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Everything posted by Katt

  1. Update about Yuzuru's injuries : https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190329-00000120-dal-spo There's still pain and inflammation of his right ankle. He will need 2-3 months for treatment. Sigh.....
  2. 1. There's no limit on how many Nats you can WD. 2. If Yuzuru do CS event or GP series, he doesn't need to do Regionals/ Sectionals 3. The only reason JSF gave him seed position is just in case he couldn't do CS/GP series, he still can skate at Nationals and earn the WC spot. I think JSF will do it again this year.
  3. ACI is quite early this year, its the first CS event. I don't know Yuzuru could compete that early. Maybe he could skip CS event, or do the later one, like Nebelhorn trophy
  4. I think the timing is terrible, accident or not. He posted the vid on 23rd, the anti replied him on 25th (after Raf's Rus article out ) and he answered it today. I found its weird that JSF VP choose to answer a random person on twitter and the fact that's come from anti make everything worse.
  5. I dont know if I'm back in time for Yuzuru's group, but once again, I hope the best for him and he can skate a LP that he dream of. After all I'm grateful that he fighted all his way back to be here, to give us chance to see him and his beautiful skating. I think about him keep trying 4lo again and realize it took a huge mental strength to do a jump that make you injuried. He came from landing it once out of 50 attempts a few weeks ago to get to this stage. I pray that his hard word would pay off. Good luck Yuzuru.
  6. I rewatched all Mariah's SP this season, she did get close to the board during that part, and from clip above she's able to avoid other who's in her way. People who use "skater has right of the way" to expect Eunsoo should know every single move and choreo from other skaters is ridiculous. How can she or anyone in the world do that when they have different practice group at every comp ? Like you have to remember 20+ choreos when skater forget their own sometimes ? How about early season program ? If pairs and ice dance just do their RT without looking around and change their partern, there would be multiple collisions. I saw some people think ATS pull the scandal to promote their ice show, to get fame for Eunsoo or think she fake the injury because there's no blood on ice (????) and I gave up. Of course they could handle this case better, but also Raf and Mariah. I think Eunsoo should leave Lakewood right away. There's no way she could return and train there anymore.
  7. A clearer footage : https://twitter.com/sweetggulyada/status/1109096135681957888 Mariah definitely saw Eunsoo at least 5 sec before the incident. Just because she's in her RT, doesn't mean she can close her eyes for the whole 3 mins. After this vid, I'm on Eunsoo's side.
  8. Yeah, I mostly watch Yuzuru's practice but alot of time when a skater do RT, others still do jump or spin with safe distance and very cafeful to stay out of the way. Several fans and one journalist reported about Eunsoo's injury way before Korean articles out, no way Raf couldn't know. He should be the one who handle this situation.
  9. Things are turning out very ugly with multiple media channels and some skaters's comments involve. I watched the blurry clips several times and I think it just an accident. - Mariah was in her RT and she got her right of way, but EunSoo was walking slowly near the board, the only way for her to be out of Mariah's way is to jump off the board. - I question about Raf's role in this case. He clearly knew Eunsoo injuried as she left the practice and ask for medical help right away. Did Eunsoo and her team really didn't talk to Raf that's Mariah's blade hit Eunsoo's left leg ? Did Raf not inform Mariah later ? Their group practice was 12:15-12:45 JST. Some of the Korean article about ATS claim was out at 4-5 pm, that's about 3-4 hours, more than enough to handle things in peace, especially they under the same coach. ATS make it clear that they report purely because Mariah didn't apologize. There's a several collisions happened this season so far, its not a new thing but most of the time skaters are able to handle it well. Satoko had collision with Kaori when she did her RT at SA. She stopped and checked if Kaori's ok and continue. Kaori's coach even yelled and told her to apologize Satoko. Shoma during his RT at 4CC hit the board right next to Jason, he stopped and apologized. Most of the time, a simple sorry could solve things. Its not just about who's right or wrong in the way, its more about a good manner. No comment about bullying thing as I still want more info about this.
  10. My post is towards to Brian's choice of word, not about Evgenia get wc spot. She's still high on ws standing and sb list so no problem to get 2 gp even if she doesnt go to wc. Liza still get 2 gps despite not going wc/ec for years. I want to say betting on Evgenia skate clean is as risky as Liza land her 3A and rus fed choose the first option. Hopefully that pay off for everyone's sake. Evgenia at wc doesnt change anything to me minus there would be more drama. I'm sad about Liza but its not the end of the world. This is not the first time I saw a skater being treat unfairly and it wont be the last. Luckily they're not my fave, I would lose all my chill if this ever happen to Mao lol. I'm also feel bad for Konstantinova, she got so much hate because the whole unfinished wc list on monday as well. This is my last post about Rus ladies's wc team. Sorry if i bring any negativity to this topic.
