 

I apparently still have a face and telephone voice that lets me dodge telemarketers and people wanting me to do surveys on the street by telling them I’m under 18. I have another acquaintance who has looked and dressed like a 40yr old Chinese dad since he was 18... so yeah, it all depends. LOL 


Yes, Yuzu does immediately age up when he speaks seriously. Except if he says stuff in English. Or gets too excited in any language. Heh. 

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20 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

He speaks a very pure form of North American Japanglish. Yes, it is a word now. Cos I said so. It is not so easy to learn because you need to have a unique set of circumstances where you breathe NA air and eat NA produce for long periods of time but not have a lot of purely social experiences with locals to be immersed and always resort to speaking in your mother tongue for a good 3/4 of the day and watching Japanese TV instead of NA shows. You also have to be smart enough to be able to catch and retain stuff subconsciously but disinterested to become fully fluent (even while telling yourself you need to be and you really should be putting in more hours in English language studies but not until after you've cleared the boss of this level and the next and the next and the next...)


As in, he doesn't fall into the usual syllable traps Japanese speakers speaking English usually fall into raiku dissu. He even uses fillers like well, "like" and "iunno" perfectly. But he still has trouble distinguishing some of his Ls from his Rs and most of his Vs from his Bs. He also has this thing where he needs to shape each very word carefully with his mouth which results in a halting and quite exhausting manner of speaking.


All in all, this results in his English falling apart in interviews or when he's excited. I had some trouble trying to tell what he's saying in that interview he did for Javi's documentary. Listening to him speak in post comp interviews is akin to seeing someone doggedly tapping away on a keyboard with just two fingers. It's quite endearing, really. I mean, there's at least something he doesn't excel at. Or care enough enough to excel at anyway. >_<



I can def hear a NA accent, I just can't tell the difference between a specifically Canadian vs American accent over his Japanglish since I've never heard him pronounce the more 'telling' words lol. He's definitely picked up the fillers from TCC coaches I reckon. Still struggles with tense a little bit and likely has a store of stock phrases he's saved up in his brain for English interviews (you can sort of see him looking for recognisable words in interview questions sometimes and then not really answer the question...aka. how I 'understand' Korean). Very cute ( : I appreciate he tries very hard to speak in English for foreign reporters, even though it takes awhile. It must be frustrating.

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2 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:


yuzu has murder face before competition for a reason, LOL!


well in my heart he is still undefeated GPF champion because WD doesn't mean he got defeated


also i don't give a F who wins men's GPF right now to be honest...


(i just hope it's at least someone i like LOL)

Maybe someone who has a weakness for Spiderman plushies .... :pouty:

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3 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:


adjusting to ice is very important and part of the competition

i guess that's why they have practices before comps

which is why it's EXTREMELY unfair that some skaters can rent out competition rink to practice a week in advance when other skaters can't!

i guess it's the prestige of having a very rich skating fed behind you and one who's investing their resources on you...

Ummmmmmm it is not confirmed that their team pay the rink to rent it out (although the odds is... err). It is just speculation, please dont spread it as a fact :)


GPF 2016 was such a disaster n if it's true that skaters had to share rooms bc some problems arise from lack of money or something... then, yikes.... Hope tdf this year is better

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14 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:


i can't remember the source but i read it in one of the skating blog posts trashing "french event planning" of the marseille gpf

that was the thing that stuck with me the most because it helped to explain WHY the marseille gpf was a complete splat fest!

and WTF not even a banquet...

and cheap medals...

makes me wonder where all the invested money went but i guess that's not my place to say...

Yes main reason was that French Fed lost their major sponsor because after Teb 2014 was canceled due to the fear of terrorism, the sponsor called them numerous time to request an explanation about the situation and they DID NOT bother to reply their longtime sponsor.

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