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Everything posted by Katt

  1. I wish Evgenia a speedy recovery. No need to risk it in a comp that she won twice already, she will comeback stronger.
  2. While NDP and R&2 are far from my favourite, I still enjoy some of the transitions/choreo details in these 2 programs. The IB in R&J2 is still the best and the transitions in NDP are better than most LP these days. I think its good that Yuzu got alot of experience from NDP and R&J2, to know what's suit him better. You'll never know it until you try to walk out of your comfort zone. All skaters have hit and miss programs, its a part of the artistic improvement.
  3. I feel Nathan is very serious about university, he talks about it quite often. Yuzu choose Waseda mainly because they have online course that he can do it while living aboard. But with pre med, its pretty tough if Nathan can do it while skating at the highest level at the same time. I even saw some people state a changing coach may happen when he get to Harvard. Back to the topic, after GP series, I could say nothing is fixed. Health is the most important thing, everything is behind. I agree that Nathan won't bring 4lo again, maybe the same with Shoma's 4S. As for Yuzuru, its depend on his recovery, but I think he would only do 4T and 4S at National. Idk if he should do 4lz, its all up to him, and I support whatever he does. IMO I dont mind if he left out 4lz at Oly and bring it back at WC18 :'D
  4. I agreed that crossovers are not pointless, since every skaters, in every tier have to do it in their program. Its the basic of basic move and can fall in both SS and TR. Good crossover = good SS, too much crossover = less TR, maybe something like that ? Caro and Evgenia are two example for these case. Caro has excellent SS but she clearly lack TR, as you can see she always have long entry before jumps and she fit the in between with many beautiful arm movements. Evgenia has ok SS, her program always full of transition and it make her skating look busy sometime .Some say Caro's fast because she does too many crossover, some say Evgenia's slow because she does too many difficult turns, to each their own. Or Yuna Kim, she has great SS, speed and upper body movements, but she had a tendency to do alot of crossovers too. Her performance are still great, but when I watch her, I couldn't help but wishing her to do more difficults steps, because I know she can do it. I know alot people consider posture, carriage, pointing toe are the most important things in FS, meanwhile others often look at skater's feet during their performance. For me, I never count the number of crossover too, but I think I look at skater's feet more often nowadays. Actually its not hard to spot who's has too many crossover. As I said before, crossover could only do limited jobs. You can hide it with some movements a few time, but when you do it 40-50 times, its quite easy to see that program lack of variety and empty. About the judging, I give up As people said, they gonna replace the system soon, so just give away all the candies during last season. But the actual problem is the judges. If they don't apply the rules to all skaters or judging base on what's happen on the ice instead of reputation or whatever factors behind, its wont change anything. I found its annoying when watching FS these days, when the rules only apply to some selective skaters, or some have benefit of doubt again and again. Sometime I have to remind myself that " its the judge's fault " to prevent myself from negative feelings
  5. Well, IMO, crossover fall into skating skills more than transition. The quality of crossover and transition play a big part, for example I know Alina and Evgenia's programs are packed with difficult transition, but they didnt have ability to execute it nicely yet, especially Alina so she often look rush and a bit messy. Sometime I wish they could take out some of it. Some skater do have good crossover and fit the music ( ie Yuzuru's one at the beginning of H&L) But after all, crossover is the move to gain speed, no mater how beautiful it is, how many body movements you attach into it, its still crossover. There's not much that move could give you and contribute to the overall program. Some of crossover could fit the music and and make program less busy but I dont think all 30 or 50 crossovers are. I dont have any problem with Caro's high pcs when she's on. What annoy me is she can get high pcs, even highest pcs in her career with a fall and some other mistake. Maybe I'm bitter but Mao only received 70+ pcs a couple of time in her whole carrer and once she took out 3A or made mistake, her pcs went down.
