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3 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


"Training 4Lz helped stabilize 4Loop"


"Training 4Lz helped stabilize 4Loop" 


"Training 4Lz helped stabilize 4Loop"  


Loop was great. Salchow threw tantrums.


Lutz was outstanding. Loop was po-..

Lutz, Loop, Salchow, Toe, Axel, Flip becomes one big happy family

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Just to complete the reasoning of my latest post (after that I'll quit because work is calling...and also I do not know if this is the right thread), I counted also the timing of different parts of Nathan Chen's FS at COR.


In.Step. Seq.: 21 sec.

1st jump (4Lz+3T: 4.60 sec.) + 20 sec. ca > 2nd jump (4Flip: 4.20 sec.) + 19 sec. >  3rd jump (4S: 4.10 sec.)

1st Comb. Spin (CCSp4): 15.05 sec.

Step Seq (StSq3).: 54 sec. + transit. 11 sec.

4th jump (4T+2T+2Lo: 4.32 sec.) + 6.80 sec. > 5th jump (pop 2T: 2.59 sec.) + 19 sec. > 6th jump (3A: 2.72 sec.) + 11.00 sec. > 7th jump (3Axel+ 2T<: 6.30 sec.) + 7 sec. > 8th jump (3Lz: 3.09 sec.)

Choreo Sequence (ChSq1): 20.50 sec.

2nd Comb. Spin (FCCoSp4) : 17.27 sec.

3rd Comb. Spin (CCOSp1V): 20.98 sec.


So, in total (almost 4.24 min. program):

One foot skating in step and choreo sequences + various transition elements): almost 38.50/39 sec.

Jumping time: almost 31,92 sec.

Spinning time: almost 53,30 sec.


Spinning time is similar to that of Yuzuru: the difference is in the time of the jumps (slower in settings, slower in rotation) and in the transitions, for more time two footed if not for very brief moments, mostly of 1-2.5 seconds each (with the exception of the step sequence, that instead is mostly on one foot).

The time between each jump is longer too.



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6 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


Probably signing the papers around December... I still don't think they will all get along perfectly before then xD 

They'll be like siblings that pretend to like each other during competitions :smiley-laughing021:

Edit: Oh gosh im a 4Lz hunter now..

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1 minute ago, MrPudding said:

They'll be like siblings that pretend to like each other during competitions :smiley-laughing021:


exACTLY. Also, I expect NHK to be even better than COR, regarding the FS. I am sure if he will nail the 4Lz, he will want to nail everything else. If he won't nail the 4Lz, he will WANT to nail everything else. So. 

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34 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


exACTLY. Also, I expect NHK to be even better than COR, regarding the FS. I am sure if he will nail the 4Lz, he will want to nail everything else. If he won't nail the 4Lz, he will WANT to nail everything else. So. 

Isn't that basically a Yuzuru Hanyu in a pill, tho? xD Yuzuru "If I mess up, I can do better, If I do good I can do better, if I do great I can go godly" Hanyu?

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8 hours ago, WinForPooh said:

I get the temptation to direct ire at the skaters. They're the visible ones and getting the candy. Nobody looks unhappy with the gold around their neck, and why would the?!


But if the judges don't apply the rules fairly, impartially and strictly across the board, it's the judges' fault, and whatever influences are behind them. It's pretty disgraceful that there seems to be no actual review system for judging outside of the judges themselves, or at a pinch, the feds. Even football isn't that disgraceful, though the review systems are annoying and useless most of the time. Everybody needs to be accountable to somebody who at least has to appear neutral, surely? Maybe we should petition to have judges (and the tech expert/panel) do a lap of honour at the end of the competition. Then they'd be visible and more than just a J and a number. Maybe that would encourage strict and fair judging. I know, it'll never happen, but it's fun to imagine it...


But good thing about Yuzu is he's good enough to overcome all of that if he skates clean. It's becoming very important that he manages to skate clean when it really matters, though.


And I like Nathan mostly because I can tell his lutz and flip apart. :laughing: 

Maybe we should send judges with questionable judging angry poohs and angry swans...lol...


And I feel sad when the skaters get the blame when it's more of the stupid judges fault. I really admire Yuzu's work ethic in not compromising quality even if that puts him in a disadvantage, and I can't really fault others for not sharing the same awesomeness as him.


2 hours ago, Yuazz said:

I think he knows about fashion but he doesn't care about his outfit off-ice. Maybe he's a kind of person who is like to wear simple things or comfortable for him.

Like.. Training suit.. :laughing:


A competition in figure skating is not only about technical but also artistry, so he needs to wear beautiful/great costumes. I don't think yuzu would care to wear fashionable outfits off-ice. :laughing:


Eta: lucky he's cute and handsome. So, he's still looking good with xylitol's costume. :rofl:

Maybe Yuzu is being considerate...imagine how many more people will die of nose bleed if he wears very fashionable outfits ALL THE TIME!




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One small announcement.


We've reorganized the Event Discussion subforum, for ease of access and to reduce the clutter of many, accumulating threads (we're growing rapidly :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:). 


There are now five subforums there - Grand Prix Series, Junior Circuit, National Competitions, ISU Championships and Other Events - and we've sorted the existing threads into them and of course, any new threads will go there now. 

For everyone's comfort, the most current threads within these subforums will be pinned, so they'll be easily found. 


The old pinned threads remain where they have been, in the main (the translation ones, questions, schedule etc).


We hope that helps us all in navigating the events more easily and thank you for your suggestions; hopefully this will be better now! :10742289:

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