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2 minutes ago, Neenah said:

If Yuzu visited I will be in trouble as I really don't have any cooking skills and I live currently in a  University city that does not have a lot of attractions. I guess he can enjoy the fresh air ( a bit cold though) and the fact that he can easily blend in with all the international students his age :shrug: 


If he visited my home city the the first place I would take him is back to the airport because it is not safe for him and he made a huge mistake by coming. Unfortunately my country is not visitor friendly currently :smiley-sad058:   but hopefully in the future it will be


I do wish I can have him test the tomatoes produced locally in my home country, they are the best and he already likes tomato so yay :P


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2 minutes ago, MajaHled said:

Sorry to interrupt the nice atmosphere here, but my friend just sent me this screenshot:



Who could have done such a thing?! :sadPooh::sadPooh::sadPooh::sadPooh:

Also was that during Sochi? Hmm, maybe some cazy Scottish fan was performing a ritual of sacrifice....

Poor Pooh :smiley-sad021:. I wonder how it got there..

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On 10/23/2017 at 2:02 PM, Xen said:

Oh a harem fic incoming. 

Emperor Yuzuru and the creation of his backyard. Starring: 


Empress 3A: a smart, dignified and regal lady of good upbringing. She has been through thick and thin with the emperor ever since he started his reign. Recently, with the potential birth of princess baby 4A on the horizon, her health has taken a slight dip. But considering her upbringing, she is usually able to reliably perform all requisite functions of her position with aplomb.


Lady 4T: the second one to enter the harem. A talented one who was pursued for what her family could bring to the kingdom, and while beautiful, she has been known mostly for her quiet, stable support of the emperor’s endeavors, at times acting on behalf of Empress 3A when the empress has been sick. However, due to her older age, she has been more worried recently with the arrival of the new ladies, especially as the emperor has not given as much attention to her. As such, she had started locking herself in her chambers out of sadness, fearing that she will be abandoned. With some encouragement by the minister poohs, she has gradually come back to court to perform her normal duties.


Lady 4S: a lovely talented and smart lady from a scholarly family. She is capricious at times, and very opinionated, vocally opinionated. Unlike other ladies who would quietly lock themselves away in their rooms in protest, usually lady 4S, when she protests, will write lengthy sarcastic poems mocking our emperor. Or directly rebuff him, publicly. Recently though, it seems the emperor has had a heart to heart (or mind to mind) talk with her, so she has gradually stepped up to her duties, and given support while several other ladies were moping. Hopefully this is a good indicator for the future.


Lady 4Lo: a lady with an elusive, ethereal quality to her beauty, pursued by many but won by our Emperor.  As a new one to the court, she still feels ever so unsecure in her position in the court. Especially as recent arrivals have threatened her position. As she is not sure how to directly express her displeasure and insecurity, she has resorted to more passive aggressive means, such as sending in her servant 3Lo, in her stead to important court functions. As she is new, the emperor will need to talk to her personally to assuage her fears.


Lady 4Lz: an uncommon beauty, with a bit of foreign blood. The emperor had been in pursuit of her for over 3 years, and only until recently has she coyly accepted to enter his harem. It seems the real reason was the emperor finally appealed to her sense of adventure, even if only an intellectual sort, to go after real challenges such as changing his court system. Unlike the other ladies, she is a feisty one, opinionated with all sorts of foreign notions she has gleaned from her travels, with suggestions of reforms. The emperor has been slightly amused, supportive and exasperated at her antics, since she has proceeded to upset several mochi carts even though several of her suggestions have been implemented to great success. She is still figuring out the limitations of her powers and the proper functions of her position, with guidance from the minister poohs.


I ran out of ideas for 3F....




Bravo @Xen for such a great start and to everyone else on this thread!! Well done, the Harem narrative is excellent


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1 hour ago, the50person said:

If it's HK, plenty of places! Hopefully they can inspire him in skating. Ngong Ping 360 cable car ride and take a bus to Tai O fishing village, have lunch at a local restaurant (seafood! 


This has been a shameless tourism PR for my homes.

Nothing wrong with the PR, Hong Kong is incredible. Your post just made me reread my journal of a week in Hong Kong back in 2009. It was an incredible experience, and the seafood, oh wow... I so miss that. (And yes, went to the fishing village, too.)


Unfortunately, I only remember the good stuff, and my journal also lists the bad stuff: the heat, the heat, the heat, the utterly disgusting and horribly itchy blotches caused by *something* on my arms and legs that made them all look like a warzone, (never found out what caused it, normal mosquitoes don't cause that kind of rash, and anyway, I never saw a single insect in the entire week) and OMG did I mention the heat. 

I swore never to go anywhere ever again in the subtropics (never mind the tropics). It was June, and one day there was a heat warning because it was supposed to get up to 33 C, which was like 1 or 2 degrees C higher than normal (?), and I thought, whatever, you won't notice the difference... but man, even that difference was stunning. Never again. (It probably wouldn't be so bad if my head didn't mind, but it does, hence I walked around with a 24/7 migraine and high on painkillers every day.). 