  6. Well, he might need to stay in Osaka in order to get full results/early treatment from doctors I think. I surprised that he agreed to be interviewed that soon, but maybe he want to update his condition to clear all the narratives out there. He need 10 days of compete rest, it could be anywhere, Sendai or Toronto, but I dont think he should get a long flight right after injury. This is not the first time, I'm sure he know all the off ice training to remain his muscle. After 10 days, no doubt he should be in Toronto to start rehab/on ice training, he need coach/ expert to watch over him during this time. Given how he's very serious about his training this season, I think he will be back to TCC soon. Brian/Tracy might give us a bit info next week at TEB. This is a hard time for Yuzuru and his fans, I hope we all could be patient
  7. I agree with this. Especially the SP, its very difficult to reach 112 even with 4lz/4f. Tbf 110 is hard enough. As for the LP, it might a bit easier since they have more jumps, but the judges wont reward new WR that easily. I dont think we will see any new WR at GPF. Whenever Yuzu broke new WR, we would see the more inflation in scoring, but I have a weird feeling that judges try to keep other's score closer to him, but not over it. I though Javi would have Sp's wr in WC17, but it didnt happened. Anyway, I dont care about the rest of the GP series anymore. Who's gonna win, how's their score is irrelevant to me. I would like to send all the positive vibe to Yuzuru and pray that his recovery goes smoothly, everything will get back on track soon
  8. http://www.asahi.com/articles/SDI201711127125.html According to Kobayashi, he will start rehab and practice slowly after 10 days of rest. It takes 3-4 weeks for him to get back to his form before the injury happened.
  9. Oh we got news from him sooner than I expected. I think this is the first time he reveal his timeline of recovery. That's mean his injury is totally in control. Knowing he's fine make me feel really optimistic. Pray that his recovery goes smoothly and he will comeback at National
  10. I can see him ditch the 4lz to focus more on 4lo. His 4lo in August was great, he landed some great ones at COR practice too. I dont know how his injury would affect to 4lo/4lz, but even before that, his 4lo is better than 4lz, in term of success rate and quality. I think he may return to last year's layout, and maybe only do 4lo in FS. There's some senior B until National, like Golden spin is at the same time with GPF but I dont think he will do it. Hopefully his right leg would be healed soon. Given how media often works, we might hear about his condition next week. Even if they dont, Brian or Tracy will go with Javi at TEB, we definitely get some info from them.
  11. I think Alina'FS could be better if they move 2 of her jumping pass to the 1st half, since 5/7 jumps in 2nd half are right on the music which I'm really enjoy. IMO she skate this program better in junior world. There's not much improvement that I saw in her COC's performance so idk why her PCS is 6 pts higher. I agreed with @kiches about Alina and Evgenia. Their program are pack with difficult transitions but they haven't have the ability to execute it nicely yet. When I see Alina and Evgenia , I feel their main task is to hit the jump and levels first, everything is behind. Nothing's wrong with it, that's why they are both great competitor, but somehow it make their performance lack of emotions and connecting. They won many things, especially Evgenia, but I never see her have "the moment" with her program. I only hope after Oly 2018, she could work with another choreographer and invest more in her program.
  12. Yep, I saw Keegan on entry list. I hope Patrick's fine
  13. Thank you for your input. I never skate, but from what I see, I feel loop jump need a very special control. Just like you said too much or lacking of speed/power can make you fail the jump. Its would be way harder with quad version. Sometime I watch Yuzu's 4lo and I'm scared by the way he twist his ankle and knee for the take off . No wonder Brian had to stop him do 4lo when he has knee pain Haha, when I saw him did that perfect 4lo, I felt he would mess up later I'm like " why dont you save it for the actual comp ?". I think his 4lo went off abit at COR, similar to last year's SC but it will comeback at NHK. The 4lz landing may effect too. I remember he said its take alot of energy to save/correct the jump.
  14. I agree that 4Lo might a bit harder than 4F because its hard to get enough height to make the rotation and its easy go to off axis too. I read somewhere that its harder to put other jump after the loop, maybe thats why we saw when some ladies miss the combo, they only recover by putting 2T after 3lo. With Yuzu, I think his 4lo doesn't have the flow as his other quads yet. But its quite a consistent quad for him last season so I hope it just went off a bit at COR. In the open practice at TCC, I saw his 4lo improve abit compare to last season, more height and better flow. So, please show it Yuzu
  15. Its only 2nd GP and I'm already tired of all the media trash, drama, arguing, scoring. Are all Olympic season like this ? I didnt follow Sochi closely and only know Yuna-Adelina debate later. Somehow I wish I wake up and find that Oly is over. My heart just can't take it Regarding Yuzuru, I say its again he has the destiny in his hands but he has to deliver at the right time. I have no doubt he can do it and have faith in him. I dont think its Yuzu vs Shoma vs Nathan. With the top 6 men nowadays, you make one mistake and there's a few could take a chance. Its not like Sochi when it was Yuzu and Pchan way ahead of everyone else. Dont forget Javi won over Nathan/Shoma at JO, or Boyang who deliver when people write him off.
