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10 hours ago, kaeryth said:


That's an interesting what if because if Mao had been age eligible then we most likely wouldn't have Yuzuru as he is right now. His childhood career was shaped directly and indirectly by Shizuka winning the OGM in Torino. Ice Rink Sendai was shut down and it was the only ice rink in the Miyagi Prefecture. Shizuka winning that Gold and her plea to reopen the rink made a significant impact early in his career as an athlete. Don't mind me... just emo-ing... :slinkaway:

Yeah I think about this trajectory from time to time. Sasha was my pre-Yuzu, Yuzu and I was so bummed when she fell to second in those games.  I kept thinking "if only she just skated her Nats LP at Olys..." But the universe works in mysterious ways sometimes. It's like I ended up winning as a fan in a sense, I just didn't know it at the time  :P

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4 minutes ago, Sammie said:

everyone look so good! 

Ooooh baby nooooo....

His hair looks gorgeous help me

3 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Oh, Yuzu, you are friends with your jumps ..  please, be friends with the combinations again please .... no

more poped combos ... :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

Well, he's trying! To quote him after the SP: "I didn't pop anything. Yesssss, finally":laughing:

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43 minutes ago, Sammie said:

everyone look so good! 

His hair in this photo looks 100% better than on the photos from medal ceremony :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

41 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Oh, Yuzu, you are friends with your jumps ..  please, be friends with the combinations again please .... no

more poped combos ... :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

I watched this clip for Matsouka-san's reaction and I was not disappointed :laughing:


I'm team YuzuX4S. It's pure angst with happy ending!

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7 hours ago, yuzupon said:

I wonder if these are intentional PR moves by Yuzu and his team. I mean, technically they couldn't predict ACI's SP WR, but there Brian made sure they release the knee problem.


Doubt that but what could possibly be a PR move is to announce now that he isn't retiring after the Olympics.

One of the things that often gets the ISU going in terms of wanting a new champion is that we have had the usual win and retire business. He hadn't after Sochi but I think quite a few figured he would after PC. So now that this has been dispelled, even if it is potentially just the one season (though I think he left the door open) and of course, the 'announcement' of his desire to actually give the 4A a try (something that would be a big deal), it slightly changes the game. So if anything is PR, it is the news that he isn't retiring. 

Smart move.

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