But, seriously, HK was an experience of a lifetime, something you never forget. <3  If you invite Yuzu over for seafood, plzplzplz can I have an invitation, too? ;-)


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15 hours ago, Xen said:

Oh dear, wake up and it is about gushing over his looks. Question, should we try to go for ten days challenge where we do not talk about his looks, or physical appearance? Just to try it out...?


Or would the planet die?

Hahaha, I think this is possible, so long as no new pictures of him come out that we are forced to gush over in the meantime... and what are the possibilities of that?? Not good! Not that GP has started!!


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13 hours ago, Xen said:

Well, our lord Yuzuru did not release any divine inspirations today, so the ladies are quiet. Empress 3A is working on embroidery, Lady 4T is instructing a crew on knitting gold scarves, Lady 4S is fixing the bonsai gardens, Lady 4Lo is working on her koto skills, and Lady 4Lz was told to help with recent court layout details so she's working on that with the chancellors...


Um, though to amuse us, since a lot of us cook, bake etc, if you could cook Yuzu a meal, what would you make for him?


IF Yuzuru got three days to visit your city, and you got to be his tour guide, where would you take him and why?


Funny you mention it, just last night I dreamed about Yuzu for the first time ever (that I remember, I don't often recall my dreams) and there wasn't much to it but it seems as though he was in my area visiting and he was in a house with me and one other person (can't recall who).

We were standing around a table and he said something nice about my hair and asked if he could feel it, so OF COURSE I said 'Sure!', and he reached out and stroked my hair...and that's the end as far as I can remember. I think I shocked myself out of the dream! It was a nice memory when I woke up tho 



But to answer your questions, there is no way I would offer him food unless he was starving or something. I don't think he eats/likes the kind of food I cook!

We do have LOTS of nature around here tho- squirrels (one of my cats killed and ate one right in front of me just yesterday!), robins, cardinals, chipmunks, deer, turkey.

I would definitely take him to see the river on the north end of our property, it's a beautiful sight.


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So many satellites on here are such well-rounded people. :drama:


I'm not entirely hopeless, but I hate cooking, so unless Yuzu is up for some ramen or noodles mixed with sweet pepper sauce we're doomed.


I'm an introvert and hermit, so despite being born and living all my life in my hometown I don't know any cool places here, so again we're doomed.



Just another good reminder that Yuzu and I will never mesh well together.



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3 minutes ago, Sammie said:

Tag yourself. I'm the one in the top left when I first saw Yuzu H&L WC program. :10636614:

Oh. Ok well if we're doing that then i'm the bottom right when i'm at Disneyland and i make my way through the people after the fireworks into the Fantasmic viewing area on a weekend (i'm sure there must be videos showing that madness)

2 minutes ago, BrightonDogwoods said:

Funny you mention it, just last night I dreamed about Yuzu for the first time ever (that I remember, I don't often recall my dreams) and there wasn't much to it but it seems as though he was in my area visiting and he was in a house with me and one other person (can't recall who).

We were standing around a table and he said something nice about my hair and asked if he could feel it, so OF COURSE I said 'Sure!', and he reached out and stroked my hair...and that's the end as far as I can remember. I think I shocked myself out of the dream! It was a nice memory when I woke up tho 



But to answer your questions, there is no way I would offer him food unless he was starving or something. I don't think he eats/likes the kind of food I cook!

We do have LOTS of nature around here tho- squirrels (one of my cats killed and ate one right in front of me just yesterday!), robins, cardinals, chipmunks, deer, turkey.

I would definitely take him to see the river on the north end of our property, it's a beautiful sight.


Awww! I hate when that happens and you have to wake up from those dreams...

2 minutes ago, Forcefield said:

So many satellites on here are such well-rounded people. :drama:


I'm not entirely hopeless, but I hate cooking, so unless Yuzu is up for some ramen or noodles mixed with sweet pepper sauce we're doomed.


I'm an introvert and hermit, so despite being born and living all my life in my hometown I don't know any cool places here, so again we're doomed.



Just another good reminder that Yuzu and I will never mesh well together.



Maybe you'll find other stuff where you are a perfect match!

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15 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Oh. Ok well if we're doing that then i'm the bottom right when i'm at Disneyland and i make my way through the people after the fireworks into the Fantasmic viewing area on a weekend (i'm sure there must be videos showing that madness)



Oh hey, since Disneyland came up, are any of you guys aware that 4CC 2019 will be in Anaheim CA, HOME OF DISNEYLAND!!! 

Of course, he must go to 4CC and HOW could he be that close to Disneyland and not visit?? Bunches of us would be happy to take him there!


Who's with me???


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14 minutes ago, BrightonDogwoods said:


Oh hey, since Disneyland came up, are any of you guys aware that 4CC 2019 will be in Anaheim CA, HOME OF DISNEYLAND!!! 

Of course, he must go to 4CC and HOW could he be that close to Disneyland and not visit?? Bunches of us would be happy to take him there!


Who's with me???


Maybe I'll go even if he's not there, it's ridiculously close to where I live :biggrin:

I know Disneyland like the palm of my hand, I could be his tour guide 💖 (Yuzu if you read this I promise it would be an unforgettable visit! Pls appoint me as your Disneyland tour guide)

Or we could have a PH meetup at Disneyland :D!! 

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