  16. The backlash only happen If someone win over clean Yuzuru. If Yuzu make big mistakes, and someone go clean, or cleaner than him, he deserve to place above, just like COR. Superstar thing is still too soon to say and abit irrelevant I hope we fans can chill a bit. I'm surprise with all the ranting about Yuzu's score today. Come on, he's not at SC. We dont like when people mention other skater during Yuzu's skate, its the same when we bring his name at other competition, too. There's less than 2 weeks until NHK, be patient.
  17. I 'm so angry when i saw some people attack the girl who cried. You don't know the reason why she cry, and she may not know that she was recorded, so I hope people can stop all their assumptions about her reaction. You just can't judge things by 2-3 seconds flash by. I have been in Kpop fandom for years and I see how people use the "questionable" gifs to twist the fact. And no one have the right to tell others you should behave like this or that. There're many people who cry easily. I saw some fangirl cry when their idols didn't get their win on weekly chart, cry when they get highfive with their idols... there's even more random things than that. The way some people mock, make fun of that fan is the same kind of bullying. They keep saying this sport is dying yet they show their disrespectful to the one who keep it alive, not just once, but many times. How about promote it better and improve the judging ? That CBC tweet is worse. Shame on them.Another account was blocked from me
  18. The whole thing about him being inconsistent is getting tired. Is there any top men right now can proudly say he's consistent ? His last clean comp is GPF15 but its not like other men go clean left and right. He isn't more inconsistent than Javi or Patrick, and Boyang is the only one had clean comp recently. But of course they have to act like he's the most inconsistent skater ever At least, in term of result, he is not. He only off podium once after Sochi. Idk why people are so eager to write him off ? Just imagine, if he didnt win GPF and WC last season, he may suddenly become 2nd tier skater. And I see some media trash on my twitter tline right now. Gotta mute them all. They dont deserve my internet data. Things only become uglier as the season goes, be ready.
  19. At least he's honest about what s going on in his mind. Tbh its impossible to tell him to stop overthinking, it's a part of his character. I hope he find a good balance and the right mode to do FS when he skate his SP well. The reason why he went back to Chopin is that he can rely on a good SP and put himself into a good position into FS. There're many times he skate well in both programs. He can do it again. GO, go Yuzu
  20. He is so lovely And he looks like a 12 year old, not 22. Now reading that he even consider WD, the perfect SP is like a moment of miracle. Muscle memory, comfortable program and the fact he skate to this re-choreo version at Faoi in summer does help it. FS is a different story, since the whole layout is changed, the transitions are different so its tough for him to do it after a week off ice. It could be a bit better if he didn't have clean SP but the total score is right around where I expected. I'm glad fans had the chance to see him here, but at the same time I hope he doesn't feel that he owed anyone for competing. He just need to be healthy Pray that his knee will be fine soon
  21. - He will skate last for the SP in both GP events, as it decided by world standing. - As for GPF, it will depend on the ranking of qualifiers. - As for Olys, its random draw for top 6 in world standing for final group. Its very important to have clean SP, or at least top 3 after SP, because they will skate in later group in FS.
  22. Well, who could expect he bombed this hard ? I didn't watch the stream, and when I went on twitter I'm shocked at all those pops. I expected him to make mistakes in FS, but not that many like this. At the same time, I'm glad this happened at ACI. I'm sure he won't repeat this again in the season. You're right, he need challenges to fire him up, that's why I said this could be good for him in the long run. After all, its much much easier to improve from 155+ skate than 200+. He'll be fine at COR.
  23. When Yuzu make a mistake, all other things would be weaker than it should be. One thing I notice after years of watching him is, he lose his speed easily when he fail on the jump and it affect to his movement too. Of course there's many time he can shake it off and did all others elements well but there's time, he couldn't. He said in interviews he lost focus during this skate, and I think it play a big part. Its just a bad day, when many things went wrong during 4:50 mins.
  24. I think Brian did a great job at protecting Yuzu from media this time. He often goes all out, saying he's in perfect condition, and then he mess up the FS after great SP, people will bash him way more than this. And after everything's done, they reveal the reason behind and its too late, no one beside his fans care. And Yuzu himself took the result easier than he was in the past. Of course, he's disappointed and regretted, who's isn't but I think this might be good for him in the long run Last year after ACI, he promised he would do great/perfect performance at next event again and again and its scary. He's mature than before, and he get over a bad skate faster too.
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