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19 minutes ago, Forcefield said:

Okay this may be blasphemy to say, and I may be in the minority, but so far I like old Seimei stsq and jump timings more than new Seimei. :slinkaway:


Basically aside from costume (which I love all 3 versions) I prefer old Seimei. Yuzu bombed ACI so I waited, but after COR and seeing the program twice plus some RT I'm currently sure. And maybe clean and even more nuanced, stronger performances further in the season might change my mind about that because I'm comparing new Seimei to the perfect NHK and GPF performances. I actually really want to love the new Seimei as much or perhaps even more because I don't want to continue comparing everytime I watch him perform and I want him to take his best version to Olys, so another reason to root for it.


I don't think I'm really capable of comparing seimei 1 to seimei 2 yet for the same reason, my brain thinks of seimei 1 as the NHK/GPF performances that were magical and give me goosebumps. 2.0 isn't there yet. First at ACI Yuzuru was unfocused and not really performing the character and at COR he was noticeably slow. It's hard to know if some details that are missing will be reintegrated once Yuzu feels more comfortable with the layout (like...everything before the first two jumps, maybe some different details will emerge in time but it's understandable why some choreography has been outright lost there), I think seimei 2's stsq is better, there's a particular video from practice where the stq just looks ferocious but it's not quite been performed in competition at it's best yet (and he keeps getting a level 3 so :/ who knows maybe it'll be altered by nhk), I love the additional choreography when the drums start up after the 4T/where the 3A2T used to be and I think he utilitises the flute portion before that jump better even though that lil' "spiral" is a touch on the why bother side (like, maybe some other transitional move could be put there instead, something he could actually commit to and make count) and I like the little exit from the hydroblade - things like that and the final 3A are going to be real spine-tingling moments when he performs closer to his best but...like...it's the start of the season and the layout is hard. I can't really expect him to perform his ass off right now. I just hope he performs his ass off when it really counts. Right now we're still just warming up ;) 


I mean, this was the primary risk of going back to Ballade and Seimei, that people will think they've already been performed at their very best and can't be topped or matched. It's partially why I had hoped he would go for costumes that were less alike to the 2015-16 versions, to add a degree of separation so this season's performances can more easily be enjoyed as their own unique performances a little easier without that feeling of needing to overwrite NHK/GPF '15. But even so early in the season I can spot how his skating has refined since 2015 and which moments in the program are going to be real special when he nails it (I don't even particularly mean skate 100% clean, just when he really nails the performance and feeling)

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29 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

I think we all have those WR performances burned so strongly in our minds that we forget SEIMEI 1.0 early season wasn't up to scratch, either. I for one only watched his performance at WC that season (as good as live as I could - they don't sure it here until weeks after) and backtracked from there, not really bothering to go back and check ACI/SC until I was in way too deep. :biggrin:


THIS THIS is so true! Almost everyone seems to compare every skate Yuzu does to his best, which is understandable but quite unfair and ilogical. 

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3 hours ago, beki said:

Just on the topic of Nathan taking out the 4Lo, I think it's a wise decision. He would reinjure himself; it would be like Yuzu doing 4F. That he isn't artistically driven speaks for itself. I have been dreading the politicking this year, but Yuzu has plenty of American fans, just like he does from every country.


He only took it out here because he was having trouble in practice with it and he has so much freedom in his layouts with his quad arsenal he can afford to. The 4Lo will be back, though. 

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1 minute ago, wombat-poodle said:


:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp: now i feel the need to send him something! last time i sent him a mug with semei!yuzu on it, i hope he liked it!


He just asked to be drowned in gifts and letters. He’ll probably never see the light of day again. Even someone like me who never sends anything to anyone so as not to bother them will be sending too much. 

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1 hour ago, Forcefield said:

Okay this may be blasphemy to say, and I may be in the minority, but so far I like old Seimei stsq and jump timings more than new Seimei. :slinkaway:


Basically aside from costume (which I love all 3 versions) I prefer old Seimei. Yuzu bombed ACI so I waited, but after COR and seeing the program twice plus some RT I'm currently sure. And maybe clean and even more nuanced, stronger performances further in the season might change my mind about that because I'm comparing new Seimei to the perfect NHK and GPF performances. I actually really want to love the new Seimei as much or perhaps even more because I don't want to continue comparing everytime I watch him perform and I want him to take his best version to Olys, so another reason to root for it.

There are some poses in old SEIMEI which were mind-blowing. I miss them so much. Some new RT was also like magic...waiting for great execution in real competition...to me CoR FS still seems to be off :) although it is already way much better than other programs :dpooh:

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1 hour ago, nagini said:



Hello everyone!

Here's my K&C video 


it is funny that there are many real people standing in front of them...:xD:

4 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


more crying in the corner :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:

is it possible to hide some camera in the banner:devilYuzu::sadPooh:

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3 minutes ago, SSS said:

There are some poses in old SEIMEI which were mind-blowing. I miss them so much. Some new RT was also like magic...waiting for great execution in real competition...to me CoR FS still seems to be off :) although it is already way much better than other programs :dpooh:


I think we can hope for some more evolution in the choreography. H&L choreo kept changing slightly up until WC. I’m sure it will be spectacular by PC. Maybe even new moves we’ll fall in love with. 

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