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This is probably the best place to say how much I liked Juns ‘Cinderella’.  Prokofievs ballet is one of my favourites and I enjoyed what they did with it, and he skated beautifully.

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It's been a good season so far for Korean skating! First Kim Yelim being the only non-Russian to make the JGPF, then Cha Junhwan getting two Grand Prix medals and most probably qualifying for the GPF, and then Eunsoo winning a challenger and also getting her first GP medal :love: being the only non-Japanese, non-Russian this year to do so. Congrats!! 

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Junhwan was on prescribed painkillers for the past 6 weeks, and practically lived with an ice pack on his ankle. the boots that didn't fit since last year became a problem. he started feeling pain again during skate canada this season. there were bruises all over his foot.


Despite his condition, jun said that as long as he doesn't break a bone, he'll bear the pain and keep on competing. "as i was competing in gpf, i learned that it all came down to mentality."


Jun only managed to get 3 hours of sleep the night he won bronze because the medal had such an effect on him. "i'd give my performance 70 points out of a hundred. i'm proud the results ended up being good."


The flag Junhwan had at the medal ceremony at gpf was the same one a fan gave him at gp helsinki. draping the flag on his shoulders makes him feel real good lmao he said it makes him feel like a patriot.


Jun got a couple hundred messages congratulating him on social media. he reads every single one of the messages. his favourite compliment is when ppl say that they were touched by his programs. "it's what makes me keep going".


omg they got a quote from a korean judge and she said other judges came up to her and said that they liked jun's programs alsdfjk



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