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Everything posted by Katt

  1. Sorry but Yuzuru does not need any new trick at PC. It would be a great if he can regain his form and all his quads back by 4CC/PC. He has enough work to do once he's back on ice, especially not to re injury himself, let alone trying new element. The most important thing right now is his health, not to become the first to do this or that. No one can confirm that he can get back his jump in 2 days just base on Oda' s words. Who could've thought he had to be off ice this long ? There's so many things happen in recovery process and training that only Yuzuru and his team know about it. Yuzuru has incredible technical ability but I hope people won't take it for grant.
  2. Those people just hate him, even when he breaths and only feel good with their conspiracy theories. Its not like JSF, ISU, IOC will give a d*mn about it. Yuzuru will go to PC and all they can do is crying and smashing the keyboard.
  3. I agreed with this. By releasing and updating his condition quite early before the comp, people can accept it slowly, to the point that they just want him to WD to focus on recovery. If they announce his WD all of sudden, the reactions would be way different with many conspiracy theories. I think this time they handle the same way Rusfed did with Evgenia. But since Yuzuru has way bigger impact, both from media and general public, not to mention with the broadcasters/TV rating/tickets so thing became a bit chaotic. I'm a bit frustrated by the way they reveal his condition little by little , but it could be that Yuzuru give them one comment each day too. Yuzuru is the one who suffer the most at this moment, so I try my best to stay calm and wish all the best thing for him. Hopefully we can see the headline "Yuzuru restart on ice training, no more pain" soon :"D
  4. I guess the fact that Japanese media make a long list of his injuries, count down to Olys and expect him to get second OGM at the same time really turn me off. Its just put more pressure on him and somehow could make him feel impatient about his training. I hope at this point we fans can send all the positive vibe to him instead of mentioning about OGM :'D As for Nationals, his newest statement is an early WD announcement to me. But JFS will wait until the last minute. He still appears in most CM, posters for Nationals. The same thing with Evgenia's GPF. we knew she was likely to WD but it took 1 week after her injury's news for them the announce it.
  5. For me, I care less about medal at the moment. I want see Yuzuru being healthy at Olys and his smile after the performance. The second OGM is his dream and motivation in the past few years, so of course I would love to see that. But I miss his beautiful skating and presence in the field more than any medal.
  6. I guess opening twitter and seeing Yuzuru's name in headlines is the scariest thing these days. I think the news today is a more detail version of yesterday's statement. The inflammation is expected when you sprain the ankle/damage the ligament. His left foot was badly swollen after Boston's SP. What we got from both quote is the reason why his injury take longer time to heal. These two sentence "He'll be back to on ice training soon" and " he didn't know when he would start training on the ice" are not really different, as we don't know exactly when he can resume practice. I read 4 articles and none of them mention about National in his direct quote. The only ray of light is Oda. What a nice guy. I appreciated that he revealed Yuzuru's condition after all the news when he could throw it during GPF like some commentators would do. I pray for Yuzuru's speedy recovery. Many things are not on his side right now, but I have a strong feeling that he'll be fine at Olys. I never forget how he did two amazing performances at GPF 2014, just a few weeks after the nightmare of COC/NHK. That was the first time I cried while watching a sport event. Have faith in him, he can do it.
  7. I can't wait to read his book or Ice Jewel vol 9 release after this season to know the all the details
  8. Yeah I agree that going into Olys without any comp in 4 months is the biggest problem. He may go to 4CC and skip team event, or do both. He did NHK - GPF -Nationals in 1 month many times in the past, and except National 2015, his performances at GPF and National were mostly the same. I think he and his team will make the best decision, we'll see what's they gonna do when they announce the team right after Nationals end. If Yuzuru goes to 4CC, I think he will go back to Japan and train there until PC. There's no point to fly back to Toronto with just 1 week and suffer from jetlag twice. Gabby, Lilbet and Jun hwan may do 4CC too. They may prefer to stay in Asia to get use to the timezone. If there're 2-3 skaters in Asia, TCC may let 1 coach be there. I think Russian skaters will train in Japan at least 1 week before PC. I think TCC can arrange the same.
  9. I feel he's very patient and take it easy. He understanded that this injury take longer time to heal and did not rush for on ice training. And the fact that JFS, media and FS expert are supportive and didn't push him to compete play a big part too. Yes, I'm worried because Oly might be his first comp after 4 months, but Yuzu surprised me and made miracle many times. I believe he'll be fine. Sending all the positive vibe to him
  10. In the new update, he didn't mention about Nationals at all. He will resume practice on ice soon, but not yet at the moment. Maybe its mean he will rely on his left feet first, the start put more weight on the right one when he feel comfortable. All skaters favor left/right leg when the other's in pain For me, all these news are preparing for WD. I can't see how he's gonna compete with less than a week on ice. Not to mention, he's still feel pain a few days ago.
  11. As for the team event, I remember there's criteria that the one who has highest SP's season best will skate the SP, same thing with LP. Back in Sochi, Yuzuru had highest SB for both program, so he skated the SP and Machida skated the LP as he had the 2nd's LP season best. So if Yuzuru skate the team event, he definitely would be chosen for the SP.