  11. Wow for sure i could never know what Brian think. All i feel in this situation is far from fair and i disagree with his choice of word. Am i not allow to disagree with him ? I never question him to support his student in public, thats his job, no one expect him to shade rusfed either but to throw that word fair in the heat of moment, it did rub some people in a wrong way. I like Brian and his team but I am fully aware he has some questionable statements over the years. Sometime i can give him benefit of doubt sometime i can't. Thats doesnt mean i hate him or him become a bad guy. Things are not black and white.
  12. Uhm i have to admit i never watch her stsq under Eteri closely because theyre quite similar. I agreed her stroking improved abit. Actually her tosca steps remind me of her skating last season when she mostly pushed her upper body to finish the turn. Its not that obvious in Dwilson programs althought none of those stsq are good.
  13. Tbh stsq is never a strong point of Evgenia but the tosca one is just bad. Lacking of speed and flow are her usual problem but its so heavy and her upper body movement bother me alot.
  14. A world championship in Japan never need Evgenia to sell ticket, especially when their ladies are so strong this year. A japanese sweep is not too far of a reach. Now thats Evgenia goes to wc, I hope she and her team would fix those stsq, especially the SP. Its so messy at RCF
  15. Maybe he could avoid the word "fair" because it did make me roll my eyes. At this rate people would looking forward for drama at WC than actual skating. Not sure its good for any parties.
  16. At least they didn't wait until March to announce. Poor Liza. Imagine medal at every international comp and then lose WC spot base on a domestic comp. I'm not sure this is gonna be good for Evgenia, but for her own sake she need to skate well, better than she did the whole season and I have my doubt about it. As a person who follow Liza since 2014, I'm so sad. I watched her wonderful 2014-15 season then struggle the next three ones.I had so much hope this season because iit might be her last chance to go to WC and yet, this happened. Sigh... At least Liza can proud of what she did this season, 4 gold and 2 bronze, she all earned it by herself not because of politics.
  17. Wonder if Sofia and Liza would post something
  18. With JSF's criteria, only National champ got secure spot, so if Yuzuru didn't qualify gpf13, his only way to get oly spot is gold or silver at Nationals. But if nationals 13 results was like Dai/Yuzu/Machida/Oda with Machida and Oda both medal at GPF, silver might not enough. With GPF win, he could be 3rd or 4th and still get selected. Basically, he made his life easier with that gpf gold Yuzuru only became a serious gold contender, the one who challenge Patrick after GPF. Not getting to GPF might affect to nationals. The results could be different or he might win with smaller gap, you never know, lower pcs, lower goe could do it. In 2011, Yuzuru even got lower pcs at Nats than Intenational comp.
  19. Uhm, i wouldn't call Nathan's wc18 was clean compare to Yuzuru's gpf15 or Boyang's wc17 when he had some wonky landing (negative goe) on both programs. Its his best comp internationally though.
  20. 4CC + EU gold only give you 840 pts, less than 4th place at WC (875), so no one do 4CC to secure ws standing, when it would likely be replaced by WC point later. Your counting on WC standing is abit wrong. They only take 2 highest points for ISU championship ( and 4 highest for GPs and CS). If Yuzuru won WC, his WS would be 4900, not 5740. Not doing GPF 2 years in a row affect his WS alot. As long as Yuzuru's in top 6 = final group for WC, its all fine. Last year he went to Olympic as #1 WS and still drew #1 in the SP, so it doesn't give him any advantage because of random draw In 2013, Yuzuru reached #1 WS for the first time despite not winning WC, purely because of GP and CS points. After all, World standing in FS doesn't mean much, unlike tennis.
  21. I thought so too. There's no way to guess when he start jumping because we all know he's back to on ice training in Jan but he only officially announce it through JSF 6 weeks later JSF's comment didn't give any new info. Anyway I'm quite positive because 2.5 months of traning before WC is very nice. I wish everything goes smoothly for him !!!
  22. Finally update from JSF : https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190220-00000078-dal-spo He was back to on ice practice early Jan, and they're adjusting the jumps for WC. Its unknown what level of jumping he does now. Pray for his recovery and training go well !!!!! Please be healthy Yuzuru !!!!!
  23. While I don't think Laureus would travel all the way to canada to film a 28s video, they might have to contact with his team/JSF and ask for this. Its not easy for him to show his face and record a video for an award nomination A win win for all parties, Laureus got more attention for their ceremony, fans got to see abit of Yuzuru.
  24. Agreed. He landed multiple 4lo and the success rate is very good. I'm quite confidence that he will get it back soon. He had an almost career ending injury back in 2016 because of 4T but slowly he found a right way and it become his most consistent quad in 2016-17 season.
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