  12. I remember last year at open practice ( around Sept), Yuzuru said there's pain but he still could skate, and by the time NHK/GPF (Nov/Dec) he said his left foot was completely healed. Maybe this time is the same ? We don't know how his practice goes if he indeed back to on ice training, just do stroking/ spin or jump. I looked at timeline last year, Brian said his Lp choreo was done without jumps in May/June, and he's back on ice in late June. He mentioned he practice choreo off ice with ShaeLyn too. So, he did various ways of rehab/off ice training way before back to the ice. I think Yuzuru and his team are extra careful this season, if he's really back to on ice training, that's mean he feel comfortable enough. Don't forget his team manage to help him back to his form after injuries many times, I have faith in them. As for the nationals, the only pro I can see is to have one more comp before Oly. Kobayashi's words means to me that JSF fully support Yuzuru for whatever he does, just to be healthy and ready for Oly. Japanese media and FS experts have no problem with him being named for Oly team even with skipping Nats. I'm sure he and his team will make the best decision. I would like to send all positive vibe to Yuzuru right now. He'll be fine I believe.
  13. I also think this is similar to Evgenia's case. Rus fed revealed her injury 2 weeks before GPF and then the WD news came in about 1 week later. I think JFS might do the same with Yuzuru.
  14. I asked my Russian friend and she said this interviewer is famous for tweaking words and stuff out of context so we might not know what's exactly Nathan mean.
  15. Idk why some of you suspect JSF's statement. They repeated his words and its pretty clear. He's feeling better but there's still pain, and not do on ice training yet. Yuzuru could avoid to reveal his condition before competition but there's no way he exaggerate it. To me, this news is similar to Evgenia's case, which mean a pre WD announcement. We would hear more news soon, next week. I think its good that he and his team are extra careful and not in rush for comeback. Those GPF's performances might play a part. Back in Sochi, Dai had to skate at Nat when he's not ready because the men's field at that time was too deep, and he did not skate well at Oly either. What worries me the most is Yuzuru might has to skate at Oly after 4 months of no comp. But well, right now I just pray for the best.
  16. I think if he indeed skips Nat, he might do 4CC, then the situation might be similar to WC15. He did ok at WC15 and then skate way better at WTT which was 2 weeks later. Kobayashi-san said she would keep in touch with him more often so we might hear more news next week, but the fact they released this news today could mean there's high chance for WD. Yuzuru never appear when he's still in the treatment, its hard to be cheerful and smile when you're not in good condition, so I'm fine with him being under radar. And tbh, if Yuzuru doesn't know his condition the best, then who knows? Fans ? media? Brian ? Its his body and he is the one who skate, of course he knows it. Whether he decide to listen to his body is another question I hope we could all be calm and patient. I know its really difficult when all the things seem against him right now, but on the bright side, there's still 2 months until Olympic, not 2 weeks. I just want to see Yuzuru smile happily at Pyeongchang, at this point score and medal are the last things I care.
  17. They said the same thing about Satoko 2 weeks before Worlds as well....
  18. No. Top 6 in WS will do random draw for final group. I need to check how the skating order work back in Sochi, I dont think its random draw for all 5 groups, may be top 12 in WS divide into 2 last group ?
  19. OMG I didn't really expect this. Poor all the clean athletes. They are punished for the thing they didn't do. I feel so sorry for them, especially Evgenia
  20. I hope and think there's gonna be a good new. I couldn't imagine an Olympic without Russian.
  21. I agreed with this. I think since we couldn't see Yuzu on his birthday this year, fans want to do more project to support him, especially when he's trying to comeback from injuries. I think that bus stop ad is ok, maybe not the best thing, but far from anything negative. I still remember Yuzu took extra time to look at all his banner at ACI and COR, it could be a bit awkward but I think he's very grateful with any kind of supporting. Since we never know how he's gonna feel about it, why not think about it in a positive way ? IMO, as long as fans behave well and don't cross the line, everything's fine. May be I'm into kpop for a long time so I dont have any problem with this. Trust me, when kpop fandoms are in the war of showing off their strength, its pretty scary
  22. I laughed when I saw that ad space. IMO Its a nice gesture and its not that creepy. Its a bus stop near TCC, its gonna be real creepy if they do it in front of TCC, or hiding behind and scream "happy birthday" to whoever stop and see it. I think Yuzuru would appreciate it when he know even though he could feel a bit awkward at the same time. Yes, Canada is a place where he can live like an ordinary person, but I don't think one bus stop ad could change anything. And this is way far from stalking, its not like they put a camera into that ad
  23. Get well soon, Boyang. I'm glad he can rest and focus on recovery.
  24. I think that wine story is quite funny, i dont think it relate to his skating. The things happened at SC, the WDing from NHK and he's not practicing with coach right now didn't give me good feeling too. I just hope I'm wrong.
  25. I know its not something good when someone said he's in Vancouver a couple weeks ago. At this rate, I just hope to see him at Can national and Olympic but tbh, I dont have a good feeling.
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